What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Actually let SCP's break the two large garage doors, at the current time their hitbox is too scuffed to actually break.
Alongside this, let them use the surface elevators, oddly enough they can use secondary but a few cannot use the surface elevator, like 096, requiring either staff or human help, which guarantees a bucket if staff don't respond fast enough
Let SCP's open those two doors right after the surface elevators, OR at least make them breakable, as how it currently stands, a majority of scps cannot open the doors, thus are trapped, even if they get past the surface elevator issue they still have to have either 035 or 049 open it.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I don't think something like this has been suggested, as from what I know this is a recently occurred issue
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
SCP's actually get to do their purpose without an 035 or 049
SCP's like 096 don't get bucketed for no actual reason, seeing how 096 needs to be swift to avoid being bucketed, the implementations of this change allows him to ACTUALLY do that, seeing how he won't need human or staff interference to use the elevator, and open the two unbreakable doors after the elevator
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
SCP's will get to surface, which would probably piss off a bit of MTF as it makes them easier to be kidnapped or harder to locate
Other than that, this suggestion purely is to help SCP's get to surface, so it shouldn't have any other negatives to it
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Because this suggestion lets SCP's do the purpose staff get pissed at them for NOT doing, 096 for example if he has a surface target, CANNOT get to surface because of it, letting him be bucketed without any actual chance of resisting, as he NEEDS them to get up to surface at the moment, the change will allow SCP's to get to surface without having to prioritize 035 or 049 staying alive/being recontained to actually get to surface.
(I totally didn't make this suggestion because I play 096, and get pissed every time my target is on surface and I can't do anything but let myself be bucketed because of the fact 096 can't break/open the surface garage doors, nor can he use the surface elevator.)

Actually let SCP's break the two large garage doors, at the current time their hitbox is too scuffed to actually break.
Alongside this, let them use the surface elevators, oddly enough they can use secondary but a few cannot use the surface elevator, like 096, requiring either staff or human help, which guarantees a bucket if staff don't respond fast enough
Let SCP's open those two doors right after the surface elevators, OR at least make them breakable, as how it currently stands, a majority of scps cannot open the doors, thus are trapped, even if they get past the surface elevator issue they still have to have either 035 or 049 open it.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I don't think something like this has been suggested, as from what I know this is a recently occurred issue
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
SCP's actually get to do their purpose without an 035 or 049
SCP's like 096 don't get bucketed for no actual reason, seeing how 096 needs to be swift to avoid being bucketed, the implementations of this change allows him to ACTUALLY do that, seeing how he won't need human or staff interference to use the elevator, and open the two unbreakable doors after the elevator
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
SCP's will get to surface, which would probably piss off a bit of MTF as it makes them easier to be kidnapped or harder to locate
Other than that, this suggestion purely is to help SCP's get to surface, so it shouldn't have any other negatives to it
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Because this suggestion lets SCP's do the purpose staff get pissed at them for NOT doing, 096 for example if he has a surface target, CANNOT get to surface because of it, letting him be bucketed without any actual chance of resisting, as he NEEDS them to get up to surface at the moment, the change will allow SCP's to get to surface without having to prioritize 035 or 049 staying alive/being recontained to actually get to surface.
(I totally didn't make this suggestion because I play 096, and get pissed every time my target is on surface and I can't do anything but let myself be bucketed because of the fact 096 can't break/open the surface garage doors, nor can he use the surface elevator.)