Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:48881738
Discord name: doom.24
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: Poland
Time zone: GMT+1
Character name(s): Executive Researcher William Collins, DEA Agent William Collins (DEA is my secondary job, gonna move it to a separate character later on)
Civilian name: William Collins
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Executive Researcher
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 1 FailRP Warning.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
When it comes to performing duties related to OSAs, there is one rule i follow. Observe. Keeping eyes on the entire facility alongside the O5 Council is no easy task. And it was no different here in RSD. I may be gentle when it comes to casual talk or when performing small tasks around the site, but i am not afraid to get rough and serious if the situation calls for it (Of course, there are lines that i never cross in that regard).
When it comes to my activity and social skills: While i am able to play for up to 5h per day after 5pm GMT+1, i am still an introvert. That does not make me a worse human being however, and it does not hinder my ability to perform my duties, whether it would be RSD, DEA or Gensec or any other job. When it comes to performing assigned tasks, i try to perform them to the best of my ability. I am no stranger to secrecy either, and if, say, i am assigned to a classified project, i only talk about it with personel that are also assigned to it, and nobody else.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
While their primary job is to assist the O5 Council in their duties by performing tasks assigned by them, their duties also involve observing other departments, ensuring that they are doing their job properly. They are also responsible for running audits of personel bunks, further ensuring that foundation personel are up to the standards placed by the O5 Council. Occasionally, they are able to run research projects, albeit rarely. They also create fake documents, to be used against other GOIs like the CI or GOC, to allow easier infiltration of said GOIs by DEA for example. The rest however, is all dependent on the RP that the OSA members (and by extension, the O5) create around the site, as both O5 and OSA's duties are to create RP around the site.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
[UK] Executive Researcher William Collins - LORE
-=ACCESSING PERSONEL FILE: Executive Researcher William Collins=- -=PASSWORD: ############=- -=Access Granted. Hello, O5-#=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Legal Name: William Collins Age: 41 Position: Executive Researcher...
[UK] Executive Researcher William Collins - LORE
-=ACCESSING PERSONEL FILE: Executive Researcher William Collins=- -=PASSWORD: ############=- -=Access Granted. Hello, O5-#=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Legal Name: William Collins Age: 41 Position: Executive Researcher...

Years had passed since William managed to climb his way up to the rank of Executive Researcher. His past came back for him however, as he receives a cryptic message on his personal tablet, titled "We Know". Inside of the mail was a GOC logo, but covered in red, with a single sentence written below: "Treason will never be forgiven. You are Next.". It soon became clear to William that the GOC had found out about his defection and are now hunting for him. After collecting his thoughts, he went on to develop new types of weaponry and surveilance equipment, such as the HELIOS-45 High Orbit Surveilance Drone, with built in precise orbital combat capability. Thanks to this drone, William was able to keep tabs on the GOC hunting for him, and anticipate their movements. But he knew that it was not enough, and so he now strives to become an Overseer Assistant, to ensure that he can protect the foundation from the GOC, who will stop at nothing to eliminate not just William, but the foundation as a whole, for harboring GOC defectors.
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