[UK] William Collins Director of Research Application

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Dec 25, 2024

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:48881738

Discord name: doom.24

For how long have you played on CG SCP:1737836452776.png

Age: 23

In what country are you located?: Poland

Time zone: GMT+1

Character name(s): Exec. Researcher William Collins / Agent William Collins

Civilian name: William Collins

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Executive Researcher (Current)


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 1 FailRP warning


Why are you applying for Director of Research?

Ever since i became exec i have been learning the ropes of how to perform as a junior Level 4 personel, as well as prepare myself, both mentally and in terms of rules and regulations, to perform my duties as a Director of Research in the future. While it is true that i am not a saint, and prone to make mistakes, i learn from those, and adapt. My vision for the Research Department is vast, calculated, and oriented for the long-run, and will be described here as "steps":

ONE: Subdivisions. While it is true that we already have those thanks to Cheetah, who had set the foundations for those to exist, my intention is to make these more formal. By making RSD members more aware of these, whether via the usage of pings or in-game subdivision documentation, and implement the subdivisions in a more official capacity (currently they exist as threads in the project forums, and people dont check those often), allowing RSD members to find their own research specialisation, and possibly make it possible to create research bounties for each subdivision, like a bio-weapon project for a Bio-Science Division for instance. I would essentially be taking a page out of the US server's RSD's book here.

TWO: Projects. In their current form, they are really messy in the way they are set up, with RSD handling 5 projects at a time on one occasion. My goal here would be to streamline the process of setting up a project, documenting steps taken as part of said project, and a proper way of archiving the project. For this purpose, i would use a spreadsheet, which would be prepared in a manner similiar to the chem recipe spreadsheet, where projects would be written down, with their start and end dates, project leads, and most importantly, documentation (whether it be written in a google doc or a scipnet document dat file uploaded to google drive). Additionally, i would implement a more streamlined method of viewing on-going projects. While the forum used to contain these was sufficient in the past, it is simply not enough. Therefore, i would take one of two approaches: Either use pings (not UK ping, which is the general UK server ping), or use a document drawer where project overviews would be stored (a good example of this would be the drawer used to contain documents for Project Renovatio, led by Site Manager Aurelius).

THREE: Cross-Departmental and Cross-GOI collaborations. While it is common knowledge that RSD and the Medical Department are known to work together often when involved in tests that would benefit from the expertise of medics and doctors, which is rather often, it is a different story with people like E-11, GOC, and most alarmingly, O5. To mitigate this problem, i would attempt to help facilitate projects that would involve the O5 or E-11 or other groups by coordinating those projects with the appropriate high rankings from said group, as well as get in contact with DEA to attempt collaboration between RSD and GOC (And no, it will not involve CI, they are hostile to foundation by default obviously). By facilitating collaborative efforts at running cross-department projects, the relations between RSD and other foundation departments and GOIs could improve significantly, and bring new possibilities for research.

FOUR: Rewards. Despite the fact, that this is yet another page taken from the US server's book, it is worth pointing out that projects by themselves are often left with no bigger reward. While this does not necessarily apply to projects handed out by external personel like Site Administration or the O5, it is a significant issue that affects projects handled internally by RSD, or handed out by RSD to then be handled by multiple other departments. To fix this problem, my goal would be to implement a bounty system, where projects handled by RSD members would provide a monetary bounty (in-game money). This would encourage RSD members to host / take part in research projects, and give researchers an incentive to keep doing said projects by rewarding them for their efforts.

FIVE: Chemicals. One would think that when one hears about chemicals, the first thing that comes mind are chemical prices, and is the one mistake that the Research Director before Cheetah had made. While these are not gonna be the focus of what i intend to do with RSD, it is more in reference to chemical requests. As it stands right now, we have a document drawer, where researchers can fill out the provided form to request chemicals, by providing the name of chemical, amount, and reason for request. To streamline this, it could be done in two ways. Either create a forum on discord where researchers can request chemicals without the unnecessary hassle of having to talk to Exec. Researchers+ in-game, and essentially make it much easier to coordinate chemical distribution, or expand upon the existing system by creating a spreadsheet, where all the necessary information about the requests would be written down, like name of the researcher requesting the chems, chems requested, amount and reason for request.

SIX: Discipline and introducing RSD to new members. This one is relatively self-explanatory. After observing other RSD members, particularly lower rankings (below CL3), it became evident to me that the main issues coming with research members basically messing around in their jobs are two things: Lack of guidance and discipline. for this purpose, i plan to attempt at creating a kind of introduction program, where i get new RSD members through the ins and outs of the research department, one step at a time. The key here is to make them aware that there are rules around the site, and that any sign of breaking the Foundation Legal Codex, or god forbid, the Research Policy, WILL result in punishment, while at the same time preventing a situation where the new researcher in question views RSD as "too strict".

