Is saying SCP-001 an info breach?


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 11, 2023
I was told by an admin that saying "SCP-001" is an infobreach even if you don't say context or what the scp really is.

Its not really hard to guess SCP's from 000/001 to 9999 exist
No. Referring to a specific SCP-001 is. Talking about there being an SCP-001 could still possibly get you arrested though, even if it isnt an infobreach- it just wouldn't be a fair arrest kek. Speak with your local Ethics Member or Site Advisor+ for more information on what topics may be redacted.

Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023
No. Referring to a specific SCP-001 is. Talking about there being an SCP-001 could still possibly get you arrested though, even if it isnt an infobreach- it just wouldn't be a fair arrest kek. Speak with your local Ethics Member or Site Advisor+ for more information on what topics may be redacted.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 11, 2023
yeah my local ethics member called me a stupid then called an admin on me because i said SCP-001 and the admin on this case
found me guilty but decided not to punish me.

I already knew it wasn't a rule break but had to be sure since its my word against a mods word.
yeah my local ethics member called me a stupid then called an admin on me because i said SCP-001 and the admin on this case
View attachment 20293
found me guilty but decided not to punish me.

I already knew it wasn't a rule break but had to be sure since its my word against a mods word.
Its not a rule break stating the SCP designation but describing SCP-001 would be


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 11, 2023
Its not a rule break stating the SCP designation but describing SCP-001 would be
I am assuming what happened is that the ethics thought it was a rule break, and since they reported it, the moderator also assumed that the "big ones" must be right. They even amnesticized me because I said "001." Lmao, I don’t know what they were trying to achieve—make me forget the number 1 by giving me Class-A
I am assuming what happened is that the ethics thought it was a rule break, and since they reported it, the moderator also assumed that the "big ones" must be right. They even amnesticized me because I said "001." Lmao, I don’t know what they were trying to achieve—make me forget the number 1 by giving me Class-A
I'll put it blunt; whoever did that (especially if it's an Ethics Member) needs to get a grip. It's just the same how saying "SCP-008" in-game isn't an infoleak. It is just a number. Describing what the SCP actually is would be an info-breach. SCPs are natively numbered and site staff would very easily recognise that and think to themselves, "I wonder what SCP-001 is..."
Aug 27, 2022
yeah my local ethics member called me a stupid then called an admin on me because i said SCP-001 and the admin on this case
View attachment 20293
found me guilty but decided not to punish me.

I already knew it wasn't a rule break but had to be sure since its my word against a mods word.

Hola, Hmm weird If you feel like this needs to be escalated I will advise you to make a Staff complaint.

saying scp-### etc isn't an info leak but giving details of what the SCP is can be like stated by the others.​