What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)
Your Username: Shaunpai
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:63467374
Discord Username: ArcherOfLegend
Age: 21
What's your current playtime: 326 hours
Do you have a mic: Yes!
Your characters name: Grace 'Sanguine' Faldas - Foundation
Nova Ryder - Foundation Non Combative
Inex 'Jury' Richter - GOC
Craven Wayworth - CI (INACTIVE)
Phil R. - Civilian
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: 2nd App.
1st app:
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: 3 warns from back in March / All for RDM
1 warn for FailRP in December for hostile actions on Liquid Anima
How many hours can you be on everyday: I'm usually on for 3-5 hours every day, sometimes longer/shorter.
Your Username: Shaunpai
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:63467374
Discord Username: ArcherOfLegend
Age: 21
What's your current playtime: 326 hours
Do you have a mic: Yes!
Your characters name: Grace 'Sanguine' Faldas - Foundation
Nova Ryder - Foundation Non Combative
Inex 'Jury' Richter - GOC
Craven Wayworth - CI (INACTIVE)
Phil R. - Civilian
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: 2nd App.
1st app:
SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Shaunpai
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK) Your Username: Shaunpai Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:63467374 Discord Username: ArcherOfLegend Age: 21 What's your current playtime: 162 hours Do you have a mic: Yes! Your characters name: Grace "Sanguine" Faldas - Foundation Craven Wayworth - CI...

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: 3 warns from back in March / All for RDM
1 warn for FailRP in December for hostile actions on Liquid Anima
How many hours can you be on everyday: I'm usually on for 3-5 hours every day, sometimes longer/shorter.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: None.
Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I absolutely love roleplay in general. I have been an active roleplayer for a decade at this point, and being able to help others roleplay and to create roleplay situations would be a dream. I have also come up with several roleplay ideas I would like to play out, whether they be intricate scenarios or in-the-moment enhancement.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: Besides prior experience, I have a swathe of knowledge in regards to the SCP lore, both the popular and the niche, having read a lot of entries in my free time. I am active during low population hours, which means I can enhance roleplay at times where messing around is common, helping redirect server focus back to RP, and I am good at dealing with people during frustrating circumstances, keeping my cool when things go wrong.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
Plush Ducky
SCP-4579 is an entity capable of projecting a three-dimensional image of a plush toy resembling a juvenile duck onto any location within its line of sight. SCP-4579 is also capable of projecting a variety of other inanimate objects, with varying fidelity corresponding with its degree of familiarity with the item. While utilising this ability, SCP-4579 disappears from the visible light spectrum, but remains visible on infrared or thermal imaging.
Due to the breadth of Site65's research and medical team and their expertise, they have been gifted SCP-4579. They can research its capabilities and what it can produce and the medical team can try to dig deeper and learn more about SCP-4579's past and why he behaves in this manner. SCP-4579 would be found in the empty chamber in LCZ inanimate which allow anyone on site to interact with the SCP, regardless of clearance. Medical can perform interviews the SCP, RSD can test on it. Ethics can badger it, etc. An important point would be that SCP-4579 resents the foundation, and will take the chance to mess with others or breach when he is able to. The event would end in 4579 breaching to try and escape to the surface.
Tenor Sax
SCP-7915 is a ritualistic instrument, currently taking the form of a tenor saxophone. When used at night by a subject, regardless of experience with the instrument, they will perform a series of disconnected melodies. During this session, the Moon, regardless of location or visibility, will appear to move closer to the Earth.
The physical distance between the Earth and Moon will not change, however, the local area around SCP-7915 will experience the gravitational effects of the approaching Moon.
As SCP-7915-A is played, the subject will levitate towards the Moon until they've disappeared from sight.
This SCP would be found on surface, possibly in Pinewood Pub, with a GM Objective being the Saxophone. A Civilian (played by a GM) would play the saxophone and this would affect the gravity of a local area on surface, affecting people within the local area of Pinewood to have anomalous gravity. SOP and GOC would also be affected by this and their goal would be to find out what is causing this shift, as well as how to prevent it or stop it entirely.
The event ends with the Civilian disappearing into the sky at the end of the song, with the saxophone disappearing back to Site 115.x
The Mole
Rumors start circulating among members of the Chaos Insurgency about a possible mole. The mole would be a CI-A or B who decided to defect from CI and leave his old ways behind, but before he could be offered safe transport, he would have to leak information about CI plans to the foundation. These plans could be what the CI are planning to attack during a Main Raid, what points they're going to hit during an assessment raid, and if they have any plans of attacking Foundation on Surface. During the course of the event, threads linking the CI-A's betrayal would start to unravel and a clock starts ticking.
