[UK] Skinner G.'s 2nd Game Master application

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Quick note before you start reading, if you've gone through my other game master application you might find some parts of that application recycled here, this is so as to bring up key points and factors about questions which ask for previous experience, current experiences and so on. I am only adding them to have my time frame on this server match up to what I'm saying here on this written application. Parts with a slight discolouration of darker, grayish tone are the blocks of text copied from my previous application, as for mentionned above.

ooc info header.png
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: CDT
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): S. Sanders - MTF E-11 CSG / J. Siegel - Ethics Asssistant / Bandamont M. -DEA
Chaos name (include your rank): Skinner G. - Brigade Commander [IRU-DH]
Civilian name: moe wilson
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:560896223
Discord ID (name#0000): marcm__
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: I have one previous application, which was accepted.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I don't have any recent, nor active warns. My warn history has a bit of length however all known records on there are either expired or too old to count relevant. I do however have an active Severe Infraction from October which should expire on April from when I was a game master. See warn history

Q: Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?

A: Previously, I had held numerous positions across several FiveM servers which ran off of the DOJ Roleplay theme. This kind of roleplay was much stricter, more serious, and highly immersive, requiring the entirety of the playerbase to stay in character at all times. It involved developping and improvising on situations continuously, meaning that even during OOC situations, staff scenes, and such, everyone had to remain in roleplay until the situation was resolved and taken to a staff sit or VC. On one of these servers, which I will not mention here, I once held a high civilian rank that involved planning roleplay for the entire server on both the Law Enforcement (LEO) and Civilian sides. This ranged from simple "strangers and freaks" events, to larger scale and Special Roleplay event scenarios with the actual Event Team, certain Admins, and even the Owners who often joined Special Roleplay events to record content for their respective channels.

I was also a Game Master for a few months on SCP-RP (here), whilst I did get removed I would like to include this as it not only gave me really good building experience for Garrys Mod, but also profound experience with GMObjectives and event characters which has allowed me to render a few events perfectly with very positive feedback from players who were involved and engaged themselves, even eye-witnesses of the event who hadn't participated yet still chose to voice their opinion.

Q: Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?

A: During my tenure on SCP-RP I held and still hold several, diverse positions across many Departments and factions, all these positions have taught me the fabrics of how to really immerse a character and play it through in the aspect of Garry's Mod which was a very new roleplay setting for me. This can also be said for SCP-RP as when I joined this server first I was clueless to the SCP Foundation's lore and its GoIs. I however quickly learnt things the right way and picked up pace to develop two main characters which I still play on today, they have a depth of lore and a well-developped reputation and background to each of their name and I believe that sums up my experience within serious roleplay on SCP-RP.

Now as for outside of this, I have been on the ranks of a few FiveM communities who hosted DOJ (Department of Justice) styled roleplay - this style is focused on the general game lore of GTA and actually taught me a ton of basics and fabrics on how to develop a character, be fully immersed and immerse others in your roleplay and also with traits that you act with when playing a certain character like your voice acting, moods, the type of person they are and generally how you would act if you were said character. With this in mind I've gathered so much past-experience and skill with serious-rp and fully in-character (meaning all OOC is banned for except in Discord/TS5 and or staff tickets) that as of today I still got it with character development and roleplay creation. Outside of combative acts and PvP, I am very active on the side of passive roleplay, and act in as a non-combative sort of with what I do. I really enjoy non-combative roleplay, be it for Ethics Assistant or in-base as CI BCOM I love documentation and roleplay interactions that involve building a story and telling that same story.

Across all my tenures in DOJ-styled roleplay servers I have held two high-ranking seats in PD roleplay and the rest was mostly supervisor work, I'd like to mention this at last because these positions had ran through 2 - 3 years of my time playing FiveM; alongside gang roleplay (more so cartels) all these positions and past experiences which I have have taught me all my skills which I use today to really build a character and act as that person with a unique, fitting trait.

Q: How many hours can you be on everyday?

A: It depends on my work schedule and overall mood/free-time, and I am quite busy on most working days, and even sometimes on holidays. However my ability to continue playing and provide quality interactions and roleplay isn't necessarily disabled even with such a small window of time. I can still be on for up to 5 - 7 hours a day if I am not busy or finish work early enough. When I am offline I also try my best to reply to announcements, dms and such so I believe I am most avaliable for who I am outside of this community.

