The Metagaming needs to be toned down. This is supposed to be a RP server.

Dec 25, 2024
I am one of the few players who occasionally try playing SCP-966.

Gameplay as 966 on most days goes as follows:
You wait down your breach timer.
Within one minute there is someone checking specifically YOUR containment chamber.
You get called out as breached.
Everyone and their mother now wears headsets and can see you.

Responses always go "You were called out". Yes. You get called out because somebody presses tab, looks at the playerboard and checks your containment chamber specifically.

First time I took it as a coincidence.
Second time I called it out in OOC, was told I had been coincidentally seen.
Third time I remained in my CC and just set a timer to see how quickly I get checked on. About 1 minute, before someone was in that specific CC. About the time it takes to walk there after the "Containment Breach" warning.
Today was the fourth time and I called it out in OOC and was just told to call a sit and stop crying.

There will always be that metagamer who takes the shortcut.
There is no point in having a sit and discussing who saw what when every time. Because next time you play it just happens again.
Just dont show in the "tab" playerlist which specific SCPs are on.

A lot of people are going to see this as crying again. I'm fine with that.
All I ask is that you try it for yourself. Spawn in as 966, wait down an hour long breach timer, remain in your CC and just see how quickly you are mulched by coincidence. See if that's fun gameplay for you.
Only thing is it’s nigh on impossible for that to be proven metagaming as E-11 bunks is right next to it. When I was in e-11 initially would split people to find what is breached then set priorities. When leaving e-11 bunks you can immediately see if the TGs are breached. Then once that’s cleared you head down and either go to 8837/049 or go to 966 or 096 as that is the way the map is set up. So unless the CC is moved and someone just Beelines it straight to the CC it’s hard to prove it was metagaming. The only way for this to “stop” would be redacting it but I guarantee that 966 will be called out in the same time


Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 19, 2023
Knowing which SCPs are on Site is Base Knowledge of E-11, so using the Tab menu to Check which SCPs might be Breached or are being Breached isnt Metagaming at least that is what i was being Told but dont know anymore by who. But it makes sense.
Knowing which SCPs are on Site is Base Knowledge of E-11, so using the Tab menu to Check which SCPs might be Breached or are being Breached isnt Metagaming at least that is what i was being Told but dont know anymore by who. But it makes sense.
in RP all scps are on site at all times, thats why u can ask for SCPs to flag up in ooc since they are supposed to always be there. its metagame
i agree with the sentiment that metagame is a big issue but 966 is a pretty quick call since its chamber is 3.2 seconds from e-11 bunks

unfortunately I don't think we can just come together as a community to stop metagame, as long as the tab menu, names above heads and teamspeak are around there is no way to stop the mostly young and egotistical playerbase from doing it since its near impossible to prove
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966 is the easiest SCP to escape the site, why?

It's invisible and 99% of people dont got NVGs on hand so.. It would make sense to check if 966 is breached so some people can form a blockade at the exits before 966 gets away into surface, at which point it becomes far more messier to contain

CI Entering the mix, Large open areas to traverse where 966 can hide literally ANYWHERE, civilians, etc etc.

With how easy it is to escape site as 966, it is equally understandable why people straight away check if it did breach.
Whole SCP breaching system is a little wack, I think most breaches are more like an inconvenience nowadays for Foundation players. Removing the TAB menu or heavily reducing the OOC information obtainable for it might not be such a bad thing. I suppose an exception could be made for Staff Members & Gamemasters.
doesnt really prevent going onto F4, and just checking what SCP's are flagged on at the time via that menu

Although that could make the probably appear less, as it's more of a pain in the ass to do, but still not a complete solution