[UK] Executive Researcher William Collins - LORE

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Dec 25, 2024

-=ACCESSING PERSONEL FILE: Executive Researcher William Collins=-
-=PASSWORD: ############=-
-=Access Granted. Hello, O5-#=-


Legal Name: William Collins
Age: 41
Position: Executive Researcher at Site-65
Clearence Level: 4

William Collins was born in London, in the year 1983. He studied at Cambridge University, and has managed to get a doctorate in mechanical engineering and Bio-Science. On a fateful morning, as he went to work as a college professor in that same university years later, he was approached by a group of men in black suits, which turned out to be members of the Global Occult Coalition. They offered him a job at the GOC as a member of one of their task forces, to work as their technician. He accepted the offer, and went through intensive training, essentially training him in hand-to-hand combat, maintaining upmost secrecy when necessary, and trained him to be resilent during any kind of interrogation as a result of that. He has worked with GOC's "Shadow Walkers" for 5 years, mostly operating within southern parts of Europe. Later on, his affinity for science has been recognized by GOC command, and was then reassigned to their R&D branch, where he worked for 6 years, eventually becoming the Director of the R&D Branch. Thanks to his position as the director, he was let in on some of the GOC's most closely guarded secrets, including information on the Coalition's Central Command, which is the equivalent of the Foundation's O5, as well as various top secret projects, base locations, to name a few.

Overtime however, William has become increasingly more concerned about the way the GOC treats the anomalies, or as they call them, "KTEs". He has witnessed what was once KTE-0154-Blackwood-Gorgon, also known as SCP-953, all covered in burn marks, and, most alarmingly, witnessed the gruesome liquidation of an SCP-111 instance. After witnessing this, William has began searching through the GOC archives for any organisation that can help him escape from the Coalition's grasp. That is when he stumbled upon an entry describing the SCP Foundation, along with the location of Site-65. He then travelled to the site, to seek help with escaping the GOC, and that is when he found a man in a black suit approach him - it was a DEA Agent, pointing a gun at William. William was ready to give his life, just so the foundation could hear him out and let him tell everything he saw happen within the GOC. After the Agent saw the fear in his eyes and realized he has not come to attack the site, he holstered his weapon and brought him in for questioning on why he sought out the foundation. His intelligence was recognized by the foundation as well, and was given the position of junior researcher within the SCP Foundation, while remaining under close watch by the ISD due to his past connections with the GOC.

From this point on, he has managed to climb up the ranks, prove his unwavering loyalty, and become an Executive Researcher within the SCP Foundation. During this journey he has managed to take part in multiple large-scale projects, including Project Veilbreaker, which allowed him to make several breakthroughs in dimensional exploration tech. He has also managed to successfully create a weapon powered completely by a thaumatologically contained black hole, further enhancing the foundation's offensive capabilities. Now, he strives to bring the Research Department to glory, by making further developments and studies on other anomalies, to protect mankind as a whole.

-=Accessing Interview Log: GOI-0007-Omega=-
-=Begin Log=-

Interviewer: Agent [REDACTED]
Interviewee: William Collins, Ex-Director of the GOC's R&D Branch