Q: Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?

A: Initially and for the first time I applied to GM I was inspired to do so by @Lord Mirai (未来) and this motivation he had gave me was very good and so I applied. I however fell short and just a few months after my discharge I believe I am ready again to try and do better this time, try and be as good all-around and perform my work like before; I thank @Julien White for telling me I should try and reapply again someday, I had been talking to him for a while and he has motivated me to keep continuing my roleplay and eventually look forward to an application for GM again which brings us here. As for my main intentions and reasons to why I want to be a game master again, it is because I believe being a game master brings creativity and efficiency together from a non-game master and a roleplay leader to a new person whom can do the following all-in-one instance:

- Host quality, supervised and thought-through events for all factions, privately or publicly
- Play out a character with the help of their tools for roleplay enhancements (props, GMSwep effects) and utilise all of their tools avaliable to their belt for positive outcomes with every roleplay scenario.

I would like to become a game master on CN because I would love to be able to perform events again, do voice acting and play out characters like I always did; another thing that strikes out to me is building, since I was discharged I lost passion to building but I've gotten back into it lately and I strongly believe I was a good builder and utilised the advdupe system for good with roleplay enhancements between CI and Foundation but also for regular events. I'd really love to be able to put my brush and pen together again to paste dupes, set up lighting and have people immerse themselves into new, high-quality scenery with an in-depth storyline and character ready to welcome them.

Q: What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?

A: I don't exactly think I am special however I believe I am quite unique from the rest of the future applicants; as it stands currently there are zero interested applicants whom have taken time, effort and self-reflect on their background and actions to really be considered "unique" or "special" from the rest of the server in such a way that would really make them stand out for a role, Game Master. I can think of a multitude of players who had that trait to them and could've easily become a game master yet chose to be staff, not to name anyone since all of them are truly great and their roleplay and background is outstanding in my opinion - but it goes to show that for me I'll always be ready to choose GM over anything else if I was given the chance. My strengths really set me aside from the others in a positive light which brings me to argue on what those strengths are. I believe I am a competant and trustworthy roleplayer with my long-standing tenure in CI as a Brigade Commander, during this time I've been through the ranks in and out but I believe that I have achieved the only thing I dreamed of: an extensive character background
I am currently the lead of IRU, an intelligence unit that has been around for a while now within UK CI and I have been doing well in my own eyes at taking initiatives to interrogation roleplay, spying and espionnage roleplay and also in-depth character development to fit around the norms of a spy; one who can act really well and blend into the SCP Foundation's ranks perfectly without being caught by suspicion or direct cover-sabotage. I also hold the title of ECA and while I am not as active there I maintain my roleplay standard and in the past when I was most active on that role I had provided very good interactions, experiences and roleplay for others, it can also be said for my past as Chief of Security. I believe this all around makes me stand out from others as a dedicated player who is truly ready to create events for the server with a high level of detail and paid attention to what the community really wants when it comes to events.

What I believe I can provide for the server if I were to be a Game Master is that I could be able to provide quality and thought-through events at my best time when I choose to do one, so really always. This can also be applied for roleplay enhancements and large-scale events (unlikely to be done early on); with roleplay enhancements my past as a GM has taught me that these kind of events can truly be really good just like small-scale events in order to add depth to the Foundation Lore in live-action. Think of it like for example, adding yourself as a Logistics character and using comms with Site Administration to discuss something brief but something that just can't be done by a non-GM. This is really what sparks interest.

