Denied Make enforcements actually enforcements

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 3, 2023

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Makes A1 and O1 enforcement actually enforcements. Giving them armor that is set at 150 - 250 (can vary), as well slowing them slightly from 1 to 0.9 or 0.8 (can vary)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Checked github, nothing about it.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

- The extra armor padding on their models actually make sense
- They would be able to actually do what their job title is of being a shield to protect against their VIPs

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

- Power imbalance for ISD (A1/O1) against the rest of the server.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted

This should be accepted because this makes sense for them, they have the extra padding on their models but don't have extra hp/armor. The extra padding on their models would make sense for them to have extra armor. Although this could be a power imbalance the slowness they would have would counter that.
This is facing other similar classes that fill the same or similar feilds but do it MUCH better. Like:
Strike team (better guns)
Juggs (better guns and armor and HP but lower movement speed [movement speed not necessary for the role it fills])
Or reality benders. (Instant kill moves on a class that can literally become a turret/unshootable and is normally drugged up on every combat chem known to man)
WTF is this yap

Juggs, CI as whole only gets 1 jugg. 3-4 AO enforcers can easily demolish 1 juggernaut. Plus M249P Can be considered better than both factions jugg weapons
Strike Team doesn't have better guns. M60 has terrible range and mid damage
Reality benders are a whole other thing, but at least for GOC thaum they can be very easily killed by one person with a Scranton. CI TB is harder but if you are experienced enough and have 2 other people you can kill them


Well-known Member
Nov 3, 2024
WTF is this yap

Juggs, CI as whole only gets 1 jugg. 3-4 AO enforcers can easily demolish 1 juggernaut. Plus M249P Can be considered better than both factions jugg weapons
Strike Team doesn't have better guns. M60 has terrible range and mid damage
Reality benders are a whole other thing, but at least for GOC thaum they can be very easily killed by one person with a Scranton. CI TB is harder but if you are experienced enough and have 2 other people you can kill them
This would make sense if we didn't only have 2 slots for enforcement. AO rarely work together in operations. Also if you die as a reality bender in a raid that's just a skill issue. M240B is really good same with the RPK. The M249s Rate of Fire combines with recoil typically make it not very accurate after like 3 shots. Don't get me wrong the M249 is really good, but mainly it only shines in defensive situations, I.E. when you have a shield deployed holding a door. Juggs just get melted all the time cause its normally some Alpha or PVT on the job.
WTF is this yap

1. Juggs, CI as whole only gets 1 jugg. 3-4 AO enforcers can easily demolish 1 juggernaut.

This would make sense if all 4 AO were in the room at once with the jug and weren't all funneling through the 1 man wide doors everywhere or locked in a hallway trying to push them. Any CI or GOC raid worth it's salt lead by someone with over room temp IQ won't just leave their jugg without a medic or have them waltz in the front door. They're going through vents and then holding a zone to slow down the attackers while the others either A. Hack. Or B. Also hold the point. If you ever fought a smart CI you'd know it is normally a chase for the foundation, making them funnel into a room. Not all stand in a zone CI is coming through. So they're not fighting all 4 AO at once, they're fighting 1 at a time as they squeeze through the door. If you can't kill people doing that with the RPK hit up aim labs.

2. Plus M249P Can be considered better than both factions jugg weapons Strike Team doesn't have better guns. M60 has terrible range and mid damage

I mixed up CI strike team with DELTA OP with PKM.

But if you really think the M60 has "mid" damage and M240B isn't one of the best LMGs in game next to PKM for non-SCP combat you need to lay off the chems. Also you say the M60 is bad at range but it's being used at close range, besides core bridge and HCZ crossroads (both avoidable) you ain't using it at long range. If you're using any LMG on surface that's a MASSIVE skill issue bro.

3. Reality benders are a whole other thing


4. but at least for GOC thaum they can be very easily killed by one person with a Scranton

If both their thaum get shredded by 1 Scranton they deserve to be demoted. 250 hp and 100 armor is insanely good. I've seen D-Class brutes shred a room with a M4 para, if GOC gets dropped because of a scranton that's just sad.

5. CI TB is harder but if you are experienced enough and have 2 other people you can kill them

If this happens they're never getting TB on a raid again. It would make sense if they weren't tweaking on AMX and Immortal Flesh, but normally they are, and again, 500 hp and 100 armor and you get shredded by 3 people there's a massive skill issue. Literally just pull out your gun and shoot back.
1. Juggs, CI as whole only gets 1 jugg. 3-4 AO enforcers can easily demolish 1 juggernaut.

