[USA] Rabbit's Site Administration Application

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Steam ID:


How long have you played on CG SCP-RP:
I have played for an accumulative total of two years and 6 months (rough estimate adding up total playtime).


In what country are you located:


Character names:
F: T. "Rabbit" [BTAC-AIT] [IS-OP]
CI: F. "Bunny"

Civilian name:

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Sub regiments.
Foundation. (Nu7)
LT (Held). SGT (Holding)
Foundation. (Misc)
OSA, Sp. Agent x2, GSD CPT, GSD SGT.
BTAC-OO (Held), BTAC-AIT (Holding).
Chaos insurgency.
CI-Gamma (Held), CI-Beta (Holding)
Med-NCO (Held)
United Nations GOC

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:


Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I am applying because I wish to take a step forward and obtain my first senior position. I hope that if I am accepted I can make a lasting change for the better within the site, I hope to create new ideas that allow more opportunities for more fun and engaging role play. I would also like to become a more respected person within the community. I wish to be a good leader for the site and believe that I am capable and competent to do it.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
I believe that my time within has made me very well versed in how the site should be ran and lead. Even though most of my positions have been more combat orientated I still showed dedication and leadership within those roles. During my time as OSA I learned a lot from the O5 at the time on how to handle most situations within the site and the responsibilities of SA/SC. I understand that this is a highly competitive role but I believe that I could excel in this position if given to me. Since November I had my first season of wrestling and it has taught me a lot about dedication, discipline, and leadership, and most importantly a new since of maturity. I know I am ready for this role and will be able to handle it and the responsibilities that come with it. I am more then willing to resign all other roles to focus completely on Site Admin.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
The responsibilities of Site Administration are as follows. (Sourced from the handbook as well as a few others I felt needed to be mentioned.)
  • Appointing Department Heads.
  • Appointing MTF Commanders. (Excluding A-1/0-1)
  • Signing class-d work permits.
  • Auditing Underperforming Departments.
  • Being a first point of contact for departments.
  • Taking action against department leads who breach rules/codes.
  • Authorizing AA
  • Authorizing Tests.
  • Allowing GOIS in for differing reasons. (Meetings/Assisting in a breach.)
    (Just some to name a few.)

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

January 25th, 2013. North Alabama JH/JV Championship, Huntsville, Alabama.
Its 3rd period. His season comes down to this. Everything he's worked for... All the times he killed himself at practice... This is were it lead. Everything is blurry and his ears are ringing. That's normal but this time its almost.... painful?.... He doesn't know why but it doesn't matter. He needs this takedown or he'll lose. He looks to the bleachers, He sees his family recording and yelling, Screaming "Roll him!." "Shoot!" and other random terms. They have no clue about what to do but he doesn't care, He's just glad there here. Supporting him...
Present day, Unknown FOB.
Tristan wakes up, He knows why it hurt now... He's been shot and left in a wooded area. He cant remember where his team is or where he's stationed. He cant remember how to apply first but he's practiced so much muscle memory kicks in. He sits huddled by a tree, wrapping his anti-thermal cloak around his shaking body. his gloves are bloody. He knows its his. Sitting by the tree he's reminded about his childhood. Watching maze runner with his mom and how she would embrace him as his cloak is now. He feels tears coming up but his body is dry and tired. He lets out a faint breath as he falls asleep. His vision still blurred and his ears still ringing the same as that day.

[Cont. Of part 1.]
He hesitated. He always did. He was never good at taking shoots but he knew how to defend them, not today though. His opponent set up a blast double and took him down with 12 seconds left. He never was one to be upset at a loss but today something was different. When he stood up he looked to his coach and thought of quitting. He wasn't like that though. He would never quit. That hand raise was the hardest one for him to sit through. He went straight to his family and tried to find comfort in their words, but nothing could console him.

Present day, Medical tent in an unknown camp.
He awoke with multiple IVs stuck in him. He was confused but felt warm and safe, so he didn't attempt to move. He still heard it... he thought that in such a safe feeling place it would go away. A mix of voices softly raised in his head. nothing he heard ever made sense to him though. loudest of all was the clicking. since he was stationed he heard this clicking in his head. the sound of a vertebrae cracking and twisting. the voices had been there since his loss that day, but this clicking was new... and annoying. But it was time. He had heard it long enough. and now the source decided to show it self. He looked over and saw a bird, tall and scrawny, it's head twisted in sync with the clicking. He was mad, almost... disgusted by it. He wanted to kill it, take out all his rage, Everything he's let build up since that day. but he assumed that's what is wanted. so he ignored it.... after some time pasted it decided it would make the first move, It lunged at Tristan. He knew he couldn't just pretend it wasn't there anymore, so he ran. At least he tried to. It hurt to run because of the bullet in his side, It reminded him of sprints at practice. he hated sprints. Tristan was lucky, most of the time he was but he was for sure today. A group of armed people with hammer logos on their sides where patrolling around. He didn't know what to do so he ran to them for help. luckily these people were searching for this creature.

After being saved by these people he joined their group... the "Foundation" they call it. He was considered MIA by the USA military. He thought about his family but none of them were really around anymore anyways. So he dedicated his life to the foundation.

Hello. I thank you for taking the time to read my application. I hope you really consider me as a valuable option.
God bless



Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jul 11, 2024
A message has been received from the Site-65 Administrative Department
The Site Administration Verdict Report
REGARDING: Rabbit's Site Advisor Application


Hello Rabbit, First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to apply for a position in Site-65's Administrative Department. Unfortunately, Site Administration has decided to DENY your application. Feel free to reach out to any member of Site Administration if you have any questions regarding your denial. You may re-apply in two weeks.
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