Executive Researcher Application [US]

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Jan 13, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:676630617
Discord name: brodym4ster
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since 2022
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Brody Cooper, Brody "Arcade" Cooper
Civilian name: Brody A Cooper
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): US
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- CI-B (R&D JrNCO) (Retired) UNGOC 1SGT (334-Team Lead) (Active)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

1. I left as 8854 after being captured (My Fault)
2. I think I murdered 2 Parawatch who were trespassing in order to protect the veil as a Sr. Researcher (Again my fault)
3. Used Thaumatology on a Site Advisor (It was out of fear and my own stupidity)
4. During the time that the server was broken and everyone was chilling in the plains we had a comedy club and I said boo to a bad joke (TBH it was a really bad joke)
5. I was cosplaying as Flat Stanley as a D-Class by making my character flat and changing the name to Flat Stanley (Honestly I deserved that one)

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
-I'm applying for Executive Researcher because I've realized that I spent more time on this server than I used to when I first made an application for Executive Researcher back in April of 2024. I'm also doing this because I've been wanting to do something like this for a long time and I feel like it's about time I stop ignoring the ideas I have and go for them. I also wanna be able to experience and create a new level of RP for other people on the server and allow for more roleplay situations to happen. I also want to allow myself to have a greater responsibility on the server as I have noticed moments of good leadership and roleplay direction.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
-There are many things that make me suitable but there's also things that make me unsuitable as well and I acknowledge my flaws within myself and allow myself to attempt to change (anyway getting off track). I believe I am suitable for Executive Researcher because of Research being my main since I started playing on the server. I also have unique ideas for research studies and tests for SCPS and will support creative new ideas from research personnel. I also wish to be able to allow myself the ability to express and conduct new experiments on SCPS. However in order to balance the scale I will list probably the most important thing that could potentially make me unsuitable. I suffer from both ADHD and Autism so it can be likely that I can become overstimulated from the responsibility of the job but I will keep pushing forward and allow myself to regain control of my emotions and allow for myself to become a better person and move on from the incident. I have also not been the nicest person towards some CL4 staff but with the encouragement of the current Research Director I've tried to patch those relations at least. Now have I done a good job at doing that most likely no I wasn't ever given feedback but I tried and I feel like I worked hard enough (even though that's not acceptable for results and I'm sorry) but I have noted from a personal standpoint (I might be Biased) that I'm starting to respect CL4 members more than I did so that's a bonus. I've also done some excellent roleplay while playing on this server and have allowed for Roleplay that falls under either the wacky and funny towards the dark and gritty.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
-I have written around 3 or 4 excellent documents and have a proper format that I follow whenever I write a new research document. All you really need is an idea and a format for a document to be great. Without that you don't have a document and without a document you lack the key to test on some SCPS or even do certain things that require a document in order to proceed with. Format and a good idea is what can allow a document to be excellent and combining the two will allow for the creation of excellent documents.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
-The responsibilities of Executive Researchers can be categorized as the following
Priority Number 1: Remain a shining example for members of the research department to follow and learn from.
Priority Number 2: Teach and Inform members of Research how to create and test to the best of their ability and allow for them to experience unique and fun interactions with SCPS such as 008.
Priority Number 3: You should remember to give constructive advice to those who ask and allow yourself to take any advice that your peers can give you and learn and expand on the knowledge you were given.
Priority Number 4: Ensure that any and all tests that you approve or conduct follow the COC and the COE at all times unless given authorization from a member of Site Command.
Priority Number 5: Do not allow yourself to become bashful towards other foundation members and remember that just because you have a level 4 card that it doesn't make you better than everyone else.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

The Machine
Somewhere in deep research there is a machine. It lies in wait and weighs. For what it does is much a myth. To bring a man from the dead. Most don't remember and move on with life. But there is one who screams alive. He crawls his way through pipes and gears. Screaming into the depths of the machine.

(Non Poem)
Basically in simple terms is that my character has an ability to respawn like a type red. The only problem is that while the process is meant to be completely painless as the machine was designed to be Cooper however awakens still inside the machine and has to crawl his way out screaming every time he dies. Now this process is incredibly painful and has caused severe mental stress to Cooper. Also the machine only revives Cooper and everyone else on site it does not allow him to retain the memories of what and how he died. (This is to prevent NLR and power gaming as that would be unfair to everyone else. The extreme pain from the machine is also a anchor to allow for Fear rp to continue for my character as he wants to avoid having to go through the machine as much as possible.)

Reality Disfigurement
Cooper suffers from an anomalous event that during random moments causes his body to shift to a different form (Not a Type Yellow BTW this is something else). The most common disfigurement strips Cooper of all his skin and Muscles leaving him as a walking skeleton. These shifts usually lasts around 30 minutes to an hour with the longest instance lasting over 7 hours.

