James Krane DoIS Application [UK]

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:465806201
Discord name: j.critical.k
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 11,703,120 seconds (3250.87 hours, 135.45 days)
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): James 'Critical' Krane
Civilian name: Event name
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
ISD Inspector
IA Ambassador (x3)
ISD Investigator

Alpha-1 CPL x2
Alpha-1 PVT

Nu-7 PVT


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
FearRP - Jan 18th 2023

Why are you applying for Director of Internal Security?
I am applying for Director of Internal Security because I believe it is a role I will flourish in as I previously have. I enjoy what goes on with The Internal Security Department and I would like to climb the ranks in the department I enjoy the most to share the enjoyment with other personnel. Operating as Senior Clearance 4 personnel in ISD will allow me to take more of a management role in the department which is where my specialities lie and a position I would excel in.
What makes you suitable for Director of Internal Security?:
What makes me suitable for the role of Director is my knowledge and experience. I have been in IA/ISD for a long time, whilst not across 1 continuous time period, I have always returned and helped the Department by creating roleplay interactions for people to experience. I have helped ISD members learn new ways ISD can operate within the guidelines making their role more interesting and fair for others.

As ISD I have had to deal with many situations where Agents and Investigators have requested assistance and I set the model of always aiming to help. I ensure when I help ISD personnel they understand the thought process I had behind the actions I took so they could mimic the thought process reviewing situations in a different light. I do this instead of telling them the answer to specific situations because I see that as a waste of everyone's time. New ISD personnel should see how to deal with simular situations and get the results they want rather than having it handed to them every time. If everything was just handed to new personnel we wouldn't have any improvements to the department nor future CL4 candidates.

I know my way around the department. I have played as IA/ISD alot and have collected knowledge from all aspects of the department, especially the more minute roleplay scenarios ISD can experience. These little roleplay scenarios such as locking down rooms to question people in, kidnapping people and stealing their identities to infiltrate groups unionising to collect evidence, escorting VIPs upon request, abusing SCPs to help investigations etc. All are RP situations which do not violate server rules but do bend the limits of in-character conserquences. This brings more enjoyment to the department and an improvement of RP for the server.

As ISD/IA CL4 I tasked many IA/ISD personnel to conduct investigations/close followings on personnel/groups to point out any flaws in their duties ensuring they are improved upon. Some of these led to new policies in departments, adjustments of the FLC, improvements in duties and reductions in RP effecting situations (CI raids and SCP breaches). Others resulted in tribunals with many participants and/or spectators, some went straight to arrests and a fair few didn't do anything. The potential was always available to those who wished to take part, roleplay was never forced upon ISD/IA Operatives otherwise the roleplay would have no quality which is always key to keep in mind as a Director.

I believe I am suitable for the role of Director because I have the experience and the encouragement from people to progress through ISD.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Internal Security in RP?:

  • Relationship Management - The Director of Internal Security is responsible for ensuring relationships are maintained between departments and its internal members. Working with our subranch to ensure other departments are working well with ISD and any complaints are dealt with appropriatley. Also ensuring the Commissioners are working well with one another and ensuring the Inspectors are following the guidelines.
  • Maintaining Standards - The Director of Internal Security must ensure standards are being met. Checking Commissioners are acting responsibly and are enforcing the guidelines on Inspectors who enforce it on CL3 ISD staff. If standards are not upheld the department will crumble into chaos and a lack of control with take place. ISD is the most important department to upkeep high standards due to ISD being the personnel enforcing other site policies on foundation personnel.
  • Investigation Management - Working with our departments investigation management subranch, the director is responsible for overseeing investigations and ensuring they are of quality. Investigations are very important to identifying major issues with the foundation. They look in-depth into what is causing issues and how to resolve them. If investigations are not kept tight they will be inconclusive, leaked or provide incorrect information making the department look like a mess and as though they are unaware of how to perform their duties.
  • Document Maintenance - Documents should be regularly updated. If documents fall behind personnel will not be up-to-date with the newest policies and procedures of the department making the department less effective. If documments are left too out of date they may become obsolete and require a complete re-write taking up a lot of time which could be better spent ensuring standards are maintained.
  • Delegation of Duties - The Director cannot be responsible for conducting every and all jobs within the department. The Directors need to be able to delegate work to Commissioners who distribute the work down the lines as well. Duties that can be done or should be done by lower ranking personnel should be delegated to ensure they are fufilling their duties and allows the directors to focus on more important situations.
  • Handling Complaints - The Director is responsible for ensuring ISD CL4 staff are following the guidelines and any complaints made against them are reviewed and resolved. Typically people send reports about CL3 staff and CL4 staff to the department heads instead of the appropriate people so the directors should ensure work is deligated and the reports against CL4 are dealt with as quickly as possible.
  • Dealing with Suggestions - The Director should take on suggestions from people within their department about document edits, duty changes, roleplay senarios and other situations putting them to vote with ISD CL4. Suggestions from within that don't have to go through content team should be reviewed by the Department Directors and implimented or rejected depending on the suggestion. Directors should ensure the department is working at its top level and suggestions on how to improve is important to look at.
Please give some lore about your Director of Internal Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Personnel File of: James 'Critical' Krane.​
  • Cool
Reactions: Cheetah
Due to James being ex DoIA I will say that he is more then capable of being DoISD, I have asked him before to consider applying as I know that I am capable of working with him. I will say without a doubt yes to him being DoISD., the only concern I have is that he has not created any considerable amount of RP as of yet but that I will grill him about

+ Support
  • Love
Reactions: Critical

Layra "Nyx" Nightfall

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Aug 8, 2024
Haya @Critical.
I do belive based on the interactions and i had with you and the experience you posses. You are more than cruitial in keeping foundation running. I saw you during your MRP time (when you were im RMP). You got experience which you can transfer forward and the leadership. I do wish you all the luck you can get. However i do believe that you are WAY overqualified for this position.

Definetly + Support
(go for O5 next)

-Layra! <3
  • Love
Reactions: Critical
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