Executive Researcher Application - SCP-RP USA

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William "Fiber" Coltens

Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Aug 11, 2023
Input Selection...

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:713776411

Discord name: waterleapples

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1044 hours on the server total

Age: 14

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: CST

Character name(s): CI: William 'Eye' [RAM-EN], Foundation: William 'Fiber'

Civilian name: William 'Optic' Coltens

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: CI-G (Current), MTF E-11 SPC (Former)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Yes, FailRP, NITRP, and PacAbuse.


Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?:

The reason I am applying for Executive researcher is because I have put a lot of effort in for the research department. I believe I would fit in as an Executive Researcher and improve the research department, helping others and training the Jr. Researchers sounds like a responsibility I could handle, another reason why I am applying is so I can move on and study more SCP's.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

I think what makes me suitable for the role of Executive Researcher should be my dedication into the research department, I believe my knowledge that a higher position of the research department would have (Basics and good understanding of SCP's, etc), and I could improve the performance of the department itself, I believe as an Executive I would be a great asset to the department, as I should assist other researchers if needed, and conduct more tests on SCP's to improve study and experiments of the research department.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?:

5, what makes an excellent document would be:

- Goal Of Study page,
A good goal of study can better explain why you did the test and what you would do with the study.

- Hypothesis page ,
A well written hypothesis would give full detail what you think would happen in the study, if its a sampling then of course what you think would happen with the samples, assuming you would experiment with the samples.

- Findings page,
Writing well about what you had observed during the study/sampling you conducted, sharing information to the research department on what you have studied would be great as it gives more knowledge and understanding of the SCP.

Conclusions page,
A good conclusion would guarantee the information you had put for your findings for the study/sampling

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

1- Train researchers new to the department,

Showing new researchers the ropes such as document creation and rules regarding what to do during a containment breach, also assisting them during tests.

2- Assist any help regarding research,
Assist researchers with tests, document creation.

Example: Briefing a researcher on an SCP, what to add to a document and assist with an experiment or two if needed.

3- Approve credit requests,
Approving Jr. Researchers credit request, helping them move up to Researcher.

4- Review documents,
Review documents being given to,

Example: Sr. Researcher gives you a document for authorization (to do the test).

Review documents uploaded to SCIPNET,
Review and grade uploaded documents uploaded from SCIPNET.

5- Conduct Cl4 research,
Experiment on SCP's to your clearance and below.


Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
The Beginning:

Started off as a Jr. Researcher. Confused at first because I had just finished the test you first do when you get lvl 5, I began doing tests but I was confused on what I could test on. But then I asked an Executive for help, he showed me where I should test on as a Jr. Researcher. I believe my first test was on the book. After that I quickly understood how to test on SCP's.

The Middle,
I then got promoted to Researcher, at this point I was still testing on Level 1 SCP's. At the time i didnt know how to create documents, but then I was curious about testing on the mask (035). I didnt know it required a document so then i asked around on how to make a document, which was pretty funny. But then I got an executive to show me how to. He showed me the document creation guide sticked onto the board in research bunks. I then created my first document.

The Recent,
After that I got Sr. Researcher, which was pretty cool. I began looking for SCP's to test on, while I was still thinking about ideas I was still testing on SCP's I had done previously, until I found an SCP I wanted to test on. I forgot what SCP it was since it was so long ago, but I began creating a document on it. I did the test and finished the document.

Experiments that I think would be important in my lore,

Experiment 1:

My idea that I thought of was an SCP-008 phycological test, I began asking an executive how I would make a document on it. After he briefed me on that I began creating the document, after that I waited for authorization which took so long since it required a site command signature but eventually I got the authorization and did the test, which went really well.

Experiment 2:

(A 2 day collaboration)

I had asked a few other researchers if they wanted to collaborated on a test together, we eventually collaborated and began thinking of a test we can do. We first thought of a 682 or 079 test, but I eventually got an idea of a 008-2 and 049-2 crosstest. We began creating a document on the crosstest together, after we finished the document after 2 hours we began looking for anyone who could authorize the test. We began contacting anyone who could authorize the crosstest, and we eventually got it. We did the test and it also went really well and we believed that it would be a huge breakthrough for the research department.​

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Well-known Member
Aug 1, 2024
+Knows his stuff
+Being professional
+Great at making documents
+Nice to everyone
+Good intentions
Ps (ooc) we did a fun test and it got approved and everything i even got the credit for it being signed off on scripnet thanks to his amazing work


New Member
Jan 29, 2025
Super helpful in game learning how to write docs, and format them. As well as assisting on tests.


Well-known Member
Oct 30, 2024
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REGARDING: "William 'Fiber' Colten's Executive Researcher Application"

Dear Applicant,

After careful review of your application, we regret to inform you that your request for the position of Executive Researcher has been DENIED. Below, we have outlined the reasons for this decision:

1. Initial Application Lacking Effort:
- Prior to edits, Research Leadership found your application to be lacking in detail and originality. Given that documentation is the foundation of our department, the lack of initial effort raises concerns about your commitment to this role.

2. Lack of Recognition in Research Leadership:
- No members of the Research Leadership team are familiar with your work or contributions, which is a critical factor when considering candidates for leadership positions.

3. Unexplained Warnings:
- You have not provided an explanation regarding your past warnings or how they were received. Transparency and accountability are necessary traits for an Executive Researcher.

4. Excessive Inquiry Regarding Application Status:
- While we understand the anticipation that comes with waiting for a response, you not only reached out to me directly but also contacted another DoR regarding the status of your application. Patience is a vital quality in this position, and repeated inquiries can be disruptive to the selection process.

Due to these factors, your application has been declined at this time. However, you are welcome to reapply in two weeks should you choose to address these concerns and improve upon your application.


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