SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Florence Stallion

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Well-known Member
Apr 8, 2024

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Florence Stallion

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:556648512

Ban Reason: Servere Toxicity

Date of ban: 1/16/2023

Who banned you: Shine

Ban length: 1 day

What will you do to stop this from happening again: servere toxicity

Why should you be unbanned: so I was banned for toxicity even tho the admin didn't want to show me the clip And Yes I was saying fck you bitch when those d-class were dying we know each others so that's why I said it and I wasn't teaming up with SCP-076 I was pretending to break the door for him and SCP-912 was being stabbed to death gensec were being stupid so I let him in to help him out Like I said d-class said chef open the door even tho 912 was being stabbed and the gensec were not doing anything I have a clip of the staff not wanting to show proof of me teaming up with the scps and also the d-class that was trying to Kill me of coursed I said fuck you bitch for hurting me lol but the admin didn't want to show proof And I never open the door for d-class Just for 912 to get in and the fear rp the guy was really crying because I took a field kit and he said never mind just stop next time and then he try to arrest me when he said just stop and I said no wyd? to arrest me for picking up a field kit and then I just get banned for saying one time fck you bitch to a d-class that try to kill me? that's all for this unbanned appeal
Aug 19, 2024
Hey, @mrflashspam !

Thank you for taking the time in making an appeal.

You were not banned for Severe Toxicity. You were taken to a sit for FailRP, FearRP, and Toxicity. I then consulted with someone to determine if the actions could be deemed as NITRP, which they agreed and is what resulted in the ban.
To again, explain what lead to these actions -

FailRP: D-Class said "Chef, open the door and let us out", you then proceeded to turn around to see if anyone was looking, and you opened the door for D-Class whom were behind 912 in the testing line. You were teaming with 076, running around, not really following RP, instead pretending you were on a team with the SCP even giving him callouts to where people with containment beams are. You ran into D Block with SCP-076 for no reason. You are a chef, and should not be inside inner D-Block under any circumstance.
FearRP: You were put under FearRP by ISD (you had guns drawn on you), and you did not comply with their orders.
Toxicity: From the current and previous interactions with you, you called me lazy, and were telling me to shut up when trying to explain things for you. In addition, you were also saying rather rude things to the D-Class who were getting killed by SCP-076.

I hope that this can provide you with some insight :)



Well-known Member
Apr 8, 2024
Hey, @mrflashspam !

Thank you for taking the time in making an appeal.

You were not banned for Severe Toxicity. You were taken to a sit for FailRP, FearRP, and Toxicity. I then consulted with someone to determine if the actions could be deemed as NITRP, which they agreed and is what resulted in the ban.
To again, explain what lead to these actions -

FailRP: D-Class said "Chef, open the door and let us out", you then proceeded to turn around to see if anyone was looking, and you opened the door for D-Class whom were behind 912 in the testing line. You were teaming with 076, running around, not really following RP, instead pretending you were on a team with the SCP even giving him callouts to where people with containment beams are. You ran into D Block with SCP-076 for no reason. You are a chef, and should not be inside inner D-Block under any circumstance.
FearRP: You were put under FearRP by ISD (you had guns drawn on you), and you did not comply with their orders.
Toxicity: From the current and previous interactions with you, you called me lazy, and were telling me to shut up when trying to explain things for you. In addition, you were also saying rather rude things to the D-Class who were getting killed by SCP-076.

I hope that this can provide you with some insight :)

so calling you lazy expect for shut up and that is toxicity for calling you lazy?


Well-known Member
Apr 8, 2024
Hey, @mrflashspam !

Thank you for taking the time in making an appeal.

You were not banned for Severe Toxicity. You were taken to a sit for FailRP, FearRP, and Toxicity. I then consulted with someone to determine if the actions could be deemed as NITRP, which they agreed and is what resulted in the ban.
To again, explain what lead to these actions -

FailRP: D-Class said "Chef, open the door and let us out", you then proceeded to turn around to see if anyone was looking, and you opened the door for D-Class whom were behind 912 in the testing line. You were teaming with 076, running around, not really following RP, instead pretending you were on a team with the SCP even giving him callouts to where people with containment beams are. You ran into D Block with SCP-076 for no reason. You are a chef, and should not be inside inner D-Block under any circumstance.
FearRP: You were put under FearRP by ISD (you had guns drawn on you), and you did not comply with their orders.
Toxicity: From the current and previous interactions with you, you called me lazy, and were telling me to shut up when trying to explain things for you. In addition, you were also saying rather rude things to the D-Class who were getting killed by SCP-076.

I hope that this can provide you with some insight :)

but then again Sorry for my action I was Just kinda bit pissed and my bad for my attitude I had with you But besides those actions of gunpoint I don't find it fair how the guy just told me to be careful and don't do it again but try's to arrest me
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