Denied Make enforcements actually enforcements

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 3, 2023

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Makes A1 and O1 enforcement actually enforcements. Giving them armor that is set at 150 - 250 (can vary), as well slowing them slightly from 1 to 0.9 or 0.8 (can vary)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Checked github, nothing about it.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

- The extra armor padding on their models actually make sense
- They would be able to actually do what their job title is of being a shield to protect against their VIPs

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

- Power imbalance for ISD (A1/O1) against the rest of the server.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted

This should be accepted because this makes sense for them, they have the extra padding on their models but don't have extra hp/armor. The extra padding on their models would make sense for them to have extra armor. Although this could be a power imbalance the slowness they would have would counter that.


Game Master
Game Master
May 13, 2024
+Support they done got GOC review bombing this, what'chu mean -4 votes i ONLY see supports for this, an enforcer SHOULD be an enforcer
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It's 4 slots for a job with only maybe 15/25 people out a small reg able to access it.

The job gets heavily monitored by SSL, and if you don't literally treat it like a unpaid career they'll remove you.

On average A-1 and O-1 are expected to spend 3-4 hours a day on the server and not slip up once, be it in or ooc, or you will be striked if not removed.

They often times are just background characters to other's RP because they're guarding RP Leaders, and often aren't meant to be involved more than a voiceless intimidating force next to them.

When they're not guarding the leadership of RP they're fighting codes 1-5 which are near constant or guarding points like 914 or HCZ to prevent a code 1-5.

Overall, O-1 and A-1 are the most stressful positions on the server, so them requesting a slight armor increase of 50 in return for slowing down them to 0.9 of normal movement speed when fighting groups with near double that on alot of classes with normal movement speed and much better guns doesn't (to me) seem that unfair of a deal. Especially when you take into account unlike any other group they constantly fight to prove they're fit to stay in their MTFs
QBZ literally has better stats than the KBAR
anywho +/-Neutral
Normally around the same page, but have to disagree with you here.

Kbar has a slight bit better stats than QBZ, and QBZ is also on a different job that's supposed to be infiltration (but sticks out like a sore thumb because it's a big ass QBZ, so you often won't pull it out until combat has already kicked off.), while Enforcement is supposed to be a point guard/front line fighter, while facing all other forces with more hp/better guns.

Enforcement carries the M249 and a Nova or Saiga-12 (or your perma gun), a deployable shield, and had 100/100 hp and armor.

This is facing other similar classes that fill the same or similar feilds but do it MUCH better. Like:
Strike team (better guns)
Juggs (better guns and armor and HP but lower movement speed [movement speed not necessary for the role it fills])
Or reality benders. (Instant kill moves on a class that can literally become a turret/unshootable and is normally drugged up on every combat chem known to man)

I feel it's a fair ask.
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