I also do want to bring this up that, while I do have all these qualities and such; strengths and bare weaknesses that set me apart as a unique candidate - I have also changed. It goes without saying that I did take a hit mental health wise not because of anything related to CN but it did affect my performance and professionalism as a player. I have changed however and as of today I am to not be the same, be a better-standing community member as I already am (though I have an award for most salty, which is heavily biased!). I believe that I've learned from my past mistakes and rule misunderstandings so to that I believe that I can be trusted once more and without a single issue to worry about should I be accepted. (edited)

Event Idea Compositions
Q: Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server)

Small Event Idea 1 - "Mining gone wrong"
On the outskirts of Heavy Containment a small incursion logistics team has been sent down to Deep Research 5 to mine away the river and walls surrounding its dark and lonely space - only a vagabond could wander about in. In this process however, they somehow end up mining into a large undiscovered hole which ends up trapping two operators and sticking them deep down into a small cave. Inside this cave, they find some sort of large, rather huge ceramic vase with oil paintings all around the base of the vase.. It looks great until an unidentified entity crawls out of it, as dust fills the room from the top of the vase the entity rushes out; looking like some sort of malformed dog and begins to viciously attack the operators until both are dead.

Over the course of operators digging down to find it, they somehow manage to trust themselves with SCP-019, the vase in question. They put it aside in inanimate object storage, only for it to begin waiting on prey to unconsciously let instances of SCP-019 wander free upon interactions, researchers will get curious - and no one will suspect this deadly hazard.

OOC: The goal of this event is to have a PAC3 of a vase seemingly innocent but however the handler (me) upon interaction will have another GM modelled as a small 513-1 instance with a pac3 model of the actual 513 instance but sized down to 0.6 so it suits well, drop down and begin interacting with the players upon my command. These entities will carry a 939 SWEP and attack anyone they may hear; the instances are by nature blind and therefore rely on sound to hunt prey, so it will be easy containing them and eventually carrying out research on the vase. The vase will also carry a good amount of pac3 events for smoke effects (can also use smoke grenades), hq sound effects and potential halos - I may also try and include the GMSwep with a game master so that they can help with effects and overlay messages

Small Event Idea 2 - "The next thing you know, he's gone."
A collection of manifesto ends up being ditched by a local Parawatch reporter whom decided to pass it on to the next set of parawatch reports who probably would attempt to roam around - as an effort to popularize it well to the groups of interests found in the Saskatchewan area; the reporter also gave it up to MC&D and in the end they vacate the premises and leave Canada as a whole.

Eventually, the people of Pinewood find out about this manifesto, and take an interesting read at this document.. It seems to be some sort of warning, a warning that once they make themselves aware of by reading, they seemingly can't get it out of their head; no matter what. A burning headache weakens their head down to the sole thought and only thought of a man, with a long trenchcoat and a hat - silently but visibly watching them and taking a close peek at the person whom has fallen victim to their manifesto. Every time someone reads, one by one they all fall clueless and sick to this man in the trenchcoat, who observes them. At some point he leaves, but lasting trauma comes with reading the paper, and it doesn't end there as bad luck flips on their side and strange events seem to occur progressively as they continue to wander.

OOC: The main goal of this event is to seek a main character known as "Observer". Observer will be this tall, black slender figure with a trenchcoat and a hat - each and everytime a person reads the manifesto in question (a GMObjective with the prop designated as a paper, and some effects here and there with messages to add on to the narrative that such manifesto shouldn't have been read) the Observer will manifest far away from that person (I will be wearing the pac only for said person so that only them can see me) and just stare at them menacingly. Additionally since the pac outfit is only being worn for them, I will have sound effects of whisper voicelines to make them go crazy as they hear it from far away but like if he was whispering close to their ear.

Small Event Idea 3 - "SCP-303"
Foundation Command has had worrying concerns over the lack of research conducted on storage anomalies across Upper Heavy Containment, where SCP-409 was once located; and once where that one strange, portal door was once located. To entertain a new development storage anomaly that could benefit site combatives during raids and much-needed fast travel, Executive Researcher M. Anton was tasked with studying the properties of an anomaly contained on Field Research Area-97, designated SCP-303. This anomaly was super unstable, and Anton acted in quick as to influence the anomaly to manifest behind a wood model of a sealed shed with a wooden door - and well the doorman had manifested... elsewhere. Upon learning his grave mistake, Anton vacated the premises without speaking a word back to Foundation Command. And had single-handedly caused a breach of SCP-303 across the site, starting in Heavy Containment. Now, it's up to Site-65 personnel to figure out why they suddenly cannot open a door which they had been opening on a regular basis throughout their entire career, with no remarkable issue?

