Denied Revamp the Revamped SCP (079 Revamp)

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Game Master
Game Master
May 13, 2024
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
-Removes his ability to hack SCPS out
-Removes his ability to hack turrets/generators
-Grants 079 the ability to fuck with the foundation more, via swapping out dispensed items, or dispensing a live grenade which explodes once it hits the ground, an instant one, or via closing doors, locking them for a certain period of time (longer = more energy required, maximum would be 1 minute), talking into the foundation PA system (once again the longer he talks the more again, the maximum would be a 20 second override of the PA)
-Removes SCP-079's breach queue, meaning hes constantly active unless placed into timeout, which is via hacking a now reduced level 3, which puts the anomaly in time out for 10 minutes, unable to do anything but stay where he is until the 10 minutes are up, SCP-079's timeout has a cooldown of 30 minutes once he is free, giving him 30 minutes of freedom if someones camping his PC.
-Keeps the energy system, instead it'll be drained slowly similarly to something like bullet freeze when in use, it'll be drained when either locking a door for a long time or when hes using the PA, alongside just general energy drain via usage of his abilities, followed with cooldowns, similarly to a Type Blue.
-Bans his ability to infobreach solely because of his PA ability, he'll still know the info but the PA will redact anything he says that breaches information, such as information about scps or anything above a CL1, such as what the O5 is.
-Adds a clipboard to his inventory, no reason in particular, solely to switch out documents with what's on his clipboard, switching what the researcher has compared to what he has.
-Adds the ability to force cognitohazards onto personnel tablets and computers, and with the cost of all their energy (which WILL take a while to earn up to, putting SCP-096's face on someones personnel tablet.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I personally think nothing like this has been implemented or suggested, seeing how its a total revamp of the SCP, turning him into a "weaker" state on a base level, but allowing him to fuck with foundation more than before, being a more of a rascal and bother, alongside allowing those to play him whilst having fun on their own end rather than waiting hours to breach, then being contained in 10 minutes

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-079 players are allowed to have more fun, seeing how a few I have talked to say they only breach for the purpose of breaking doors and doing live grenades, it'll please them to know they can do that at a constant rate, without the door breaking of course, d block would be in chaos if he could break doors.
-079 is constantly free now, being able to freely do their shenanigans and only needing to worry about a 10 minute timeout if they're hacked back in, removing their ability to be recontained permanently, the SCP becomes fun to worry about and creates a bit more of a hazard for E-11 seeing how he isn't just "me hack, me rc" but rather having to deal with his shenanigans such as breaching 096 after a while, and causing general havoc with grenades and door locking.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
People might not exactly be the happiest with losing their ability to hack SCP's out, alongside turrets and generators, seeing how hes been fundamental for that usage for a long time in the server
Despite banning it, minges still do exist, SCP-079 could still be used for bad things and create a general annoying atmosphere around the SCP, which could lead to its CC being camped, meaning every hour it'll be unavailable for 20 minutes.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This suggestion turns SCP-079 into a rascal and an actual "threat" rather than thinking "me hack, me hack good", seeing how he'll be constantly active with what he can do, being a small threat constantly to the site when hes flagged on rather than being a big threat for 10 minutes, this suggestion could be accepted it could not, its just my personal take on the SCP and what they could do with it, I've just seen people upset by the current state of 079, downright insulting the SCP saying its not worth queuing for, going from a top tier scp to bottom tier, this suggestion would make it mid tier in my opinion.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Dopamine ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Reason: We believe that this overhauls 079 in ways we do not want. Furthermore, we feel that this would push 079 towards being used for things we don't want.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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