Blacklist Amnesty - Sean Kettle

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Sep 15, 2022
Your in-game name: Sean Kettle

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:233930682

Your steam community link:

Date of blacklist: It does not tell me, nor do I know when

Who blacklisted you (if known): N/A

To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: I do not truly know, it literally says REDACTED with no explanation by any moderation or anybody as to the exact reason, but personally I feel it was due to my consistent minging past behaviors.

List any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP: Never.

List any alt accounts: None

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted: Yes, to the first three, first blacklist in any way for any server or game.

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will take better care regarding actually following the guidelines set before me and have made personal life choices that have led me on a better path. I wish to have fun, not cause trouble. My past regarding my warning history, is not the person I feel am today, but I also understand difficulty in trusting my words regarding it due to said past.

Why should you be unblacklisted:

I have come to the conclusion in life due to therapy and reflection, that causing chaos for my own personal amusement is ill mannered and abhorrent. It is the reason I took a massive hiatus from playing games and why my absence from the server was so long. There is no fun in just rule breaking or being always non serious and maladaptive to the positive environment.

I feel that mentally, at least in terms of negative behaviors, I have become a different person. I am not asking for forgiveness or ignoring the chaos I have caused but I wish to have a second and final chance to show people that I am not the person I used to be. From what I remember from memories, I did love playing on the server and wish to come back after finding out after a very long hiatus that I was blacklisted. I used to be negative and thrive on the chaos that me and groups of randoms could cause but taking time to look at that, I will never want that done to me and that reflection was what led me to realize, that unfair and negative behavior in gaming, or life, in any way have no place for what a community is supposed to be about. I regret those actions, and I take accountability for what I have caused and regardless of this appeal outcome, I will continue to work on myself in areas that need improvement.
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Sep 15, 2022
I get why I was blacklisted, and honestly, I cannot blame you for it. With over 126 warnings, it’s clear that I caused problems and became an issue. Looking back, I know I did not respect the rules or the community the way I should have, and that is solely on me.

After time, I have had some time to reflect, and Ive realized how much this community meant to me. Ive been working on understanding where I went wrong and making sure I dont repeat the same mistakes. Im not here to make excuses, just to ask for a second chance to prove I can do better. Life changes and different mentalities I have lived through during my absence from the server and just gaming in general, have led me to reflect on my past, and realize that I truly do not want to be that man ever again. I wish to grow as a person and become someone others want to be around, instead of someone they look at as a nuisance. I’ve learned I feel due to outside endeavors.

If youre willing to let me back, I’ll do whatever it takes to earn your trust again. Thanks for even considering this. Regardless of the outcome, I really appreciate the time you’ve taken to respond.
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May 23, 2022
Hello, I will be taking over this amnesty for Canoon.

I don't see any reason why you should come back to the community. You managed to collect over 127 warnings and bans, you were given multiple chances to improve and you still continued with your behaviour until you eventually received a blacklist.

You may not appeal this again, denied.
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