Blue's goodbye

Hi everyone!

I have joined civil networks back in Jul 25th 2022, I have been in this amazing community for almost two years now. CivilNewroks has had quite an impact on my life (without being dramatic). I have met some amazing people, made some amazing friends, and learnt a lot just from playing in this community. As a teenager, it taught me how to intract with people, and also helped me improve my english A LOT.
The main reason for me leaving, is that I have just lost intrest in playing the game, as I have been here for two years now. I am also going to be moving into an important stage of my life in the comming years , and I need to get ready and prepared for that. So I will not have time to play.

Here are some honrable mentions to people who have had a impact on me playing:

@Cheetah - Best person in this server, great friend, and best senior admin to exsist in my opinion
@Ellie Best CS to ever exsist, and good friend.
@Yeke - Thank you, thank you for giving me a chance at being a senior administrator, and thank you for all the help and work you have put in.
@Critical - Best mentor to exsist in life, this dude is a LEGAND
@Auburn - Thank you for all the help you provided to me, and everything you have done in the past to help me get to where I am now
@Naffen - Best super admin to exsist, you do a lot that isnt being noticed, but thank you for always being truthful and helping
@KingViper115 - Thanks for mentoring me to be a staff member
@Kayla @Revolutionary - Amazing administrators and freinds, nice knowing you guys
@Raixin - Best US senior
@McMuffin - Best US admin
@Sven Sky - Thanks for all the help you have provided , it is appreciated

@Johnson J. Marauder - Thank you for giving me the chance to become a MCOM, and always helping me when I needed it.
@Niox - This dude here, is like the einstein of the ci, amazing guy
@Bananolas - Suiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
@Noah wilams - Cooked to hard and burnt the cooking
@Richard Mann - Great dude
@jax - Great dude, good luck on getting to your goals

Other people
I forgor, too many to mention

Final note
I have been wanting to say this for a long time, but couldnt. My birthday was on June 7 2010, which means I am currently 14 years old. I got admin at 13 years old, which means that if you dont be a stupid, and act profesionally, you will get what you want no matter what. (I am sorry to NL that I lied, I just could not wait to apply for staff)

Thank you everyone! love you all
ex Senior administrator & Ex CI-C MCOM 'Blue'.
o7 always believed in me getting staff


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Group Moderator
Mar 17, 2024
o7 Blue

Thank you for teaching me the ways of platform (even though im still helpless at it Please come back @McMuffin scares me)

The fact you are 10 years younger then me just blows my mind what the heck but none the less one of the most mature players i've met in my 14 years of gmod (crazy thats the your age bruh)

Can't wait to see you in a week when your addiction comes back!

Adios from your favorite emu fighting kangaroo eating Aussie
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