Accepted Security Contaiment Unit HCZ Spawn

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Apr 2, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

It will add a spawnpoint for Security Contaiment Units role in HCZ.

To quote the description of the role, "Security Containment Units are responsible in assisting Mobile Task Forces with the recontainment of SCPs. They may also assist with the deployment of Scranton Reality Anchors to seal Hume Distortion Fields, If no orders are given, they may patrol in HCZ & LCZ to ensure that SCPs chambers are secure."

With SCUs main and almost only tasks being assisting in breaches and patrolling SCP chambers, similar to E-11. I think its only fitting that SCU gets A spawnpoint in HCZ.

There are very often repeated situations where SCUs are not able to do their job, with most breaching SCPs being housed in HCZ and E-11s protocol to lock blast doors during said breaches, most SCUs often face the same issue. Not being able to help with the breach, at least until one of the E-11 currently dealing with the breach comes to open it or until a CL4 member arrives, time varies from a few seconds to even a few minutes or not at all, like on low populations or with noncombative CL4s+ that don't wish to risk it.

While I understand the limitations for the rest of foundation Staff in response time and promoting of sending in teams due to wait intead of solo players. It really hinders the gameplay for a role designed to fight anomalies, not to mention that, in most cases, if you do happen to enter HCZ as SCU, it will not take long to get killed, repeating the whole process. Outside of helping SCUs utilize their arsenal more effectively, it will also promote their other perks like patrolling HCZ more easily and helping during tests on more dangerous anomalies.

As per where the spawn should be located, I gathered a couple of ideas from people on the UK server on where they would like to see a HCZ SCU spawn.

1. E-11 Barracks (Safe spawn, Ammo , Armory , Dispenser , Not too close to any POIs) (Some E-11 dont like it)
2. HCZ upper CCTV room (Safe-ish spawn, No ammo , No Armory , No Dispenser , Not too close to any POIs)
3. Next to the reactor (Not safe spawn, No ammo , No armory , Dispenser , Awfuly Close to reactor) (Personally Hell no)
4. Crosstest Observation room (Safe-ish spawn, No ammo , No armory , Dispenser , Close to 096,966,049,8837) (Personal Favorite)
5. Below the turret next to E-11 barracks (Safe-ish spawn, Ammo nearby , Armory nearby , Dispenser , Close to TGs, 9ks )
6. Stairs next to E-11 barracks (Safe-ish spawn, Ammo nearby, Amory nearby , Dispenser nearby , Not too close to any POIs)
7. Lower HCZ secondary checkpoint (Safe-ish spawn, No ammo , No armory , Dispenser nearby , Close to 035 and its a checkpoint)
8. Storage room next to 682s chamber (Not safe spawn, No ammo , No armory , Dispenser nearby , Awfuly close to 682)
9. Storage room in the Lower HCZ hallway leading to atrium from primary stairs. ( Safe-ish spawn, No ammo, No armory , Dispenser nearby , Close to atrium)

There where a lot of other ideas that I did not write here due to them being too close to POIs or simply too dangerous like "Next to secondary elevator" or "Next to upper HCZ tesla" , of course whatever suits CN the best.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Don't think it was. Did not find any.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

- Less time spent waiting to be able to do your job in HCZ.

- More opportunities to effectively use your earned role as SCU.

- Better support to E-11 during a locked breaches in HCZ.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

- SCUs being able to spawn in HCZ will hinder raiding CI,GOC and breached SCPs which may prove to be an issue for those players.

- There may be issues with backspawning depending on the location chosen.

- There may be issues with spawning camping depending on the location chosen.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

While there may be issues with Hostile Forces and SCPs having a less enjoyable experience with SCUs being able to quickly respond to any danger within HCZ. I still think this suggestion will really make SCUs primary role more enjoyable and just there. Their max number is 2. Not really changing the balance of powers that much.
Doesn't seem like a huge change, but it would have a huge impact on the way players see the role. It would make SCUs equivalent, if not superior, to E11 operatives due to their LMGs and highly versatile toolkit.

On combat balance, an additional 2 LMG-equipped units spawning in HCZ during raids is huge. Raids can happen because the defenders are often chasing the raiders while E11 spawn waves and locations are predictable. Adding an additional spawn point elsewhere, for a class as powerful as the SCU, that spawns as frequently and closer than most defenders, can make it near impossible to coordinate defensive holds without being picked off by the powerful LMG.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Approved

Hi @Arion ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

We like the suggestion as we like the idea of allowing Containment Units to spawn closer to the scps breached, however it may not be possible due to technical limitations at the moment

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as accepted.​
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