OOC: This event is super simple but very sweet and promising to scare people. I will be cloaked with a PAC3 that I shall wear whilst cloaked of SCP-303 alongside an event wheel for sound effects, animations and even jumpscares using decal projection. To seal doors and disable players from ever opening said door, having that "fear effect" from SCP-303; I will make a GMObjective cube which will block off the keypad and when anyone tries to interact they will unexpectedly interact with SCP-303.

Event Idea Compositions II
Q: Please List an change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

Records, Archival, and Information SECSA Site-7
Map used: gm_vacant_industry

The time is 9:21PM, January 2nd, 1994. You are just a researcher wandering about in Site-7; collecting schematics of the primary reactor haul within Site-7's general functional power supply reactor and you are accompanied by Mike, your supervisor for whom you really have a grudge against. The site's state of emergency is often times quite calm, and not bothered as site security is quite tight and maintenance is performed all year-round so you don't really worry about anything at all. This time however, you will, worry.

The Ethics Committee Liason of Site-65 is here today, alongside the battalion mobile taskforce of Omega-1. Supposedly you heard rumors they were here to discuss a violation issued by the RAISA Office to their site liason, and apparently; things weren't so bright with their relations and friendship. As things should be all positive for the rest of time between these departments, an unforeseen catastrophy will soon change this for the worst, to only benefit the Committee should they prove themselves worthy of an evacuation from this hellscape of a site, soon it should turn as that.

The reactors seem to have a power surge, and a cooling rod melts down, causing the entire reactor turbine to explode along the motor and fuel sphere. Everything goes dark, silent for 2 minutes before emergency power goes back up and intercom draws attention through the sitewide speakers with a message:

This is INSCOM, reactors ALPHA and HOTEL have gone offline from power surges. At this time, emergency power is being supplied however the rest of the site has gone dark. Evacuation shelters should be opted by site staff while security forces draw their attention to Class-D housing and Administration Offices. Thank you.
The Committee has yet to strike, their temptation is truly at an all time high, they wanna get rid of sanctions one way or another. Will they help restore the power and fight through what could potentially be a group of interest striking on the maintenance teams of Site-7 to destroy the site once and for all, or will they sabotage the RAISA office and compromise their ranks, ready to do whatever it takes to empower Omega-1 to eradicate everyone at that site and get out of there with no sanction to their name, and their tracks covered with the dirt of the Insurgency, or some other group of terrorists?

OOC: The goal of this event is to really bring the playerbase to a new, different and immersive factory map labelled as the oil rig containing Site-7. It will be a regular day where everyone will enjoy travelling around and doing maintenance tasks, while Class-D players will get to roam around doing mandatory maintenance labor alongside the logistic and engineering teams; and the security staff will get to enjoy patrolling and neutralizing potential escaping Class-D inmates. Eventually something will stir up enough to start a blackout and reactors will shut off, this will then halt the Omega-1 & Ethics intervention to the RAISA Office in discussion of a sanction, where these groups can either escape and ruthlessly betray RAISA agents to get out of their sanction, or to intervene with site security staff and find out what caused the black out (a GoI infiltrating the site is what I want to suit around this supposed "blackout")

It may not be possible to do this event, but with enough development time and early announcements and teasers and a lot of work from the GM and Event Team; it is possible to do such an event.

Event Idea Compositions III & Final
Q: List an example mission for each of the following teams

MTF Omega-1: SCP-7428
The Ethics Committee has recently struck gold with the investigation of one of their own assistants. An assistant under the supposed name "A. Alexis" had access to an anomalous sample of SCP-7428, allowing him to travel in a very strange time capsule where he ruled a different kind of SCP Foundation, one led by a corrupt, anomalous Overseer Asssistant nicknamed "The Treasurer". This new facade of the well-known Secure Contain Protect, nicknamed "Secure, Contain, Exploit" was home to alien superanomalous armies and mobile task forces, and weapons earth had never seen before. Alexis's travel was very frequent, and one day he just so happened to leave footprints behind, leading a fatal clue for Omega-1 to track down and apprehend Alexis to further interrogate him about this supposed Chief Overseer titled "The Treasurer" in the alternate reality of SCP-7428.
A custom SCP storyline that I did feature as a game master but had to cut short, it may be redone as it was fully written by me and i'd like to try again.