This would make sense if all 4 AO were in the room at once with the jug and weren't all funneling through the 1 man wide doors everywhere or locked in a hallway trying to push them. Any CI or GOC raid worth it's salt lead by someone with over room temp IQ won't just leave their jugg without a medic or have them waltz in the front door. They're going through vents and then holding a zone to slow down the attackers while the others either A. Hack. Or B. Also hold the point. If you ever fought a smart CI you'd know it is normally a chase for the foundation, making them funnel into a room. Not all stand in a zone CI is coming through. So they're not fighting all 4 AO at once, they're fighting 1 at a time as they squeeze through the door. If you can't kill people doing that with the RPK hit up aim labs.

2. Plus M249P Can be considered better than both factions jugg weapons Strike Team doesn't have better guns. M60 has terrible range and mid damage

I mixed up CI strike team with DELTA OP with PKM.

But if you really think the M60 has "mid" damage and M240B isn't one of the best LMGs in game next to PKM for non-SCP combat you need to lay off the chems. Also you say the M60 is bad at range but it's being used at close range, besides core bridge and HCZ crossroads (both avoidable) you ain't using it at long range. If you're using any LMG on surface that's a MASSIVE skill issue bro.

3. Reality benders are a whole other thing


4. but at least for GOC thaum they can be very easily killed by one person with a Scranton

If both their thaum get shredded by 1 Scranton they deserve to be demoted. 250 hp and 100 armor is insanely good. I've seen D-Class brutes shred a room with a M4 para, if GOC gets dropped because of a scranton that's just sad.

5. CI TB is harder but if you are experienced enough and have 2 other people you can kill them

If this happens they're never getting TB on a raid again. It would make sense if they weren't tweaking on AMX and Immortal Flesh, but normally they are, and again, 500 hp and 100 armor and you get shredded by 3 people there's a massive skill issue. Literally just pull out your gun and shoot back.
1, Juggernauts are supposed to be stronger than AO Enforcers. Even with a medic after their armour is gone they have a max of 500 health. Your acting like they are supposed to be equals, but at the end of the day CI will have much less people than Foundation does. Quality over quantity

2, Skill issue bro. M60 has bad range, but using it in close quarters doesn't change the fact it has terrible DPS, and with how hit-reg works M60 is just ass. M240B can be amazing yes, but M249 Para is far better at close quarters, which is where AO are most of the time, and if your not in close quarters an LMG, womp womp


Thaum has 200 HP and 100 Armour, they also have 75 energy. The ARX normally 4 shots to the head and it fires fairly fast. This makes it a 6 shot, if you hit all headshots you cant react, and assuming the headshot multiplier is 2X then its a 12 shot. Thaums are supposed to have survivability, most of the time GOC will be far outnumbered. What your requesting is making a class with 4 AO slots, having each one have more health than a thaum

5, I aint in CI anymore, but from what i have seen the TBs on US CI have no innovation, there not good. Its rare I ever see the same dude on TB twice. Back in my day of CI, I gained many medals and merits from being able to kill hordes of MTF on TB. At the end of the day most TBs have a skill issue. There isnt really any way to change TB without either A: Killing CI population or B: Killing SOP Population
May 31, 2023
Des Moines, Iowa
1, Juggernauts are supposed to be stronger than AO Enforcers. Even with a medic after their armour is gone they have a max of 500 health. Your acting like they are supposed to be equals, but at the end of the day CI will have much less people than Foundation does. Quality over quantity

2, Skill issue bro. M60 has bad range, but using it in close quarters doesn't change the fact it has terrible DPS, and with how hit-reg works M60 is just ass. M240B can be amazing yes, but M249 Para is far better at close quarters, which is where AO are most of the time, and if your not in close quarters an LMG, womp womp


Thaum has 200 HP and 100 Armour, they also have 75 energy. The ARX normally 4 shots to the head and it fires fairly fast. This makes it a 6 shot, if you hit all headshots you cant react, and assuming the headshot multiplier is 2X then its a 12 shot. Thaums are supposed to have survivability, most of the time GOC will be far outnumbered. What your requesting is making a class with 4 AO slots, having each one have more health than a thaum

5, I aint in CI anymore, but from what i have seen the TBs on US CI have no innovation, there not good. Its rare I ever see the same dude on TB twice. Back in my day of CI, I gained many medals and merits from being able to kill hordes of MTF on TB. At the end of the day most TBs have a skill issue. There isnt really any way to change TB without either A: Killing CI population or B: Killing SOP Population
m60 is cooler though....


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hi @McMuffin ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

We as content do not want to buff Enforcements too much to the point that it would make them mini juggernauts. We do not want change the class balance around suchs jobs as well.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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