- Jul 11, 2023
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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:200378814
Discord name: mr.festive
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 Months 14 Days, 2 hours.
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Jimb "Klatch" F | CI Klatch 'Crabber' | GOC "The Crustacean"
Civilian name: Bob Harit
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: E-11 SGT held x2, Nu7 SGT held x2, CI-G held, O-1 SGT held
GOC GEN holding, CI-B holding, CM WL holding
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 1 FailRP warn, expired.
Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?: I'd like to further join the medical team and have fun. I feel like I would be a good addition to the medical team because I am on every day, not saying that medical consultants aren't online everyday.
What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?: I know my ways around medbay, I know how to make all the cures and most chems. I have also had quite a amount of time with playing medical / using medkits and such. I know medicals protocols and the laws that we have. I used to be a consultant for a few months, so I know the responsibilities of such.
Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice: Honestly I feel like my favorite and easiest procedure is dealing with fractures and broken bones. First off you would have the patient lay down on the X-Ray machine and afterwards it would show the specific arm / leg that is broken. Once you find out which arm or leg is broken, you would use the !medic command to spawn in the correct vial of medicine, spawn in a beaker that you can put those vials into. Then putting the medicine in the beaker into a drug jar you also have to spawn in, afterwards ask the patient to drink / use the jar of medicine, if everything goes well then your patient should be all healthy and happy walking out!
What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?: The responsibilities of a Medical Consultant in RP and in-game are to protect and enforce medicals laws and protocols, answering any questions that doctors or anyone around the site has about Medbay or the Medical Department. Overseeing new doctors and trainees, and making sure Medbay is calm and collected, and not in a flurry of chaos. Another thing that Medical Consultants do around the Site is make sure that trainees who do not have there licenes get there license if and when they request to take the test, if they do have the correct levels and such. As well as making sure nobody does anything that makes the Medical Department look bad, and if so removing there Medical License. Also hosting CM tryouts for those who need the whitelist. Needless to say another thing Consultants will do around the Site is just heal and cure Foundation members of any injuries or sicknesses they may have.
Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Jeff was just a standard Combat Medic in the CAF, unrelated to the foundations "CAF". He had served a tour in Afghanistan, so he had experienced his fair share of combat and brutality. But there was always something missing in his life it seemed like. From others perspective it seemed like Jeff almost had it all in his life, he grew up in a good wealthy family, had a good relationship with his family and sibling. One of his favorite activates funny enough was just sitting down or a cup of coffee and chatting, which from time to time he did have with his family when he had leave from the CAF. He eventually decided enough was enough for him, and left CAF to venture off and find something else to do with his life. He quickly became the exact thing he used to be, a doctor. Though he did not serve in the Armed Forces anymore, he still always seemed to find his way to someone injured. One day he was just strolling down the street when an unknown anomaly bursted down the street, quickly tearing apart people and objects near to it. MTF Pi-1 (“City Slickers”) was already on-scene dealing with the said anomaly, quickly taking care of said anomaly and containing it sucessfully. Meanwhile Jeff was dealing with the injured and dead that were already on-scene, he noticed the creature that had been tearing apart people, but he put it aside and did his duty as his Hippocratic oath said. He rendered aid to the injured and only then did he notice that there were several groups of Law Enforcement, one of them being another Regiment called MTF Iota-10 (“Damn Feds”) who were quickly dealing with the watchers who witnessed the event, and using amnestics on them and sending them on there way. However, once they pulled Jeff aside, they had taken a notice of how well he had handled himself in this situation with something that could've torn him apart without a thought. They gave him two choices, either join there organization called the "SCP Foundation", or forget this entire thing happened. They let him know that his skills would be useful in there organization, and he decided to accept it, from there his life would change all together. Due to him joining the secret organization, he had to change his name and to know that he was leaving everyone in his past life behind him. The new name for himself he decided, was Jimb.
Discord name: mr.festive
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 Months 14 Days, 2 hours.
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Jimb "Klatch" F | CI Klatch 'Crabber' | GOC "The Crustacean"
Civilian name: Bob Harit
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: E-11 SGT held x2, Nu7 SGT held x2, CI-G held, O-1 SGT held
GOC GEN holding, CI-B holding, CM WL holding
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 1 FailRP warn, expired.
Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?: I'd like to further join the medical team and have fun. I feel like I would be a good addition to the medical team because I am on every day, not saying that medical consultants aren't online everyday.
What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?: I know my ways around medbay, I know how to make all the cures and most chems. I have also had quite a amount of time with playing medical / using medkits and such. I know medicals protocols and the laws that we have. I used to be a consultant for a few months, so I know the responsibilities of such.
Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice: Honestly I feel like my favorite and easiest procedure is dealing with fractures and broken bones. First off you would have the patient lay down on the X-Ray machine and afterwards it would show the specific arm / leg that is broken. Once you find out which arm or leg is broken, you would use the !medic command to spawn in the correct vial of medicine, spawn in a beaker that you can put those vials into. Then putting the medicine in the beaker into a drug jar you also have to spawn in, afterwards ask the patient to drink / use the jar of medicine, if everything goes well then your patient should be all healthy and happy walking out!
What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?: The responsibilities of a Medical Consultant in RP and in-game are to protect and enforce medicals laws and protocols, answering any questions that doctors or anyone around the site has about Medbay or the Medical Department. Overseeing new doctors and trainees, and making sure Medbay is calm and collected, and not in a flurry of chaos. Another thing that Medical Consultants do around the Site is make sure that trainees who do not have there licenes get there license if and when they request to take the test, if they do have the correct levels and such. As well as making sure nobody does anything that makes the Medical Department look bad, and if so removing there Medical License. Also hosting CM tryouts for those who need the whitelist. Needless to say another thing Consultants will do around the Site is just heal and cure Foundation members of any injuries or sicknesses they may have.
Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Jeff was just a standard Combat Medic in the CAF, unrelated to the foundations "CAF". He had served a tour in Afghanistan, so he had experienced his fair share of combat and brutality. But there was always something missing in his life it seemed like. From others perspective it seemed like Jeff almost had it all in his life, he grew up in a good wealthy family, had a good relationship with his family and sibling. One of his favorite activates funny enough was just sitting down or a cup of coffee and chatting, which from time to time he did have with his family when he had leave from the CAF. He eventually decided enough was enough for him, and left CAF to venture off and find something else to do with his life. He quickly became the exact thing he used to be, a doctor. Though he did not serve in the Armed Forces anymore, he still always seemed to find his way to someone injured. One day he was just strolling down the street when an unknown anomaly bursted down the street, quickly tearing apart people and objects near to it. MTF Pi-1 (“City Slickers”) was already on-scene dealing with the said anomaly, quickly taking care of said anomaly and containing it sucessfully. Meanwhile Jeff was dealing with the injured and dead that were already on-scene, he noticed the creature that had been tearing apart people, but he put it aside and did his duty as his Hippocratic oath said. He rendered aid to the injured and only then did he notice that there were several groups of Law Enforcement, one of them being another Regiment called MTF Iota-10 (“Damn Feds”) who were quickly dealing with the watchers who witnessed the event, and using amnestics on them and sending them on there way. However, once they pulled Jeff aside, they had taken a notice of how well he had handled himself in this situation with something that could've torn him apart without a thought. They gave him two choices, either join there organization called the "SCP Foundation", or forget this entire thing happened. They let him know that his skills would be useful in there organization, and he decided to accept it, from there his life would change all together. Due to him joining the secret organization, he had to change his name and to know that he was leaving everyone in his past life behind him. The new name for himself he decided, was Jimb.