MTF Alpha-1: Card Game
An anomalous figure walks in to Floor-3 using the elevator like any regular person would do, with his clearance card he passes right through into Floor-3 towards the Overseer Offices and enters one without a single person within questioning his authority, or his actions. He then walks out and dissipears. Over the next few hours, MTF Alpha-1 stationned at Floor-3 dispatch themselves to patrol around the site, commit to orders and scout potential new soldiers to their taskforce. This however will be halted short, as the man they had once spotted entering and never questionned his authority; probably due to his long, overfitting trenchcoat with ends mopping the floor by his feet and a fursona on the top of his head alongside a pair of black aviators - will reappear again, but with a true malicious intent to his sleeve upon finding one of the soldiers of the taskforce.

He'll come up to anyone part of Alpha-1, even an Assistant for the O5 Council. He will draw a deck of cards, and will ask said person infront to pick a card, he will then juggle the cards and swap them quickly in his hands before stopping and re-arranging them ever so finely and correctly. He will then say "You have walked a step, keep going friend" and will traumatize the person infront (using a GMSwep to blind them) before dissipearing. This action performed by said person infront will have terrible consequences that Alpha-1 will need to put up with, perhaps with the help of ISD and or Omega-1. Consequences may vary, however a toll can be estimated for data-breaches in LHCZ, computers going bezerk and site-systems malfunctioning. The most of things that will happen will be data-breaches, classified information dossiers may go live infront of thousand of site staff due to a single game of cards, and this must be halted by Alpha-1 one way or another.

MTF Nu-7 & DEA: Shipment "Romeo Eight"
Area-12 biocontainment storage Command has recently requested the transfer of six (6) SCP-016 sample vials alongside twenty-three (23) SCP-500 pills stored in three seperate cardboard boxes. This transfer was approved by the O5 Council on an unanimous vote which granted an armed transport with a humvee and MATV to scour through Canada in order to transfer the shipment goods from Area-12 to the north shore mountains in a secluded, secret biohazard treatment facility near the city of Vancouver, Canada. This transfer had it calm for the most part until a boulder came crashing down from one of the mountains they were driving up close to. The convoy crashed and unfortunently for the crew, two members were killed in this deadly collision which left only three team members to secure the convoy and move the goods to somewhere safe.

Conveniently, the convoy was halted just miles before the outskirts of Pinewood, a local village in the territory of Saskatchewan, Canada. The agents on-site attempted to reach radio contact with the nearest SCP Site, Site-65 and planned ahead to tow the MATV as far as possible to reach Site-65 and deliver the goods there for a temporary method of storage, this however won't be so easy -as the Chaos Insurgency roams deep within this territory and without the help of MTF Nu-7 and local intelligence unit (DEA) those agents will be as good as dead with no goods to transfer anywhere. MTF Nu-7 will therefore have to deploy to the crash-site and help the agents tow the truck to Site-65 in order to recover the contained goods. Once inside the site, these vials will be contained deep in Heavy Containment and research testing will undergo to ensure the samples are clear of any debris or anomalies within their composition.

MTF Epsilon-11: The truth about SCP-008
SCP-008 is often recognized as the deadliest weapon present on Site-65 alongside other keter-class anomalous subjects, however origins behind what this deadly virus really is often sparks interest in a long list of people - mostly dead researchers who vacate the premise of their grave to live a new life long in hell; wondering the secrets that they had never gotten a chance to learn about when studying SCP-008 in order to destroy it entirely. One day, one of those researchers just happened to prove pity for the site staff that worked right above the soil containing SCP-008.

During a routine check on cameras by MTF Epsilon-11 they discover an anomalous figure standing still in SCP-008's inner containment, and immediately chase away to try and find who this figure is. They fail to identify the figure as it seems to have been redacted by the camera lens somehow; so they send several units to investigate. These units however would fall victim to a sort of cognitohazard which when affected by, would drive the on-site staff nearby crazy and turn them evil, driving them to the worst of temptations in an attempt to release SCP-008 of its long list of souls waiting to hear about the secrets of its origins.