Potential SCP Classification
Due to Cooper's continued encounters with reality disfigurement some members of the Research Department have theorized that Cooper is a potential SCP. Although not confirmed there is rumors of a small research team documenting any anomalous incidents that happen to Cooper. These rumors while potentially possible lack any form of solid evidence to support them. Cooper has stated on several occasions that he is not an SCP nor does he believe that he can potentially receive SCP Classification.

Class X Exposure
Cooper has Knowledge ranging from standard CL4 to CL5 knowledge that has led to his death more than once yet he refuses to admit it. Such information includes Several CL5 SCPS, His interrogation by an O5, 008 Breaches, The Alpha Warhead, Class-X and its usage, and the memory of a former Consultant/Ethics Member.

(Additional Notes)
I do believe I can do well for the Research Department but if my application gets denied then that's ok. I will look over my application and rework it to the best of my ability then resubmit it.

Anyway have a good day and I hope to see you on the Server

(Notice from Second Application)
Hey it's me from the present and uh well I'm just wanting to say a few things in case I forget to write them down.

Treatment of CL4 Staff
- I know that I was a bit of an issue when it cam to CL4 personnel relations and the fact that a lot had a FEW things to say about my behavior and such but there was a reason behind it (A really dumb one). A lot of experiences with CL4 members that I had tended to have a negative outcome towards both parties but I only ever focused on my end and I thought that they were just an ass. But I realize now that they were most likely just having a bad day or I was pissing them off with some bullshit and I've come to realize that now. I never intended to do that and I never meant to hurt their feelings I just felt that most CL4s had some kind of EGO because of the several negative experiences that I've had. I tended to remember those more often and just had a profound resentment towards them. Hell my original exec application from over a year ago was out of anger because of an event getting restricted to CL4+ only. But things like that don't bother me anymore I mean it does from a roleplay perspective as it limits people from experiencing good RP but I realized a week or 2 ago that I don't need events to create RP I don't need to be a GM or CL4 I just need to come up with an idea for a test and get the signatures and allow those who can to come along and observe the RP.

CoC/CoE Violations
- This one is kinda my own fault and my own selfishness to bending the rules to how I think the rules should be. But it's not like that because those rules are designed to create RP and allow for departments to issue arrest warrants and search warrants on people. It's the only real reason that the ISD department even exists is to punish rulebreakers and to allow for RP to happen without Minges being punished in character. Now are we all innocent from breaking the CoC/CoE I mean we all are guilty of it I mean even the Ethics Committee is guilty of breaking it but it's for the common good. Most people try to follow the rules as best they can but there are moments when you feel as if you need to bend the rules in order to save the lives of more. That's a reason why I violated the rules was to ensure the protection of others. I wanted to be a protector as a NON-COMBATANT and I wanted to keep people safe. Now granted that desire is filled with my Enlistment in the UNGOC and our protection of humanity. I did what I thought was morally right and if that meant breaking the rules then I did it. I never wanted to hurt people and I never wanted to be selfish I just wanted to help people but I struggled at doing RP on other jobs that I just decided to do the RP as the wrong job. Anyway I have improved on my conduct with the CoC and the CoE and I believe that I've been doing a better job at following the rules to the best of my ability.

- Now this one is more or less an impromptu way to say sorry to the few (Or many) that I have offended with my behavioral issues. My behavior wasn't acceptable in any situation and I realize now that in order for me to work alongside other CL4s as a CL4 myself that I have to make sure we're on good terms. Now this isn't going to be easy and this apology might even seem like a half assed attempt to say sorry but In reality I am trying to make myself act better towards other CL4 members of foundation. So either if you forgive me or still want to drive a knife inside my back in all words I am going to say that I am sorry for anything I have done to upset you at all.

- Brody Cooper

I truly am trying to be a better person.


Well-known Member
Oct 30, 2024
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REGARDING: "Broody Cooper's Executive Researcher Application"

Dear Applicant,

After careful review and consideration, I am pleased to inform you that your application for Executive Researcher has been ACCEPTED. Congratulations! Your contributions and the support behind your application were noted, and we are excited to welcome you to the team.

However, there are a few concerns that were brought to my attention that need to be addressed:

1. Lore Approval:
- It must be explicitly stated that we do not approve of your lore in any official capacity. You are already aware of this, and we can work together to refine it moving forward.

2. Inquiries About Your Application:
- While I understand the anticipation and anxiety that can come with waiting for a response, patience is key. The selection process for Executive Researchers is thorough, and repeated inquiries can slow down the process rather than help it. Please keep this in mind for the future.

With that said, you have shown promise, and I look forward to seeing your contributions in this role. Please contact me (lucifersmorningstar) Director Vito "Dusk (.kore) to proceed with the next steps of your onboarding process. Once again, congratulations!

Director "Grimoire"

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