Rule Suggestion Make /me strips weapons powergame

Rule suggestions will be reviewed by Superadmins, this may take longer than standard content suggestions.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion will make it a power game to use a /me strips weapons bind.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not Sure.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
It gives use to the weapon checker, there isn't a point in using it if you can just /me strip weapons.
It makes it so you can't push one key on your keyboard and instantly strip someone's weapons.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Not Sure.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe this suggestion should be accepted as it doesn't make sense that you can hit someone with a /me strips weapons bind and instantly take all of their weapons, we have weapon checkers for a reason.
-Support this would not work as only some people can strip weapons and how would someone strip chems without /me ?
Are chems weapons? No? So why would making it powergaming to strip weapons effect chems...

Unfortunately the current state of the weapon checker is not suitable to make /me's illegal.

Current issues with the WC is as follows
- It being avalible to a limited set of jobs. Some of which who would need it, Do not have it. (Prime examples, AO Operative jobs, D-class when escaped, SCU's, Combat medics)
- When someone strips weapons from you, should they die. Log out, or even change jobs for whatever reason. You are Unable to restore those weapons.

As someone who watched a single O1 strip 15 combatives weapons for a tribunal, Then crash due to a lag spike. No, This is not fun, No. This does not enhance roleplay.

I do believe a system like Flare suggested would be okay, though I can see it being a bit more complicated than the panic button system.
You give a really good reason to not allow D-Class to strip weapons... But reguardless, if a D-Class walked out of airlock with a proklorot and a cadet had his keycard out, one button press and the cadet would be totally stripped of everything including his weapons. Thats not fair or roleplay condusive.

The weapon checker works fine as-is, and while there are issues, they can all be fixed by re-flagging or dieing once, meaning it isn't permanent, and if you REALLY didn't want to die or reflag to get weapons back, just tell a staff to give your loadout back, easy.

Though I do think a /strip bind would be appropriate since theres a billion different rulings on UK and US about what can and cant be stripped, with only 1 mention of cyanide being unstripable because of cyanide teeth. That would allow more flexibility, and could have some actual failsafes, like if someone stripped you of your stuff and crashes then your stuff is automatically returned.

My main issue is stripping stuff like weapons should 100% take time and effort, rather than just a single button press and a chat message followed by a staff sit because someone didn't see it. Just leads to more warns and staff involvement then required.
Make sure you guys are giving an actual reason for -Support so content team knows why you don't like it.
However, MRP has a system where you hold E on a person and it opens a UI with the following options:
- View Profile (opens up the /character menu)
- Strip weapons and comms, same as the weapon checker

This option is given to everyone on the server so long as they have a gun out, the only apparent downside is the time it takes as you have to hold down the button and that you're locked in a menu.
This would be baller.
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No. This makes it so armed D-class and the like can never strip weapons, which is a terrible idea. I'd much prefer weapon stripping just be an actual bind, e.g. you hold G on someone to do it, and they click to accept it unless you have them under gunpoint.
click to accept is not gonna work often, you have to factor in the people who just are not going to accept bc they dont care about rp and i dont want to waste my time yelling "click accept" or spend 10 minutes waiting for a staff sit then 10 minutes in the staff sit because somebody didnt click accept, id rather be able to take their weapons myself

Not going to leave a response on this.

However, MRP has a system where you hold E on a person and it opens a UI with the following options:
- View Profile (opens up the /character menu)
- Strip weapons and comms, same as the weapon checker

This option is given to everyone on the server so long as they have a gun out, the only apparent downside is the time it takes as you have to hold down the button and that you're locked in a menu.
this could work but also factor in the techies and other noncombatants that would have a gun from the thousands of ways they can get one (whens the last time you saw a techie without a rifle). they could just go around and take any afk's persons weapon, i guess in rp this makes sense but in reality it wouldnt work and would just cause more problems, unless only certain groups had the option to strip weapons and comms (solution would be to not be afk but a surprising amount of people cant seem to do that or get to a safe place before going afk)
My friend it has always been different, I play on both on US, and UK occasionally and have gotten rulings from BOTH sides that have confirmed what Im saying
No, what you mean is that USA staff are shit and don't know what they're talking about, as usual. This has been clarified multiple times by people including superadmins, so unless you can get a CS+ or a group of multiple supers to say otherwise, this is not powergaming.
To be honest with current mechanics it'd be a bit poo to rule this as powergaming.

If we had the MRP strip swep that would be 🔥

But otherwise, it'd be nice if it was like the /panic, and instead you could continue doing it that way but it is on a cooldown to maybe balance one person stripping like 4 people at once... idk. Its hard to roleplay a kidnapping to a high quality because 9/10 if you don't hit that strip bind instantly you're going to have them panic and fifty people come through.

I wish there was more like "you're under gun point, do not press your panic button." Type stuff, then cuffing as the method. But we'll never get that.

For now, -support as it just can't work without a suitable alternative.
Not going to leave a response on this.

However, MRP has a system where you hold E on a person and it opens a UI with the following options:
- View Profile (opens up the /character menu)
- Strip weapons and comms, same as the weapon checker

This option is given to everyone on the server so long as they have a gun out, the only apparent downside is the time it takes as you have to hold down the button and that you're locked in a menu.
this is infact a reponse
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Well-known Member
Jul 11, 2024
Thought this was a roleplay server man. /me strips weapons is so unrealistic even if its 1 person doing it. Imagine the scenario and the dude just picks up his guns again. Makes weapon checker completely obsolete, and if not that should be changed to the swep.
Thought this was a roleplay server man. /me strips weapons is so unrealistic even if its 1 person doing it. Imagine the scenario and the dude just picks up his guns again. Makes weapon checker completely obsolete, and if not that should be changed to the swep.
Ah yes, a single person could never search a person for weapons and take them. That's never happened before. Simply impossible for someone to pat someone down and then take things.


Well-known Member
Jul 11, 2024
Ah yes, a single person could never search a person for weapons and take them. That's never happened before. Simply impossible for someone to pat someone down and then take things.
I get it, reading is hard. Explain to me how 1 person can off load a shit ton of guns
Make sure you guys are giving an actual reason for -Support so content team knows why you don't like it.

anyways what Steven Conor said. Weapon checker could stay, but have it be a quicker version perhaps. Like the MRP swep is given to all, but the Weapon Checker is how the heavier combatives (e.g. Enforcement) take weapons.


Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 9, 2024
+/- neutral support
Something needs to be done about the ridiculously fast power gaming that allows people to instantly strip you of all useful equipment which would normally take way longer than 1 millisecond to search and remove from a human body.
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Not going to leave a response on this.

However, MRP has a system where you hold E on a person and it opens a UI with the following options:
- View Profile (opens up the /character menu)
- Strip weapons and comms, same as the weapon checker

This option is given to everyone on the server so long as they have a gun out, the only apparent downside is the time it takes as you have to hold down the button and that you're locked in a menu.
As always, MRP has all the mechanics SCP wants, even though it has a fraction of the players.
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