Out Of Character Information
Steam ID
Discord Name
For how long have you played CG SCP
2355 Hours
in what country are you located?
Time zone
Australian western standerd Time
Foundation Name
Daniel Bob
Chaos Name
Civillian Name
Daniel Rob
Daniel "phantom" Bob
What server are you applying For? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA)
I am appying for the position of Executive Researcher on SCP-RP USA
Do you have a Mic?
List all whitelisted MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have Held
I have help GSD Captain, UNGOC LCPL, Medical Consultant, CI-Gamma, Ethics Committee Assistant, MTF Omega-1 LCPL, DEA senior Agent, Executive Researcher, and MTF Epsilon-11 CSG. I am currently holding SCP-096 and MTF Epsilon-11 SGT.
Have You received any Kicks/bans/warnings? and why?
yes i have a current active failRP warn for giving SCP-035 a gun when i was an E-11 SPC as i wanted to 1v1 SCP-035
Discord Name
For how long have you played CG SCP
2355 Hours
in what country are you located?
Time zone
Australian western standerd Time
Foundation Name
Daniel Bob
Chaos Name
Civillian Name
Daniel Rob
Daniel "phantom" Bob
What server are you applying For? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA)
I am appying for the position of Executive Researcher on SCP-RP USA
Do you have a Mic?
List all whitelisted MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have Held
I have help GSD Captain, UNGOC LCPL, Medical Consultant, CI-Gamma, Ethics Committee Assistant, MTF Omega-1 LCPL, DEA senior Agent, Executive Researcher, and MTF Epsilon-11 CSG. I am currently holding SCP-096 and MTF Epsilon-11 SGT.
Have You received any Kicks/bans/warnings? and why?
yes i have a current active failRP warn for giving SCP-035 a gun when i was an E-11 SPC as i wanted to 1v1 SCP-035
In Character Information
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I am applying for Executive because i am a former exec and i truely have a soft spot for the research department. I love to write documents and i love the Idea for doing SCP Cross-test, interviews, experiments, and Termination attempts. I would also like to help people get there foot into the research department again as i had fun the first time i was an exec I loved helping people write sampling documents and teach them how to write a good document.What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?
I am a former Executive Researcher and i have good document writing skills I also have a lot of ideas for test that i would love to do as an exec again i have also held other CL4 roles on the site. Finally i am AU time so i can help bring more RP to AU players again.How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document Excellent?
I have written 2 Execellent graded docs however when i was an exec before i had about 10 Excellent graded documents however they were wipped when the sSCiPNET all my execellent docs. Excellent documents need to have good formating and a good goal for example a sampling document needs to outline the SCP what it is capable of and how it is contained it should also focuse on what they are using the samples for and should also outline the Equipment needed. A Crosstest document should outline the object class of the two SCPS and should list what they are and what they do the doc should also contain what the researcher thinks is going to happen and after the test should have a conclusion.What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?
The Executive Researcher is there to make sure members of the research department are doing there job properly. They are there to approve test and grade documents. They are to make sure that members of the research department known about the Code of conduct and code of ethics. Giving out job bans is also part of the Job however this should be saved for when research staff have multiple warnings on them and have been arressted several times.Please Give some lore about your Executive Researcher Character and what storylines they would be involved In
After being injuird in d-block after a mass riot and losing his right eye Daniel bob set out on a mission to research and study the SCPs as he had started to gain an interest in SCPS and what they are. Daniel bobs first test was a sample test of SCP-035 and SCP-106 which went well then Daniel bob did a TG test and that went well. after a couple of months of sampling SCPs Daniel bob did his first crosstest SCP-7722 and SCP-999 see crosstest SCP-7722 and SCP-999 for more then Daniel Bob did SCP-7722 and SCP-049 see research study SCP-049 and SCP-7722 crosstest and did another crosstest with SCP-999 and SCP-330 see SCP-999 and SCP-330 and SCP-330 research study-A for more. Daniel bob is hoping he will be able to do more research if he gets the chance to be executive.
After losing his arm in a containment breach and being forced to take a leave of absence [Joinned MTF omega-1] Daniel Bob is now back and ready to become an executive researcher again he has rejoined MTF-E11 and has bulit him self a robtic arm he is ready to discover any new SCPS brought to Site-65 and wants to help the foundation in anyway.
After being injuird in d-block after a mass riot and losing his right eye Daniel bob set out on a mission to research and study the SCPs as he had started to gain an interest in SCPS and what they are. Daniel bobs first test was a sample test of SCP-035 and SCP-106 which went well then Daniel bob did a TG test and that went well. after a couple of months of sampling SCPs Daniel bob did his first crosstest SCP-7722 and SCP-999 see crosstest SCP-7722 and SCP-999 for more then Daniel Bob did SCP-7722 and SCP-049 see research study SCP-049 and SCP-7722 crosstest and did another crosstest with SCP-999 and SCP-330 see SCP-999 and SCP-330 and SCP-330 research study-A for more. Daniel bob is hoping he will be able to do more research if he gets the chance to be executive.
After losing his arm in a containment breach and being forced to take a leave of absence [Joinned MTF omega-1] Daniel Bob is now back and ready to become an executive researcher again he has rejoined MTF-E11 and has bulit him self a robtic arm he is ready to discover any new SCPS brought to Site-65 and wants to help the foundation in anyway.