Ngl why not just make all of the E-11 TB's, Like sure breaches are annoying but removing them would litterly kill e-11. Also coping about only getting 2 shots off is a issue on your side, how often i play an SCP and see people solo rushing me acting like they the main character, PUSH IN GROUPS like even if you get 1 shot your teammates will be able to atleast dump 1 or 2 mags
The idea of 'push in groups' doesnt work well, since everyone has a respawn timer and dies at different times, meaning players would have to intentionally wait and not assist in the C5 to form a group, meaning the C5 lasts longer anyways, or push the SCP and die, either way, theres no winning and breaches become the main focus of everyone on the server, and can shut down GOC or CI raids / DCs, the only positive is that since
everyone is mostly focused on the C5, D-Class have a decent chance to get out of D-Block.
This just seems like its written exclusively from the perspective of an SCP main that doesnt understand what happens during a C5 aside from running around and killing people. I do somewhat agree, an individual pushing an SCP by themselves is bound to die, but what about low pop? or high pop but most players arent on combative roles? This
is and RP server after all and theres dozens and dozens of non-combative roles, and even lots of combative roles that
dont specifically fight breaches or have other priorities, such as Nu-7 or DEA.
Like I said, giving every SCP a specific set of objectives to fill out before being recontained would work wonders for the server's health. 076-2 could have like 5k HP, but until his objectives are done he has a %50 damage resistance or something. The encouragement for players to do their objectives wouldnt be money but RP, since its
required for them to roleplay their SCP, and giving them specific objectives would allow that.
Maybe 966 could have an objective of stalking one specific person, chosen at random, and depending on if that person is a CI, or an O5, they would go different places, making them less predictable and having them shmove around the site more.
The argument that current SCPs are balanced is nonsense and honestly just very one-sided, because they very obviously are NOT and have been very power-creepy within the past few updates (think TG and 8837).