SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Benji 'Fox'

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What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)

Your in-game name: Benji 'Fox'

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44745236

Ban Reason: "Inappropriate Conduct"

Date of ban: 10/01/2025

Who banned you: Neptune

Ban length: 5 Days

What will you do to stop this from happening again: Not engage in behaviour that could upset other members of the community. And make sure that when I am in a position of roleplay lead that I take steps to make sure that others underneath my jurisdiction are always safe, protected and respected in a manner befitting their position as a player of the server and the community.

Why should you be unbanned: I feel the original clip provided lost a lot of context, it made it out to seem that nothing was done to rectify the situation, when the reality is that I lost control of the situation and it quickly got out of hand.

Original Clip for Context -

Expanded Clip from my POV:

Neptune's DM response;

As explained in the paragraph above, Yes I was trolling, Yes I was acting immature and being silly and when I saw it got out of hand I quickly got everyone out of the situation. I feel I have already been punished enough in losing my in-character position for this and a 5 day ban for this is not reflective especially when I was not really given chance to defend myself from a very obviously cropped video.

As for my ban history, in the past it has been rocky but I was , -was- on a long stream of good behaviour and made good contributions to server roleplay, health and activity and this was a slip up that will not happen again, I have changed. My intentions in this situation were never to put anyone in an uncomfortable position, a joke that went too far.


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Apr 11, 2022
Appeal Denied

Hello @benjifoxyy

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

After reading through your statements for the incident, and watching the clips provided, I understand why you would think that this punishment would be considered harsh or unfair, however with the lack of audio from your microphone we can only make sensible assumptions from the situation and clips provided.

From what we can see, you instigated the scenario by stating something regarding urine and toilets, and the E11 LT Responded with "are we going to give him a cup or make him drink it out of the toilet" showing you initiated this type of scenario. You continued to discuss it regarding the toilets, and another reponse to something you said was "I've been needing to go for a little while", also a clear comment and indication to what was being planned or stated.
There are more comments, responding to things you stated which all point to the fact that you did infact initiate this inappropriate RP, continue it even leading them to the bathrooms to conduct it and did nothing to stop it until it was over.

You also state you didn't have a chance to explain/defend yourself, however you had a chance with your DMs with Senior Admin Neptune, but your defense was "I didn't intend for it to become ERP" and "It should've never happened".

Feel free to make a demotion appeal if you think Site Administration was excessively punishing you.

Based on the above, no action will be taken regarding the ban on your history, and it will remain.​
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