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Lloyd "Liam" Llewlyn

Well-known Member
Jan 7, 2025

Discord name: Luke Liam Llewelyn

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 4 Days 11 hours 58 minutes 40s

Age: 17

In what country are you located?: Wales

Time zone: GMT

Character name(s): L. 'Draig' Reacher

Civilian name: N/A

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:

Yes I do

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

ISD only

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

No i haven't

Why are you applying for Internal Security Inspector?

I am applying for Internal security Inspector because I belive I'm a suitable candidate for the role I have had a superior time in ISD as Investigator. I am rated highly by my peers and am always helping my department especially with my peers of Inspector and Commissioners I have made plenty of Arrest reports taken part in a few Audits on site and have also taken part in operations and meetings with Site advisors. I am one of the best Inspectors on the job currently. I am always on the job while on site get along with a lot of my department. I'm always around sight making sure no one is breaking the foundation legal codex. I always aim to be in a calm and polite demeanour when around site. I also get along with a few foundation members and always like getting along with people.

What makes you suitable for Internal Security Inspector?: I believe i am suitable for Inspector as I am rated highly. I am good at everything I do as ISD I enjoy my time as ISD and like I've said get along with the rest of my peers in the department. I can hold a position of this clearance as I belive i am strong enough and smart enough not to go around throwing classified information around i hope to become also become Commissioner one day. I am feel like i am experienced enough to become Inspector as I have done everything right and have never had a report about me being opened.


What do you think describes an ideal Internal Security Inspector?:

For me an ideal ISD Inspector is always helping your department always being there when needed unless occupied always be calm and polite around site and help with Audits operations documents while also giving agents/operatives tips on how to become the ideal ISD member and in general doing there job correctly as I've seen a few Inspectors being corrupt. My ideal Inspector personally is Merlin. Merlin is the prime example of what a inspector should be in the ISD wing always helping here and there mostly first ISD member on scene when needed always shows up for interrogation when needed and always manages to get an arrest without having to terminate.

How many major, roleplay-serving documents have you written? What makes a document of this nature good in terms of quality?: I've written a a handful of Arrest reports while in ISD and for me you need. Good punctuality Don't make it short as I need to have a lot of effort to explain what happened during said Arrest including

•Arrest overview including Charges and date of Arrest

•incident description including Date location and names of personnel including the ISD member who arrested

• Any evidence provided

• The conclusion of the Arrest which must include the FLC charge the name of person arrested and the time they got arrest for this also must include the signature of you and the signature of an Inspector+


What are the responsibilities of the Internal Security Inspector in RP?: The responsibilities of an ISD Inspector include Trainings helping Inspectors agents and operatives while also given a hand to Commissioners and Department directors while also making documents about lower ranking members of ISD and making sure they are dealt with or given a helping hand on how not to be an issue and get fired from ISD Inspectors in ISD are highly appreciated as while they are CL4 they are more combative and patrolling than Commissioners and Department directors. For interrogations they should always be inside the chamber during this as there interrogation skills are sublime.


Please elaborate on why you think you'd be a good leadership position holder for Internal Security: I have the experience to do well as Inspector as many of my peers have been wanting me to go for ISD Inspector which has made me proud and also made me realise I'm doing a fantastic job as ISD investigator and I just want to help people like i usually do and being Inspector can help me to help others more as I can give experience to lower ranked members to get better as ISD


Please give some lore about your Internal Security Inspector character and what storylines they would be involved in: I could be included in i belive any storylines I am in the Reacher family along with Merlin and another this has only been for the past few days my lore about my character starts with being in MI6 and spending years there before joining the foundation then eventually joining ISD and there's nothing stopping me from not doing any storylines and I enjoy storylines and events in the foundation which makes roleplay pop when it comes to it. My characters Full name is Lloyd 'Draig' Reacher Draig being Welsh for dragon buy can also mean Warrior or leadership.
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