[USA] Nathan 'Jeager" Emmons Request for Reassignment to Site Director

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Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jul 11, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:115775457
Discord name: Jeager
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 7 months
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Nathan 'Jeager' Emmons
Civilian name: John Castillo
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Site Manager
E-11 Major
DEA Senior Agent
SCP 096
SCP 22415
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Site Director?
As a Site Manager I have gotten a closer look at what exactly the Site Director does and to put it simply its a position I am interested in. Ensuring the site runs well, making the final decision on Site Admin votes, appointing new Site Advisors, liaising with CL5s from all factions to ensure that the site and its interests are protected and pushed forward are all things that the Director does and that I have been lucky enough to assist with, and I am ready to take the next step to actually doing these tasks.
What makes you suitable for Site Director over Site Advisor?:
The job of all Site Admin members is to make sure their departments run well. They solve big problems involving department leadership and leave the day to day things to the CL4s of the department to handle. Site Managers watch over 2 Advisors to make sure they settle into the position nicely and keep them on the right track in SA. As a manager I have been over many different departments, while not all I have been over quite a few. In each I have tried to keep the department leads running things as much as possible. I hand out projects from time to time and make sure there are no major violations happening but I am there to mainly support the directors. The site director does this but for SA. They hand projects to the managers and advisors to complete as apposed to the department leaders. The director is supposed to keep the site moving forward and I believe that I have done just that with the multiple projects I have given out and decisions I've helped department leaders make. I've given Research Project Zenith and DEA Operation Watchdog. I've helped directors when they are unsure of what route to take with an application, demotion, or promotion. I made the Codes and Codewords documents for all of the departments under Site Admin and started the moving of documents from Google Drive to in-game and intend to keep that going if I am given the opportunity to be the next Site Director.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
Appointing department leaders
Dealing with Level 2 appeals
Assisting department leaders in running their department
Performing audits to ensure classified information is stored correctly
Authorizing AA, Work permits, GOI raids, KOS past airlock, Testing
Keeping relations with GOC alongside DEA
Review departments and make a monthly report on the overall performance of the department

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
A radio crackles to life

"Open fire."

Shots ring out over a chorus of screams. Eventually both die out

"Pack it up men. The cleaning crew is already on the way.

Footage Ends

Feed from inside the Site Managers office

"Alright lets see here... mission expense report there it is. Just sign this and that should be the last thing for today"

The sounds of a pen scratching on paper can be heard as two O-1 bust the door down and point their weapons at Nathan

"Hey you two can't just barge in here much less put guns in my face!"

"By the order of the ethics committee you will come with us. Use of force is authorized in the event of your non-compliance."

"There's no need for the guns. Put them down, I'll go."

"Put these on."

The specialist throws a pair of handcuffs on the table.

"For what! I'm no criminal! "

"Put them on before we force you to."

"Fine! Lets go play out whatever sham your bosses have cooked up for me."

The clicks of handcuffs locking into place can be heard


"This way."

Nathan is escorted from his office to the tribunal room where a panel of 4 Committee members is set up. Their 6 guards are stationed around the room.

"Site Manager Nathan Emmons I see you have been quite the busy man. Are you aware of why you are here?"

"I can only assume for doing my job in a way you didn't like."

"You had 50 civilians executed. What possible reason could you have had to do that. This video looks like a cartel execution more than a foundation operation."

"They were infected with SCP-217. There was no other option. The only known cure is SCP-500 and god knows that we aren't using the limited supply we have to not even cure all of the civilians there."

"How did you even know they were infected!? Even if you did know there were other ways than killing them all. There is a project at your own site working to cure that very disease."

"SCP-217 was confirmed to be breached in that area. It has a 100% infection rate. Any one there not in full hazmat suits was infected. Even with that knowledge you wanted me to leave them all alive to what? Prolong their suffering? That project hasn't shown any results in the past 2 years nor is it projected to show any for the next 5! I did what had to be done."

"SCP-217 is containable. Those people could have kept living while that project continued. Termination was an unacceptable outcome. Instead you in your infinite wisdom decided that these people didn't deserve the chance at life."

"The only living those people would have done was as a vegetable on a bed for the next 15 years. Their families would have thought them dead already as would the rest of the world. Why should we keep them alive and sink countless foundation resources into doing so when they are practically dead already. Nothing we can do at the moment would bring them back to anyone left in the world that cares about them."

Muffled voices can be heard

"Sir this is a private tribunal, you cannot go in."

"Cuff him and keep him out of the way. The rest of you we are going in."

A small scuffle can be heard as the door opens and a group of 9 A-1 walk in. All 6 O-1 in the room point their weapons at the group. The A-1 point theirs back except for one.

"Apologies for letting myself in, but we will be taking the Manager here."

"Who do you think you are barging in here? I am afraid you will have to wait your turn. He is currently under trial and we will not pause it even for you or your bosses."

"Unfortunately the charges are being dropped. Your Chairman has already signed off on it."

"What are you talking about. The Chairman would never allow that."

One of the A-1 walks up to the panel and hands the lead panelist a paper. A glimpse of the ethics committee chairman's seal can be seen.

All 4 panelists look over the paper in turn, clearly displeased

"Manager, we will be leaving now. Lets go."

"Don't have to tell me twice."

Nathan tries to stand up as the O-1 closest to him forces him back into his chair

"He will not be leaving at this time if you try to take him we will unfortunately be forced to take action."

"I highly recommend against that course of action. He will be leaving now."

"No he will not. O-1 detain them."

The only A-1 without a gun out undisguises showing a council member. A-1 raise their weapons as safeties click off

"This is your final warning. He will be coming with us. I did you the favor of leaving your man outside unharmed. I do not promise the same for the rest of you."

6 more A-1 walk into the room weapons already raised.

"You are clearly outnumbered. Back down now."

"Fine! Take him. No more blood needs to be spilled today. Nathan know that the committee will be watching you. This is not over."

"Watch me all you want, I've done nothing wrong."

Nathan gets out of his chair, unimpeded this time, and walks over to the A-1

"Could you please get these cuffs off of me. They are truly uncomfortable."

"That can wait. A-1 get him out of here."

The Council member becomes just another A-1 again as Nathan is escorted out of the tribunal room and to the directors office.

"Quite the mess you've made on your first day. I'll admit its not the worst thing a new Site Director has done."

"New Site Director? What do you mean?"

"Congratulations on your promotion. We have a lot to discuss."
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