Steam ID:
Discord name:
Solus (@Solus_16)
For how long have you played on CG SCP:

In what country are you located?:
United Kingdom
Time zone:
Character name(s):
C. ‘Solus’
Civilian name:
Preet Grey
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
CI-A, ISD Agent
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1. Fear RP - Broke out of cuffs under gunpoint.
2. ERP - Included a furry picture in a document.
Discord name:
Solus (@Solus_16)
For how long have you played on CG SCP:

In what country are you located?:
United Kingdom
Time zone:
Character name(s):
C. ‘Solus’
Civilian name:
Preet Grey
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
CI-A, ISD Agent
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1. Fear RP - Broke out of cuffs under gunpoint.
2. ERP - Included a furry picture in a document.
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
The research department is fascinating, I adore it. The amazing community of everyone in the research department is something out of this world. At this point in my time in the research department, I feel I’ve hit a ceiling of limitations. I want this application for Executive Researcher to break through the ceiling and exceed my experience and options in the research department. I would love to shape research into an even better department than it already is, and with the opportunities I can see with executive researcher, I believe I can make this happen.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I’ve been in the research department for the majority of my time on site-65 and I’ve grown to be knowledgeable about a lot of things in research. I can easily produce a document and I’ve grown knowledgeable about a lot of chemicals I plan to further my knowledge even more with higher clearance chemicals and documents. I have a lot of plans for the future and I plan to grab this opportunity with an iron fist and use it to my maximum potential. I’ve helped a large number of Junior Researchers and Researchers with sampling, testing, and general knowledge of site-65 and I would love to continue doing this as an executive researcher. I believe my ability to produce great lectures would be a valuable asset for junior researchers to learn from.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I have written two documents. An SCP-073 + SCP-330 Cross Test and Operation PLA for the robotics department.
I think the following makes a document excellent:
- Cover page
- Index
- SCP description
- Hypothesis
- Aim
- Equipment
- Safety
- Method
- Results
- Interviews (If animate)
- Conclusion
- Signatures
- End Cover Page
Of course, the contents within a document is the deciding factor of an excellent document. It should be at least 10 pages and contain relevant information with exceptional detail.
I think the following makes a document excellent:
- Cover page
- Index
- SCP description
- Hypothesis
- Aim
- Equipment
- Safety
- Method
- Results
- Interviews (If animate)
- Conclusion
- Signatures
- End Cover Page
Of course, the contents within a document is the deciding factor of an excellent document. It should be at least 10 pages and contain relevant information with exceptional detail.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
I think that the responsibilities of Executive Researchers in RP are as followed:
- An executive researcher should assist lower clearance personnel with any assistance they need, however a focus on CL1, CL2 and Cl3 research personnel should be high priority.
- The creation of highly detailed and innovative documentation.
- Assisting and following the orders of higher ranked personnel, mainly Department Director Jaqueline.
- Grading documents accordingly and funding the authors of these documents.
- Ensuring relationships with other departments are positive.
- An executive researcher should assist lower clearance personnel with any assistance they need, however a focus on CL1, CL2 and Cl3 research personnel should be high priority.
- The creation of highly detailed and innovative documentation.
- Assisting and following the orders of higher ranked personnel, mainly Department Director Jaqueline.
- Grading documents accordingly and funding the authors of these documents.
- Ensuring relationships with other departments are positive.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Incident Leeta-A - 03/05/2004
Police were called to XXXX local park after an incident containing multiple deaths. When reported, MTF-BETA 7 intervened in the investigation and dismissed police from the scene. When they arrived, they discovered multiple deceased adults and injured children. Interrogation of one of the surviving adults:
Adult male, 27, with slight injury on legs and spine.
“I-I don’t know what to say… I don’t want to believe what I saw, do I really have to say it? Fine, there was this group of children playing. I look away for a second and I hear a scream. When I looked back, I saw a group of children… floating. I know I sound crazy! Their legs weren’t touching the ground, it was as if they had no gravity. Then… they got slammed into the fucking ground, almost all of them. Their screams of agony, it hurts to remember. 2 kids didn’t get slammed into the ground, two children. One was just holding out his hand on the ground and holding the other kid’s hand. The other screamed, he was shaking and just stared at the other kid. I and a bunch of other people ran towards them, then there was this big gust of wind. And I’m not talking like it was one of those gusts that just knock a hat off your head, it pushed me backward- hard. I fell onto my back and couldn’t get up for a moment. When I looked back at the kids, I saw them running away. I don’t know anything else… And I don’t think I want to.”
After the interrogation, MTF-Beta 7 came across the location of the two children; they had run to a treehouse in the nearby forest. When a singular member of Beta 7 approached, they were instantly crushed by very heavy gravity. Beta 7 attempted to talk to the children inside the treehouse and one showed his face. The child reported that he didn’t know how he did that and that they simply ran because of fear. When Beta 7 asked to speak to the other child, he got incredibly defensive and angry. Beta 7 de-escalated the situation and both children willingly followed Beta 7’s orders and went with them to Site XX.
When the two children arrived at Site-XX, they were both placed into undesignated containment cells, separated, and tested multiple times for anomalous activity. One child tested positive for a majority of the test and was deemed to have reality-bending abilities. The other child, however, tested negative for all tests. These results were vastly unexpected, and so more harsh testing took place, including interaction with D-class personnel. For the reality-bending child, the D-class took heavy damage and had broken both legs. When D-class personnel were put into the containment cell for the other child, the D-class was perfectly fine, the child was heavily alarmed by this interaction and seemed distressed throughout. When the children were reunited during a cross-test authorized by Department Director X ‘XXXXX’, both children seemed very happy and were very compliant when the testing took place. However, when personnel attempted to separate the children, the reality-bending child attacked the personnel and so they waited until they willingly separated.
When it was confirmed that the other child was not a reality bender, he was removed from containment but was kept on site. He was surprisingly competent and was seen as a prospect by personnel. The child was amnesticated about his life before he was brought into site-XX and then given the name ‘Solus’. He was taught by high-ranking research personnel and grew up in Site-XX, with allowed visits to his reality-bending friend. Eventually, he was transferred to a different site, as interactions with the reality bender were interfering with his research. He was brought to Site-65, where he continued his research relatively in peace. His reality-bending friend was told that Solus was deceased. Moments after, he attempted to breach containment and killed multiple personnel before eventually being terminated. Solus was never notified of this news, and most likely never will.