What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Halved leveling rate for 079 to increase server health
079 Hack changed to Level 4 hack to increase server health
Increase 079's breach cooldown from 10 minutes to 15 minutes
Remove 079's "cognito hazard" ability, as it is unrealistic to the SCP ethos and decreases server health
Allow 22415's "Push" ability push back 079 or de-level him if timed right, this could be explained lore was as 22415 "Pushing" the Electrical / Bluetooth waves
Disable 035's ability to "Hack" SCPs, and instead supply him with a "Breach Tool". Perchance.
Buff SCP-9000-A-2 and SCP-9000-A-3 (I love you two)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
This has never been suggested before.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Increases server health massively
Prevents SCP-079 breaches from getting to out of hand, while not stopping 079 entirely
Allows for new, exciting, and most importantly fun breaches to happen, such as 173/912 breaches
Allows for new players to get a good first impression of the server
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
SCP players might have less fun(?) (By the same token, they might have more fun if they're allowed to try new SCPs)
Dev time
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Recently, it has come to my attention that SCP-035 and SCP-079 have been running rampant ever since their "reworks" (buffs) back in December. While I could spend numerous hours of my life explaining how overpowered and unfair 035 is, that'll only be a small part of this. My main problem is with 079 and how blatantly BUSTED he is after this rework... And, well... *sigh* it's been weighing at me.
This server should, for all intents and purposes, be a fun experience. Allowing SCPs to run rampant and basically own the facility with no pushback is unacceptable. If this suggestion is accepted, I truly believe it would have a positive impact on this community. It creates a one-sided experience that detracts from the ethos of the game and alienates MTF who enjoy balanced combat.
Feeling powerless is an all too common thing for most MTF, so I think this would actually turn the tides a bit in their favor for a change. I’m not saying we should gut these SCPs entirely, but they cannot be allowed to continue to function in this state. Perhaps more strategy elements could be opened up for both of these SCPS.
I truly hope is taken seriously so we can keep the server as healthy as possible, where all players can enjoy themselves. Let’s work together to make that happen.
Halved leveling rate for 079 to increase server health
079 Hack changed to Level 4 hack to increase server health
Increase 079's breach cooldown from 10 minutes to 15 minutes
Remove 079's "cognito hazard" ability, as it is unrealistic to the SCP ethos and decreases server health
Allow 22415's "Push" ability push back 079 or de-level him if timed right, this could be explained lore was as 22415 "Pushing" the Electrical / Bluetooth waves
Disable 035's ability to "Hack" SCPs, and instead supply him with a "Breach Tool". Perchance.
Buff SCP-9000-A-2 and SCP-9000-A-3 (I love you two)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
This has never been suggested before.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Increases server health massively
Prevents SCP-079 breaches from getting to out of hand, while not stopping 079 entirely
Allows for new, exciting, and most importantly fun breaches to happen, such as 173/912 breaches
Allows for new players to get a good first impression of the server
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
SCP players might have less fun(?) (By the same token, they might have more fun if they're allowed to try new SCPs)
Dev time
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Recently, it has come to my attention that SCP-035 and SCP-079 have been running rampant ever since their "reworks" (buffs) back in December. While I could spend numerous hours of my life explaining how overpowered and unfair 035 is, that'll only be a small part of this. My main problem is with 079 and how blatantly BUSTED he is after this rework... And, well... *sigh* it's been weighing at me.
This server should, for all intents and purposes, be a fun experience. Allowing SCPs to run rampant and basically own the facility with no pushback is unacceptable. If this suggestion is accepted, I truly believe it would have a positive impact on this community. It creates a one-sided experience that detracts from the ethos of the game and alienates MTF who enjoy balanced combat.
Feeling powerless is an all too common thing for most MTF, so I think this would actually turn the tides a bit in their favor for a change. I’m not saying we should gut these SCPs entirely, but they cannot be allowed to continue to function in this state. Perhaps more strategy elements could be opened up for both of these SCPS.
I truly hope is taken seriously so we can keep the server as healthy as possible, where all players can enjoy themselves. Let’s work together to make that happen.
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