This event was done before by @Requis in an attempt to demonstrate The Administrator's order on showing the true nature of SCP-008. I am simply re-twisting it to my own style and allowing it to have a deeper meaning with the souls often whispering to players who are affected and actually playing recognisable voicelines.

This story follows up to an actual cover up made in roleplay.
The Chaos Insurgency sparks interest for a new method to dispose of stored anomalies when in exceeding amounts of contained objects, and even subjects. With this in mind, the Sierra-7 Defense Cell was assigned three researchers of the IRUC department from Base Six in Nevada. This insurgency Base with a core focus on Research & Developpment was assigned to reverse-engineer throughly the Anomaly Destruction Beam device, deconstruct stolen devices of such and to recrate one specifically tailored to the Insurgency's liking. One day, these researchers manage to pull a prototype after enough developmment; and ship it to the Defense Cell's R&D department for further testing. This said prototype will allow for greater benefits after direct liquidation of anomalous assets, and further documentation over the next few weeks will allow for a better understanding of how to use it properly and how to ensure it remains highly classified against the UNGOC.

Foundation Staff (Medical)
Medical Staff seem to be preparing someone for an ECT scan, they prepare them by aligning them to the machine and asking for consent, then just making sure their head is properly seated on the scanner. Then they hit the scan button and the machine charges. The process is as flawless as usual; but this time - it just didn't make sense. After exiting the ECT machine the patient seems to have travelled elsewhere, in a new medical center. It looks the exact same, feels the exact same, but your fingers aren't adding up?! Why do you have more than five fingers?! This is a dream...

You've been shocked so hard, that you are now lucid-dreaming of the medical center, and you might as well do as much as you can to try and escape, because there might be a door out sure, but you notice rubble is blocking the way out.. Upon diving further at the back area you find medical staff, you once knew these people but now they are without a soul, their eyes white as light and with no reaction they simply follow you. Maybe they know the exit..
It feels like a fever dream, looks like a fever dream and really is just a fever dream, but with some extra stimulation.

This event will utilise a 1:1 atomic scale replica of the medical center that we all know of. Through some detailed building with just plastic plates it will look very accurate in order to create the "instance" proposed here, and all materials except a few props will be very white to resemble maps of the game SUPERHOT

I appreciate you if you've made it this far, thank you for reading. There might be edits performed here and there in the future before this is moved to an accepted or denied verdict (they will be outlined as edited).
This took around 5 hours of composition, I hope it looks neat to your eyes.
- Skinner G.
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Julien White

Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
May 11, 2024
Event team slop factory
I've gone through the entire application here is my verdict,

Skinner was one of the best GM's in the team at the time, he is a competent builder, roleplayer, and creative genius. A clear level of effort has gone into this application, it is pleasing to the eye, well formatted and enjoyable to read.

Here is why I will be giving my +++ support,

- His past position as a gamemaster makes him the most suitable for the position
- If you see his past work, you could see why I am vouching for his expertise, he has experience in video-making, dupe-building, story telling and so many more impressive skills.
- You learnt a lot quickly, your capability to grow was grand.
- Only concern is the previous removal of GM, but I find this insignificant and worthless - Your behaviour since then hasn't been of any concern from what I've seen.

Best of luck,

- Julien White
I've gone through the entire application here is my verdict,

Skinner was one of the best GM's in the team at the time, he is a competent builder, roleplayer, and creative genius. A clear level of effort has gone into this application, it is pleasing to the eye, well formatted and enjoyable to read.

Here is why I will be giving my +++ support,

- His past position as a gamemaster makes him the most suitable for the position
- If you see his past work, you could see why I am vouching for his expertise, he has experience in video-making, dupe-building, story telling and so many more impressive skills.
- You learnt a lot quickly, your capability to grow was grand.
- Only concern is the previous removal of GM, but I find this insignificant and worthless - Your behaviour since then hasn't been of any concern from what I've seen.

Best of luck,

- Julien White
what this guy said. You've got experience, application is well made, you know what you're doing, all that.

Only issue that was brought up is that you're an angry french man, so idk if I should give this a + or - Support....


Game Master
Game Master
Sep 24, 2024

gets mad alot for no actual reason... and crashes out but yk he was a good GM
just stop getting mad over every little thing
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