With all of that bearing in mind, i do not expect any of these goals to be completed on day one, or at least, in the span of a month. These are all goals that i have set for the research department for the long-run.

What makes you suitable for Director of Research?:

I believe i have gathered sufficient experience in the many aspects of the Research Department. I have been able to handle myself, whether it's reviewing tests, grading documents, coordinating projects with other departments (Yes, even the O5), and have become accustomed to handling myself when under pressure. While i may be an introvert, i have managed to make up for it with efficiency as an executive researcher. When it comes to site policies like the FLC or research policy, i am very "by the book" in that regard. While it is true that i ensure other RSD members are well-disciplined and follow the on-site regulations, there are lines that i simply refuse to cross when it comes to enforcing those rules, and try to still remain casual, unless i am required to intervene, depending on circumstances.

Overall, i believe i have mentally prepared myself, sufficiently enough to perform my duties as a research director, while still keeping the balance between being casual and friendly, and between being a borderline ISD agent (the kind that fanatically searches for people to arrest for breaking the FLC, for reference).


What are the responsibilities of the Director of Research in RP?:

Their key role is to lead the Research Department. As Senior CL4 personel, it is their job to coordinate with Executive Researchers, who are chosen by the director, to lead the research department to thrive and prosper. They are also to regularly review the Research Policy, as well as their rosters and documentation, to ensure they are all up to date. It is also important that Research Directors coordinate with Site Administration on progress made by the Research Department, ensuring maximum efficiency and productivity. Most importantly however, they are to ensure activity, presence and discipline within the RSD, both from the lower ranking researchers (Junior, Regular and Seniors), and his junior CL4s - the Executive Researchers. And given that the RSD is involved about RP, it is also the director's job to maintain in-character documentation to ensure they are up to date, such as project logs for example. Their duties are vast, but necessary, to ensure RSD's maximum productivity, coordination and discipline.

Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:

-=The Past=-
After 10 years of working within the Research Department as an Executive Researcher, William Collins has been able to make several breakthroughs relating to biology. A perfect example of this, is his recent discovery of a species of electric ants within SCP-860-1. And with the discovery of different biomes within the dimension, William believes that he will be able to achieve the impossible, and not only uncover new materials and specimens, but also provide a contingency plan in the event of an XK-Class End of the World scenario, where the foundation could retreat into 860-1 to safety.

-=The Present=-
As it stands now, William is aspiring to become the director of the Research Department, to help RSD thrive and provide the foundation with breakthroughs that would revolutionize technology and methods used to fulfill the foundation's mission - to Secure, Contain, and Protect. As of right now, he is studying the various live specimens discovered within SCP-860-1 to find new and innovative methods of fulfilling this task, as well as provide new ways to ensure the well being of not just the foundation, but humanity as a whole. He is, however, worried about his relations with the GOC, as they are currently friendly with the foundation, and given his past as an ex-GOC researcher, he fears he might be placed on the GOC's crosshair and put down for defecting. For this reason, he is working with the DEA to resolve this issue.

-=The Future=-
With the promising results of Project Genesis, as well as breakthroughs made in various other projects he is currently participating in, William is looking at making advancements towards medicine, bio-technology and various other fields, and use every opportunity at assisting the foundation in it's mission. He does not know how he will succeed in this endeavour, but he is determined to try his hardest, and make sure that humanity is kept safe from the world of the anomalous, and prevent anyone from stopping the foundation from achieving it's goal.
+/- Neutral
Over the last month of working with RSD as their liaison I did not notice a lot from you but the being thing that stood out is that yo7 have a tendency to get easily angry and that’s something that needs improvement on before trying to go to such a position. Another reason I am weary about your application is your short tenure within RSD, I think that you should work more as an executive to allow for a beneficial experience as junior CL4 RSD. Aside from that you make good RP and are active.
Dec 25, 2024
+/- Neutral
Over the last month of working with RSD as their liaison I did not notice a lot from you but the being thing that stood out is that yo7 have a tendency to get easily angry and that’s something that needs improvement on before trying to go to such a position. Another reason I am weary about your application is your short tenure within RSD, I think that you should work more as an executive to allow for a beneficial experience as junior CL4 RSD. Aside from that you make good RP and are active.
Heya harvey. Look, i understand your point. If im being honest, its difficult for me to show any kind of emotion, and even when i do show any, it usually ends up the kind that i did not intend to show. If i came out as angry at times, im sorry.

Do i feel somewhat impacted because im socially isolated IRL and because im...mentally hindered for lack of a better term? Kind of.
Do i think its an excuse? Absolutely not.

I simply thought i'd clear the air, and just make it clear in the future that i cant always control how my behavior is perceived by others.

The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello, @William "Doom" Collins

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​
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