[UK] Maxo's Executive Researcher Application

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Well-known Member
Jan 12, 2025
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:64017613
Discord name: xutesan
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Maxo
Civilian name: Bjern
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
E-11 PVT
ISD Agent
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

I’m applying for Executive Researcher as I’d like the opportunity to be more involved with the roleplay aspect of being within the Research Department. I have many ideas that I’m eager to implement, and this position would give me the opportunity to actually bring them to life, especially for lower clearance researchers. Being in a position where I can actively contribute and push the limits to what we can do within the research department excites me, and I’m ready to explore what can come of it. Moreover, I do believe that currently collaboration internally and externally within the RsD can be improved, and I’d like the opportunity to be able to foster these kinds of interactions.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?

I believe that I’d be suitable for Executive Researcher as I think that I’ve demonstrated that I have the capability to positively contribute to RP, as shown by my creation & involvement in Project ‘T.E.R.A’. Furthermore, I have taken an active role in supporting my fellow researchers as best as I can, especially CL1/CL2 roles. I really do enjoy supporting and shaping Jr. Researchers, when the occasion rises, and I am currently working on an informative video aimed at showing the essentials to working within the research department. Moreover, I do believe that I have shown professionalism while on the job, and while I am sometimes a bit silly, on the whole I believe that I am professional. Adding on to my last point, I also believe that I am quite consistent and dependable. For all of these reasons, I believe that I’d be a good Executive Researcher.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

I have written approximately 3 excellent grade documents. An excellent grade document must consist of:
-Cover Page
Furthermore, an excellent grade document is about the actual content within, ensuring it upholds a high standard of professionalism, with little to no spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes. Additionally, I believe that excellent grade documents also reflect on the quality of RP actually created in order to create said document in the first place.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?

As highly experienced members of the RsD, Executive Researchers play a vital role in maintaining a high quality of RP within the facility. They should guide and nurture the development of CL1/CL2/CL3 researchers, showing them the ropes and ensuring that they follow the FLC and code of ethics. Furthermore, Executive Researchers should lead by example, showing off what great RP actually looks like through coordinating research activities, such as work on a project, or actively guiding researchers to conduct tests. Additionally, Executive Researchers are tasked with accurately grading documents that researchers upload through SCIPNET. This should first be done by going over the paper with the researcher, giving them notes and allowing them the opportunity to improve upon their work before submission. Moreover, Executive Researchers are tasked with the approval of cross-testing initiatives, which is a crucial aspect of research as it allows us to see how SCP’s interact with one another. They must carefully assess the risks and coordinate with the other departments, such as E-11, in order to ensure that it is conducted safely. All in all,Executive Researchers are the cornerstone of the RsD. They are expected to be role-models to all research staff and exhibit professionalism at all times.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Growing up in the shadow of [████████] glory days, Exec. Maxo grew up in a small village where abandoned cotton mills scarred the landscape like once forgotten ruins. As a child, he often explored the inside of these industrial graveyards, more fascinated with the complex rusty machines than his schoolwork. Showing no promise or hope for a bright future, he drifted through early education with little to no direction or purpose.

As he grew older, this cycle continued. Still fascinated with these wastelands, he continued exploring, almost as if the mills provided a sense of familiarity from a simpler time. He’d often bring his friends along, though they were often disinterested. He didn’t care though, as the inner workings of these buildings was enough.

During one of these excursions with his friends, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. It was simple. Routine. He looked through the abandoned rooms and noticed something new, a painting. “I don’t remember this being here before…” he thought. With a newfound sense of curiosity, he called his friends over. “Who gives a fuck mate, it’s just a painting” his friends beckoned while walking away, clearly disinterested. This was no ordinary painting, but an instance of SCP-6728-1.

The foundation responded swiftly, lining his friends up one by one to be injected with a drug. “What is happening?” he wondered. It was just a painting after all. “You, come here!” the agent shouted to his friend. “It’s just a routine tetanus shot, with all this rust around it’s best to be safe”. Maxo, however, noticed that his friends seemed to be unable to remember where they were, or why they were there. The agent pointed towards Maxo, “Seems like you’re the last one”. He pulled up his sleeve, accepting his fate. “Just a quick pinch, then it’ll all be over”. “Huh? Why do I remember where I am?” Maxo thought, “Fuck. I’ll play along”.
The agent’s voice boomed, catching the attention of everyone. “Alright everyone, you need to stop coming here. There’s been a nasty gas leak, and your friend here has cut himself on one of the machines. We’ve given you all tetanus shots just to be safe, however you cannot come here again”. With that we all left, vowing never to come back here again.

Driven by the events of that day, Maxo transformed himself. He started studying harder, eventually gaining a place at the University of [█████████]. His unique perspectives on industrial landscapes and their unexplained phenomena earned him a place within the world of academia. His undergraduate thesis [█████████████████████████████████], however, caught the attention of several mysterious organisations.

The Foundation, having kept tabs on him ever since that fateful incident, eventually came to realise that his background could actually be an asset. During one of his routine research expeditions to document electromagnetic anomalous present within [█████████████], he was arrested by Foundation personnel. He was brought to Site-[██], where he was offered a job on the spot by [██ - ], recognising that his first hand experience with anomalies made him extremely qualified for a position at the Foundation.
Dec 4, 2023


The following message is composed via consensus of Research Leadership.

Hello, @MaxoMaxoMaxo

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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