I've ideated replacing 966's CC with some kind of quick, biometric ease-of-access elevator into atrium and moving 966 somewhere else... Maybe on the other side of atrium, like near inanimate & reactor? - Ideally somewhere convenient for 966 and inconvenient for Foundation.
It would make a little less sense in terms of how everything is organised in HCZ, but gameplay (& balance) > lore and IMO that part of the map is a little underused outside of emergencies, raids and such, all the traffic normally goes down or around the other side. No real reason to go to Bridge, either - Outside of some kind of niche RP situation, a training or just plain being lost. Granted, moving 966 there won't help much, but the edge that that would give it would give it might make that area a tad more trafficked, as well as being a well-deserved buff for 966.
I seldom make suggestions these days, partially because I don't play anymore (Which means that anything urgent is basically snapped up by the people it affects the most and who notices it first), but more largely because I've kinda raised my standards for what a suggestion topic should be - I really only explore something I know enough about to try and put it forward, as well as find both interesting and compelling to discuss in this capacity. I have hit on a few topics like that, but never really coming up with anything solid enough to form a decent argument around - So I don't.
But something like what I've just said would mean making a suggestion involving altering the map. Which means the level design team. For better or worse, I at least have learned the horse sense to not kick that particular hornet's nest. Nothing against them, in fact, the work they do is incredible. I understand and respect that, to the degree that I find the more prolific members of the level design team highly intimidating, with good reason. I just will simply not make another suggestion involving level design if I can possibly help it. They don't need my dumb, useless input which is more an annoyance to them than anything constructive. And because I understand that, I don't give it to them.
Another idea I had was giving 966 an alternate and weaker version of 323's capabilities to more closely match how 966 is conceptually. But that poses a whole different host of issues.
Working things out is difficult - I'm honestly out of solutions for 966. I don't see it being improvable any time soon, unfortunately. It's a whole razor's edge of player psychology and what the SCP is designed for doing. There isn't any reasonable change you could ideate that wouldn't be, too much effort to be worth and/or backfire and make something either directly or indirectly related, worse for reasons not immediately obvious prior to implementation, but clear in hindsight. It's in this really annoying design corner that it can't quite come out of.