The GM would assume the role of them mole in this case, actively leaking some info on CI (although not everything as to avoid ruining their gameplay loop.) He would have to keep up the facade of being an active member while avoiding hurting foundation. This leads into sowing the seeds of his betrayal into the minds of fellow CI, whether it be him not using the standard entrance during a raid or feigning ignorance about DEA presence nearby him on surface. After a while, CI Delta Command would alert the Pinewood Chapter that Deep Cover intel has revealed there is a mole within the group, and that they have to be capture immediately, essentially starting a ticking time bomb that leads to the end of the event. This event could end in a myriad of ways, depending on if the mole succeeds or fails.
Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
Life on the seas.
Map Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=133911194
The foundation has financed a cruise for some of their staff, offering them to kick back and relax after years of hard work. There's fun in the sun, a pool on deck to kick your feet up, and dangerous SCPs locked up below! What initially seemed like a vacation for staff ends up turning into disaster as an engine failure caused by a reckless Engineer releases the SCPs from containment.
Even worse, speedboats quickly drifting up to the hull of the ship indicate that the Chaos Insurgency has found out about the SCPs on board and are now coming to release them and to sew general disaster.
It is up to the combatives on board to actively assist non combatives into getting onto lifeboats to help them get out of harm's way, fight off CI who are trying to board and take control of the ship and to recontain or terminate those SCPs!
A press release would happen after the event is over, trying to cover up the fate of the ship and email would be sent around department, requesting staff who were onboard to come in for a medical examination (An amnestication, as CL4/5 foundation personnel scramble to cover this incident up.)
Some passive RP that could happen is the site staff enjoying the amenities of the cruise ship, organizing small events to entertain themselves, while the researchers could test the effects of being at sea on the SCPs. The active part of the event would happen when the CI (or some other terrorist cell) invade the ship and try to take it over.
List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
O-1 "Law's Left Hand"
Ethics Member Abraham McDowell:
Righteo! I have just gotten word that the lovely current Captain of our General Security Department has been violating ethical testing procedure with D-Class, forcing them to partake in tests that were not approved by the committee, coercing them into sampling chemicals for his own stash, and performing illegal searches of their living quarters when there is no valid reason to do so.
Furthermore, it seems he has strong armed Internal Security into keeping quiet on these issues. Thankfully, a wonderful Sergeant blew the whistle on him.
Your objectives are to sow yourselves within the General Security Department, interview D-Class about the Captain's actions, and ultimately demonstrate that no one is above the law.
Don't disappoint me, over and out.
The GM would play the role of the Captain in this case, showing a very clear disregard towards D-Class during testing, opting to tranquilize them, beat them, etc. This would establish the pattern of abuse that the D-Class/Researchers/Sergeant can report. The GM can also 'place' a USB stick containing a video the Captain doing this abuse, and eventually end with his last stand against O-1, whether he surrenders willingly or forces them into combat.
A-1 "Red Right Hand"
Does the Black Moon howl?
In night and silence we guard against all that would make it wail.
Access Granted.
O5-4 "The Jubilant":
I will keep this short and simple as time is of the essence.
The final step of SCP-4470's regimen has gone into effect as O5-2 "The Disconsulate" has suffered a traumatic injury at the hands of Chaos Insurgency. You are to clone O5-2's body and set up the original and clone body for brain transplantation. Obtain assistance from the medical department if needed, but ensure their amnestication afterwards to prevent knowledge gestation during the transplant process.
Don't keep us waiting.
The GM would be spawning a lot of the props that A-1 would utilize during the roleplay, including the clone body that the O5-2 would be transferring into. CI would eventually try to raid and interrupt this event, either to kill O5-2 once and for all, or to try and intercept the transplant to get access to forbidden information due.
Nu-7 "Hammer Down"
Nu7 COM J. Danson:
Alright ladies, listen up. Reports from agents on the field inform us that the Mounties... err... Rangers of Pinewood have awakened as Type Greens. It don't make a lick of sense to me either, but I reckon it probably has to do with those uncontained Hume Fields that have run rampant recently. Guess they got too curious about what they do and now they've developed the ability to teleport around and body swap with people.
