[USA] Mark Asylums Executive Researcher Application

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Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 28, 2023
Florida, USA
Steam ID: 76561198096569680
Discord name: LexDash
For how long have you played on CN SCP: Two Years
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Mark Asylum, Codename: "Mesmerizer"
Civilian name: "LexDash"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
I held Ethics Committee Assistant, Internal Affairs Ambassador (Current ISD Inspector), Nu-7 CPL, CI A and, E-11 SPC
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
Nope I'm as clean as can be!
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
The Executive Researcher role is a roleplay position, for the most part that is why I am applying. I have, with the exception of ECA, have always had some role within the foundations combative side. MTF, Ambassador, GSD, and now I wish for something more relaxed this is why I want to be come an Executive Researcher. Furthermore I am working on a project for the Research department, bringing back the Chemical Research Board. The first time it was around I was a key player within the CRB and watched it grow until I passed it on to the other members. However, as some of you know that is not how it ended. With the failure of the past management and the CRB being shut down I aim to make the CRB what it was always meant to be a group of Researchers whose main focus is bettering the Foundation though the uses of chemicals.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
Being suitable for a job is personally something I don't believe in. While yes I do believe that there are better people for the job then some such as having experience for over months of work being a Ambassador for Internal Affairs showing leadership in a CL 4 role successfully. On the other hand being accepted by a collective of your peers to represent them as a Ethics Committee Assistant and create new and exiting role play for the departments you oversee as their ECA. Everyone can do a wonderful job no matter their skill set and abilities. No matter what background they came from ether server staff as a Admin and a Supervisor for the Resources Team. or someone just looking to better the site and the roleplay that comes with being an Executive Researcher.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
There are a plethora of excellent-grade documents written by my self, many have been put into the archives or have been deleted. I personally believe what makes a document excellent are these things here.

- Quality of Test.
- How well written the document is.
- The role play of the document and the connection to the rest of the foundations lore.
- And Presentation.

While all qualities are good if even one is lacking it can destroy the documents inception into foundation lore. Not claiming that every document needs to be prefect. I believe that excellent-grade documents need to be scares, for something to be excellent-grade it should be flawless. and not every document is. I believe if the researchers are doing their role play correctly they should always be striving to do better and bigger test. Involving Gamemasters, the staff team, the different groups around the site and even other GOIs, assuming we are on good terms with them.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
The duties are to keep the researchers in check when it comes to following the code of ethics and code of conduct while conducting tests on site. Executives approve test ideas from lower access Researchers and gives pointers for ideas on how they can improve. Executives should be logging in to their computers and grading documents that have been uploaded onto the computers and sorting them accordingly. Executives while not obligated but encouraged to be apart of the subdivisions that the departments offer to be figureheads.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
In the world of the SCP Foundation, LexDash was a dedicated police officer, unwavering in his commitment to upholding the law. His journey started with a cryptic transmission from dispatch, telling them to Gardner Cave, in the heart of Washington State. The initial reconnaissance revealed an unsettling sean there was clothing everywhere from what seemed to be hikers who had gone missing not too long ago.

Undaunted, LexDash ventured further into the underground abyss, LexDash yelled out into the cave "Washington State Police {Data Expunged}, are you there?" The silence hung in the air before being ruptured by an enigmatic laughter The ensuing moments remained a blur in their mind as an overwhelming disorientation and amnesia shrouded their senses. Amid the haze, he managed to transmit an open comms distress call, desperately reaching out before succumbing to an unexplainable unconsciousness.

LexDash is starting to wake up to a cacophony of unsettling voices, echoing the dire need for "VX deployment" and a somber directive to prepare for "MOPP cleanup" and "decontamination." The radio abruptly crackled with panicked voices. Struggling to regain his bearings, LexDash's gaze met a chilling sight their eyes locked with a colossal, crimson-hued reptilian creature, its mouth elongated in an eerie, canine-like visage. In the SCP universe, LexDash's journey had transcended the boundaries of the ordinary, plunging him into the abyss of the anomalous and the inexplicable.


It was a year since he was taken by the Foundation, and they offered him a job as an Internal Affairs agent. "They," told LexDash it would be just like how was, the only difference was where he worked. They lied. He escaped so many times, that the Jaws of Death was below and all around him. He found himself dealing with odd characters, researchers testing on these people they called Class-D. LexDash had always thought it was a bit weird that there were always people here to study, to use like rats chasing the cheese of freedom that would never come. Tech experts, engineers, and technicians were always trying to kill someone or break whatever they could get their hands on. LexDash had to change that.

LexDash worked days at a time, sometimes sleeping at the receptionist's desks. Months went by, and they diligently, worked on the Foundation, making it a safer and cleaner place to be. The Director gave them a position as an ambassador to oversee the people that LexDash once was. LexDash took it in a heartbeat, meeting all new people: "David," "Sledge," "Nikoli," and "Dolus." Of course, those aren't their real names. Why would I tell you that? They all had one goal: to make this site the best there was.

One day, LexDash got a letter from the ethics committee, they were summoning them to the committee's office. "What's going on, Did I do something?" LexDash thinks back on the actions they have takin over the last few weeks. "No... I didn't do anything worth a tribunal." I wonder what they could want from me.
LexDash shows up at the Ethics Committee office, Omega 1 is lining the halls all holding their rifles with such ease. "how long do they stand like that?" they thought not before getting cut off by the Lieutenant. "What is your purpose being here Ambassador?" He asked in a loud authoritarian voice. " I have a meeting with the ethics committee," they responded. The LT looked to his side and then motioned for LexDash to follow him. They soon arrived at an office with four people inside.

After introduction to the Ethics Committee Members, LexDash was made an Ethics Committee Assistant and worked with the Internal Affairs Department and Mobile Task Force Unit Nu-7 designated "Hammer Down". With the mounds of paperwork from two groups alone would drive people away from the Committee, but LexDash was determined. They learned everything they could from their members, following them to their meetings with the Directors of the other departments. But something wasn't right... The spark for the foundation was gone. "Why aren't I happy?" LexDash wondered, "I need to take a step back... judge my life from where it came from. And, I want to live not try and survive death every day." LexDash spoke. "This is truly what you want?" The Ethics Committee Chairman spoke. "Yeah, I want, for the first time I want something for my self." LexDash hung their head "Then it has always been the case." The Chairman responded. 'Wait, what? Just like that I could have left?' LexDash thought. Although they didn't think of much else as a gas leaked from the vents. The chairman put his Gasmask on. "We will await your further service to the foundation Mar..." The chairman's voice gets cut off due to LexDashes inability to stay awake from the gas.

And that is where we are today, right now. The rest of LexDashes story has yet to be told​


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Oct 30, 2024
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REGARDING: "Mark Asylum Executive Resesrcher Application"

Thank you for taking the time to apply for Executive Researcher. After a talk with the Leadership Team we have decided to ACCEPT your application. Please reach out to me on discord (lucifersmornigstar) to schedule your interview.


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