Agent: Alright, please state your name for the record.
William: W-William, sir. William Collins.
Agent: Alright, William. Let us start from the beginning. How did you find the location of this facility?
William: Within...within the database of the Global Occult Coalition.
Agent: Wait, back up, did you say, the Global Occult Coalition? Why would you want to seek out the Foundation?
William: You have no idea...w-what they do to those...anomalies in there, or "KTEs" as they called them. They tortured them. Made them endure pain that should normally be reserved for terrorists. Hell, some could be considered normal people given their sentience and behavior.
Agent: Let us step back a little bit before you continue. What position did you hold within the GOC?
William: Initially i worked for the GOC's "Shadow Walkers" force. I was their tech specialist. Later on i was contacted by GOC Command and reassigned to the R&D branch. I climbed the ranks from there and became the Leader of the Branch for about 5 years.
Agent: Shadow Walkers? From what we know, only the most loyal GOC members are accepted into their ranks. Regardless, let us get back to what you had seen within the GOC. Would you please elaborate?
William: Right. I saw those soldiers bring in the KTEs, all in states of extreme damage. And sometimes? I've seen them bring civilians in...
Agent: Civillians? Do you know what did the GOC want with them?
William: They usually brought them in to gather more info on the anomalies they discovered. But judging by the sounds of gunfire coming out of the interrogation rooms after interviews with the civvies were concluded? They execute the civilians to make sure nothing about their true agenda gets out. Hell, i even witnessed another soldier, which might have been one of yours, all covered in blood, bruises and scars. They had a hammer insignia on their uniform...
Agent: I see. And why do you wish to join us here at the foundation?
William: I have done things i am not proud of. I contributed to the deaths of many civilians. I kept being told im helping humanity, but looking back at them now? I've become a monster...
*sounds of crying can be heard in the recording*
Agent: It's okay William. You are safe. Here at the foundation, you can truly contribute to protect mankind. We can offer you a place within the Research Department. Now please, come with me. I promise you, everything will be okay.
William: Thank you... The GOC must answer for what they had done. I will give you any information about the GOC that you require. I was able to get close enough to GOC Command that i was entrusted with some of their closely guarded secrets. If anyone deserves to have them, it is the SCP Foundation.
Agent: Thank you William. You have no idea how much you are helping us.

-=End Log=-

Jul 14, 2023
Interesting lore. I like the effort put in. Just a few things to note:

William Collins was born in London, in the year 1983
You do not know the amount of lores I have seen that start with this 😭 It's not bad, It's just I've lots count...

Overtime however, William has become increasingly more concerned about the way the GOC treats the anomalies
Could be replaced with... let's say: "Following the incidents described in [Insert_Incident_Report].html, William displayed characterstics synonymous with that of defective or treasonous personnel. To further assess William's standing with the veil, the Foundation hosted an interview [Insert_Interview_Report].html with him to assess his views on the GOC."... etc...

After the Agent saw the fear in his eyes and realized he has not come to attack the site, he holstered his weapon and brought him in for questioning on why he sought out the foundation. His intelligence was recognized by the foundation as well, and was given the position of junior researcher within the SCP Foundation, while remaining under close watch by the ISD due to his past connections with the GOC.
This could have been put into a seperate incident report?

From this point on, he has managed to climb up the ranks, prove his unwavering loyalty
Overused sentence. Could be replaced with a paragraph summing up each position he's held in a spoiler with fictitious feedback from superiors.

Overall good effort. I've seen worse and seen better. If you feel that you're interested in developing your lore further I'd be happy to provide detailed feedback on discord
Dec 25, 2024
Interesting lore. I like the effort put in. Just a few things to note:

You do not know the amount of lores I have seen that start with this 😭 It's not bad, It's just I've lots count...

Could be replaced with... let's say: "Following the incidents described in [Insert_Incident_Report].html, William displayed characterstics synonymous with that of defective or treasonous personnel. To further assess William's standing with the veil, the Foundation hosted an interview [Insert_Interview_Report].html with him to assess his views on the GOC."... etc...

This could have been put into a seperate incident report?

Overused sentence. Could be replaced with a paragraph summing up each position he's held in a spoiler with fictitious feedback from superiors.

Overall good effort. I've seen worse and seen better. If you feel that you're interested in developing your lore further I'd be happy to provide detailed feedback on discord
To be fair with you, this was my first time writing lore on this scale. My original plan for my character's lore (which i included in my exec app when i applied) appeared to be bland and boring. This is my attempt at... "sprucing it up" in a sense. It's not perfect, but it's not bad either.

But yeah, more detailed feedback would be greatly appreciated either way.


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Aug 25, 2023
Request Partially Accepted

Thanks for taking the time to make a PAC/Lore request.
I have decided to only partially accept this:

Your Lore has been approved, However, there were certain parts of it that the Server Team have decided to deny, which is the following :

- Important Documentation / Information regarding GOC, This cannot be used in Roleplay

your request will now be locked and marked as accpeted.​
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