[USA] ISD Inspector application

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jose pipu

Active member
Jan 23, 2025
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
3 months
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Jose pipu
Civilian name:
Juan pipe
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- E11 SPC, ISD investigator

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 2 warnings for toxicity, using R word

Why are you applying for Internal Security Inspector?
- Because i want to reform the efficiency of not only the department, but the foundation in his law system, helping to find vulnerabilities, improve staff efficiency at ISD, also ISD was the department i were most active at this point, i think i'm could be a great contribution to the department, and finally cause mostly i dont like the people who ruins the RP of others, causing troubles, and help to end up this injustices.

What makes you suitable for Internal Security Inspector?:
-applied to rules great part of the time, always trying to help people, like to be dirrectly in the point, also been in multiple situation of RP, not only with ISD but also with gensec mostly, and learn multiple things about the procedures of the foundation, and not only the normal situation also peculiars one and I learn quickly from my mistakes, i can inditify when i wrong and i will accept that without discuss.

What do you think describes an ideal Internal Security Inspector?:
- applied, profesional, relaxed but serious when needed, applicate punishments when is neccesary, indicate what can be improve or what can't be not improve, reasonable, efficient, know where to put limits, be reasonable to the people and his personnel under his command, and help the people understand the law.

How many major, roleplay-serving documents have you written? What makes a document of this nature good in terms of quality?:
- None at the time

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Security Inspector in RP?:
-Lead Investigators, Agents and operative's of the ISD, and make sure that ISD personnel are doing they job correctly, apply punishment and corrective actions, make sure the correct application of the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct mostly in the high rankings of the SCP foundation, also teach and give knowledge to the new personnel not only of ISD but of the foundation of how the COC and COE works and for why they exist

Please elaborate on why you think you'd be a good leadership position holder for Internal Security:
-help or give the time to make a explanation of something to a person, also i can provide always of another point of view of a situation if is needed, but also i will not tolerated the breaking of rules and will applied a fair punishment for it, making a Roleplay that will be rewarding and fun for others, also most of the time i will serious but try to help the people, be at certain point reasonable, about why some people do something that break the COE or COC, i know much people do certain things cause they just bored from the regular rp, but need to put that's not a excuse for what they do , still know they need to be punish

Please give some lore about your Internal Security Inspector character and what storylines they would be involved in:
A just promoted inspector that come's from site 34 from the spanish branch of the foundation, he was before a GSD but join ISD after saw people breaking the COE multiple times, before being part of the foundation its was part of the Argentinian Army Blue Helmets program, in a mission in a little town in the continent saw a strange paramility group, they got engange with that group that appeartly had a strange red dog without eyes, after a while in combat another military group appears helping the Blue helmets, this other group were the SCP foundation, seeing the value of the inspector, they offered a job as foundation personnel that he accepted, first being placed in site 34 to end up at site 9.
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Major -support

Roughly a week ago I was on site as an ISD agent with an acquaintance of mine who was on the overseer assistant job who verbally allowed me to take his disguise. Jose proceeded to metagame us (he noticed our outfits were the same but our names were "assistant" and "agent") and harassed us to end what we were doing because it's "not allowed."

He arrested me and brought me to the on site inspector who told him he couldn't do anything about it since the assistant literally told them I could have his disguise for touring the site. He came off as very toxic throughout this entire engagement and very stubborn about getting his way.

A week later I was on researcher with a buddy of mine and Jose found me. He started harassing me about the assistant incident and said he was going to get me job banned over something I had permission for and was generally a non issue. (I have a short clip of this one).

Let me say I understand if taking an assistants disguise does not go by the book, but I feel as though this was handled incredibly poorly by Jose and I don't believe he is ready for a leadership position. I fear that without someone reasonable to keep him in check (the inspector on the assistant incident day, for example) he will rampantly job ban and punish people wrongly.

jose pipu

Active member
Jan 23, 2025
Major -support

Roughly a week ago I was on site as an ISD agent with an acquaintance of mine who was on the overseer assistant job who verbally allowed me to take his disguise. Jose proceeded to metagame us (he noticed our outfits were the same but our names were "assistant" and "agent") and harassed us to end what we were doing because it's "not allowed."

He arrested me and brought me to the on site inspector who told him he couldn't do anything about it since the assistant literally told them I could have his disguise for touring the site. He came off as very toxic throughout this entire engagement and very stubborn about getting his way.

A week later I was on researcher with a buddy of mine and Jose found me. He started harassing me about the assistant incident and said he was going to get me job banned over something I had permission for and was generally a non issue. (I have a short clip of this one).

Let me say I understand if taking an assistants disguise does not go by the book, but I feel as though this was handled incredibly poorly by Jose and I don't believe he is ready for a leadership position. I fear that without someone reasonable to keep him in check (the inspector on the assistant incident day, for example) he will rampantly job ban and punish people wrongly.
please read the section 2.1 of the agent handbook... also i admit i was wrong in the part of the reseacher but i didnt not harras you, i didnt know you had to be in the job that had to be job ban.


Well-known Member
Jun 28, 2024
Application Denied

Hello, @jose pipu

After a discussion with our Leadership team we have elected to DENY your application for Inspector. Please get into contact with me if you would like to know more.

You may reapply in 2 weeks.

Deputy Director of Internal Security, Adam 'Red' Renkov
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