What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
I am writing this suggestion on behalf of everyone (That eats cyanide) I would believe.
Cyanide in RP is a tooth that you have in your mouth and bite down on when getting potentially kidnapped.
My suggestion is to implement an eat function in the C-Menu when right clicking on the cyanide to consume it, instead of having to drop it and then consume it.
From a both none staff related and staff perspective I have multiple reasons that makes me wanting to write this suggestion.
- Technically dropping the cyanide should be you consuming it (Biting down on the cyanide tooth)
- Removing the 2 steps of having to consume the cyanide
- Stop the questions of "I was moved away from my cyanide when dropping it and not gagged, in RP I would've consumed it"
- Dropping cyanide on stairs (Or not flat surfaces) where it is impossible to consume it, (Related to the question above)
- Avoid cyanide being stolen (Possibly being completely refunded if despawned)
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?
No (I have no idea)
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Mentioned above in the first question
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Absolutely none
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This suggestion should be accepted because it would make more sense in RP for it to be just a 1 step way to consume it, since it is a tooth that you bite down on. And it would also help out when bugs occur and potentially have less staff related questions when it comes to cyanides not being consumed or not working as it should, for example on stairs.
I am writing this suggestion on behalf of everyone (That eats cyanide) I would believe.
Cyanide in RP is a tooth that you have in your mouth and bite down on when getting potentially kidnapped.
My suggestion is to implement an eat function in the C-Menu when right clicking on the cyanide to consume it, instead of having to drop it and then consume it.
From a both none staff related and staff perspective I have multiple reasons that makes me wanting to write this suggestion.
- Technically dropping the cyanide should be you consuming it (Biting down on the cyanide tooth)
- Removing the 2 steps of having to consume the cyanide
- Stop the questions of "I was moved away from my cyanide when dropping it and not gagged, in RP I would've consumed it"
- Dropping cyanide on stairs (Or not flat surfaces) where it is impossible to consume it, (Related to the question above)
- Avoid cyanide being stolen (Possibly being completely refunded if despawned)
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?
No (I have no idea)
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Mentioned above in the first question
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Absolutely none
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This suggestion should be accepted because it would make more sense in RP for it to be just a 1 step way to consume it, since it is a tooth that you bite down on. And it would also help out when bugs occur and potentially have less staff related questions when it comes to cyanides not being consumed or not working as it should, for example on stairs.