What RP is this being used for? Is it an ongoing storyline with a defined plan? Or is it just your character for the foreseeable future?
PAC Requesting Approval
PAC Requested (Which job): Ethics Committee Member
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:460028580
Photograph of PAC: View attachment 20085
This pac will only be used on ECM & no others. Includes at the back is a medic model that moves with the chair. This does not alter any hitbox & is purely cosmetic
Still brainstorming ideas on that one. Couple suggestions i had for it was basically an overtime effect of my characters age, & lack of sustainable blood supply i would "extract" from F personnel (in lore i am a vampire). Similar idea for the overtime effect would be like after sustaining heavy damage from emergency codes.What RP is this being used for? Is it an ongoing storyline with a defined plan? Or is it just your character for the foreseeable future?
i can remove the cup & cablebro pulled out the cup phone from grown ups there is absolutely NO WAY