What the fluoride? This seems like a pretty interesting turn of affairs.
Let's see how I can aid this suggestion:
To my recollection, this visual thing is the case for SCRAMBLEs? Although it's kinda inconsistent, IMO. And having NVGs be visible can be confusable for wearing SCRAMBLEs under certain, common conditions - Since the only ways to remove SCRAMBLEs are to either pick up NVGs or die, that becomes a problem moderation-wise when trying to work out situations in which people may be FailRPing and/or metagaming by wearing SCRAMBLEs when they either don't have the IC information to do so or when they otherwise shouldn't.
That being said, if this is doable while avoiding that, then it should be fine as a future feature - Although IMO the visual consistency of SCRAMBLEs appearing should be resolved first beforehand, because of the simple reality that there are actual rules tied to the explicit misuse of those.
Now one argument you could make in favour of this change is that you can FailRP/metagame in the same way for the use of NVGs as you can with SCRAMBLEs - And... Yeah, alright. That's a good reason. However, I think that in a scenario where both items are visible when worn, without a method of removal outside of dying/putting the other one on, the defence of "No, I was wearing NVGs/SCRAMBLEs, not SCRAMBLEs/NVGs" is going to crop up in staff sits, which IMO is going to be hard to moderate without clear distinction between the two.
The obvious solution to this problem is to have, as mentioned, another method of removal via some kind of bind to unequip worn SCRAMBLEs & NVGs (Which I believe is planned? But IIRC is also kinda... Unwieldy? Not the right word, but I hope my intention comes across, to actually implement - So it's one of those development hell features (That, and also there presently are higher priorities (somewhat rightfully, IMO - Even though I've given cogent reasoning, the actual impact of this specific scenario in terms of server health is... It's... Not so small that it's nitpick levels? But it's not some kind of massive, glaring & highly abusable problem))); That way, when the sit happens, there's less of an excuse to be wearing them when they shouldn't be - However, they can still then try to say something like "I was going somewhere not-out-in-the-open to take them off to destroy them so they wouldn't be misused by something like an escaping D-Class." Which IMO is a pretty weak excuse and while... There's reason for vigilance, I guess? There's no real valid roleplay reason to act like there's potentially an escaped D-Class every passing second.
Tl;dr - It's a good idea that may be helpful for preventing FailRP/metagame, but for it to happen smoothly, other things need to happen first (Unequip NVG/SCRAMBLE bind, fix consistency of worn SCRAMBLEs being visible).