[UK] Broda's Ethics Committee Member Application

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Doug 'TrippleD'

Senior Moderator
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SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 19, 2024
Hello Doug,

I'll have to disagree with all of your points here and I'll explain why:

- The current ECMs in my personal opinion are not ready to be the Chairman but I won't put them on blast here as that is unfair to them. They are of course entitled and encouraged to apply as the decision at the end of the day sits with SSL.
- I do want the position as it was one of my most enjoyable roles prior. I've come to learn that my enjoyment is presence and roleplaying with others frequently, rather than locked away somewhere like Floor 3 where you have to wait for people to come to you.

If you refer to a section in my application it goes over details on how I would aim to mentor the current committee to realign them to what should be happening on the server. This is through various means such as:

Tanhoney's Proposal: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/tanhony-s-proposal

This proposal is what the server is based off and I created my O5-1 'The Sovereign' character based off of this. (He used SCP's to live longer, The Committee allowed it to preserve knowledge and talent). I'd bring Ethics back in line with this again and create stories revolving around it.

There is of course the core component article that all ECMs should be using: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/ethics-committee-orientation

If you have any more questions, or anyone for that matter, I actively encourage you to ask them here or privately if you wish.

Thank you again for your comment Doug and appreciate it!
Hiya Broda,

I initially said that you shouldn't apply for ECC as it may take up slots for others. Reviewing recent work done by current ECM's, I feel you have a valid point here in some areas, although others could still apply and potentially also excel in this position (other ex-ecms)

If its a position you really think you will enjoy and are sure of that, go for it and I encourage you to do so, knowing you can do great work in the position.

I also do appreciate how you are looking more towards keeping the Ethics Committee closer to lore accurate and I would love so see something like that as it enhances roleplay further.

Regardless, thank you for your reply and good luck on your application Broda!

i like you Broda and we all know you're capable

but whats to say that you're not going to leave a few weeks, or a month in

if my memory serves me right, i faintly remember you expression your dislike of CL5 roles
I grew to understand my dislike primarily is the isolation of some of the CL5 roles, as stated in my reply to Doug. This means O5 for example, you are quite isolated on Floor 3.

In terms of leaving, No. I won't be. Please bare in mind I have been in the SCP CN community for 3 Years now and that's quite some time, Breaks are warranted for the effort I've invested into the community. Regardless though I do appreciate your kind words in your comment, It does mean a lot to me :)
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