Our mission is to mobilize and capture these Rangers by any means necessary, while also making sure the Mayor doesn't suddenly get any funny ideas about his department of magical cops.
Clock in and load up.
The GM would provide the rangers with the reality bending SWEP and then pose as the mayor of Pinewood. Once a Ranger alerts the Mayor of being able to reality bend, the Mayor (played either by a GM or a trusted player) would begin to try and mobilize them to take full control over Pinewood. Nu7 would have to either eliminate the Rangers or capture them. GOC could potentially participate by assisting Foundation or the mayor.
E-11 "Nine Tailed Fox"
E-11 CSG Ted John K. :
What's the SITREP on lower light containment at the moment? Comms are going haywire.
E-11 LTCOM L. L. Limburg:
FUBAR. It's goddamned FUBAR. Do not come here without wearing some kind of biohazard suit or protective equipment. Some idiot in logistics mishandled a sample of SCP-534 that was being transported into the site for safekeeping and he accidentally de-pressurized the airlock. Now we've essentially gotten a biohazard in the air system that's eating people alive, turning them into massive clots that are necrotizing and spreading. Grab your decontamination foam and ensure that the entirety of LLCZ get's a deep clean. Enlisteds should be helping with setting up a quarantine in place. Do not let anyone IN or OUT until we've got this under control.
F**king hell.
The GM would create a new biohazard via GM swep that would spread. E-11 would have to ascertain what the symptoms are of SCP-534 and then proceed to try and prevent it from spreading to the rest of the facility. After they get their quarantine in place, they will then have to find ways to either cure it or contain it and prevent it from spreading.
Chaos Insurgency
Should intermittent vengeance arm again his red right hand to plague us?
CI-C MCOM Oden Kirkway:
We've gotten reports that something important is going down within the foundation. A surgery of some kind? Frankly I do not know the details, but I do know that it IS the surgery of someone important, and the swift assassination of this individual will cripple the Foundation's ability to operate. Deep Covers will assess the finer details of the operation to our attack teams when they get into position. Furthermore, if you are able to discreetly infiltrate the surgery and steal the finer details of whats going on or obtain
Strike hard and strike fast.
This event interweaves into the A-1 event. Delta Command (GM) would inform CI (using on screen message or comms) that the surgery is taking place and what their objective is to do. They are instructed to steal the details of the SCP-4470 regimen and obtain any knowledge they can during the knowledge gestation part of the surgery.
United Nations Global Occult Coalition
KTE-0154-Blackwood-Gorgon refers to entities resembling a quadrupedal Piñata.
KTE-0154-Blackwood-Gorgon has been spotted within Pinewood Eatery, an unassuming piñata that a chef has crudely acquired. KTE-0154-Blackwood-Gorgon will approach the victim, if possible, and begin to repeatedly batter them, causing the developing candy to pour out of the cavities created by the entities assault. If victims are removed from the area of effect, KTE-0154-Blackwood-Gorgon will cease activity, and the victim will perish either due to dehydration, asphyxiation, or internal bleeding.
PHYSICS is to swiftly neutralize and destroy KTE-0154-Blackwood-Gorgon as soon as they are able to establish contact. Heat-based weaponry will effectively destroy an instance of KTE-0154-Blackwood-Gorgon, removing it of its anomalous effects, however the only way to destroy KTE-0154-Blackwood-Gorgon candies is through acidic substances with a pH of 2. PTOLEMY will look into supplying these weapons for you.
The GM would play the role of KTE-0154-Blackwood-Gorgon, it would be a surface SCP that would attack others and batter them (potentially using a GMSwep or a standard melee of sorts). The acid PTOLEMY will provide can be a unique acid spray that can be given to PHYSICS in order to help them terminate KTE-0154-Blackwood-Gorgon.
Due to the excessive amounts of pandemonium in their day to day lives, Site Command has authorized for SCP-5031 to come onto site for a single day.
Site Staff will be served a 3 course meal whipped up by SCP-5031, afterwards enjoying a personally handwritten song to be performed by the SCP. SCP-5031 shall not leave their temporary containment of the EZ Kitchen and the stress levels of the SCP have to be monitored at all times to ensure it does not lash out.
A GM would assume the role SCP-5031. Site E&TS would be assigned to monitoring 5031's stress levels during the event as well as finding ways to mitigate them. Site Chefs would assist 5031 by providing him food during the cooking and other parts of the foundation could come into the cafeteria to request meals from SCP-5031 and enjoy his handwritten song.
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