SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Dylan Denver

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Dylan Denver

Well-known Member
Dec 25, 2024
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Dylan Denver

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:545136646

Ban Reason: Contact SSL

Date of ban: Sun Jan 12 01 : 38:03 2025

Who banned you: 'Pluto'

Ban length: Permaban

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will actually stop messing around on this server and I fully understand the minge group thingy, but that was just something I was trying to get started with and I messed up. I agree, and it won't happen again. I will also be reading the rules and not disregarding them/Ignoring them. I won't be advertising people's names again, or rather minge groups. It's my fault and I understand that, but what I don't understand is the other reason like am I supposed to say that name or is it like blacklisted or something I don't really know to be honest. I didn't know saying the discord name in LOOC was something that could get me banned. I'd really like to get in contact with the admins more about this situation too, mostly because I want more understanding of what the reason was. Lastly, I will give you any information you need on this including the minge group I was trying to start. I will do anything to reverse the ban. I am in a group it is PAM right besides my other startup group. In conclusion I understand my mistakes and what I have done, and I am very sorry for trying to start a minge group/advertise and trying to get someone that I shouldn't have been contact be someone, I understand the alarm of the situation it is my fault I also understand I shouldn't be starting or advertising minge groups.

Why should you be unbanned: I am writing to request respectfully that my ban be repealed. I believe this has all been some kind of misunderstanding. I am not Steven or Bryce, and to be quite frank I don't really know who these people are, I guess someone was trying to get me over to do something. I didn't fully understand why they were trying to get me to contact this Steven person or what their plans were and I'm very sorry for this.
I humbly ask if my permanent ban could be changed into a temporary one of 3-6 months or if possible lifted. I can confidently say that I am not a very disruptive player, and yes sometimes I do minge on the server. I understand that, and I've learned my lesson from this. Contrarily, and if I get unbanned, I will stop minging around and this server and take the time to read the rules and get to know them. I also plan to completely stop minging as a whole. I usually decently roleplay with other members of the community. This was just a mistake on my part, and I realize now that I made a mistake, and I understand it and I get it. I also know can be annoying to have to deal with minges all day and I get that, I am very sorry for what I have done, and I'd like to get back to playing this server, this server truly is a one of a kind to be honest, and I have had so much fun on this server.
I love being a part of this server and when I get or if I get unbanned, I will try to actually help add to the community as a whole. I take pride in my roleplaying and always try to make my roleplays fun and engaging for others. This server has been a big part of my online time, and I really do value the friendships and relationships I've built here. I also plan to completely restart how I play, and I plan to leave PAM and leave minging behind as a whole. I was just starting a small group, and I now realize that I made a huge mistake. I can confidently say I won't do this again if I get unbanned. I hope you can consider my usual conduct on the server and find this as an accident. Thank you for your understanding and consideration of my request.
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