Blacklist Amnesty - SCP - "Moonlight / Beta" ; MRP - "Moonlight"

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Your in-game name: SCP - "Moonlight / Beta" ; MRP - "Moonlight"

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:568293454

Your steam community link:

Date of blacklist: Mid 2024

Who blacklisted you (if known): Drew [MRP]; Naffen [SCP:RP]

To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: General Rudeness - Server Health

List any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP: None.

List any alt accounts: I dont have any alt accounts.

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted: Blacklisted I have not been. The others I have but I am only gonna list the biggest punishments.

Bans: MRDM, Toxicity, FailRP
Warns: RDM, FailRP, ERP

What will you do to stop this from happening again: Prior to this appeal, I have come to learn, that the punishments given out to me were reasonable and I have come to realize what I did, I have grown up and changed my self. I will continue to create Role Play with the upmost respect for everyone and I will be kind.

Why should you be unblacklisted: I have learned my lesson in the past few months which why I should be unblacklisted because I have changed to the betterment of my self and I will not do what I did before again, I will keep all respect to everyone at 100%.

I like the Servers I like to play on the Servers while Role Playing, I like the interactions with the members of the Community, it makes the experience of the Server much better and I want to continue being a member of the Community.
Hello Canoon,

First and foremost, I want to give an apology to everyone that had bad interactions with me, it wasnt in my interesst to hurt anyone in anyway. I have changed over the nearly one year where I have been Blacklisted and I understand what I have done wrong, and the things I have done were not right to do at all. I can guarantee you that I will comply with all Rules and Guidlines set by Civilnetworks. For the Future I wont be behaving as bad again as I did in the past. I Promise to you Canoon and every other member or NL and SrNL that I wont be breaking any rules again. And yes Canoon I do understand any other Harsh bans, will lead to an Immediate blacklist and I will probably have no chance for another Blacklist Amnesty. I will make sure to keep myself in check while being on the servers, I wanna keep being a member on CG/CN because I have been for awhile and this is one of the places that I escape from reality just to have fun and play with others members in the server. I apologise once again to everyone in the staff team and everyone who I did wrong on the server.

My guarantee that i won't fall back into my old ways is to express how i've grown up and how i can manage to have fun and create good interactions with either old players that i know and new players that enter the community. I can guarantee that I am beyond being past the point of how i used to be and that i wanna have fun within the server.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity
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