Blacklist Amnesty - Cal

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Civil Gamers Expert
May 10, 2023
Your in-game name: Cal

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:67863135

Your steam community link:

Date of blacklist: i have no clue, sometime in 2023 i believe.

Who blacklisted you (if known): Ventz

To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: Again i dont know the specifics but just overall terrible behaviour in the community is likely why along with just not accepting the responsibilities of my actions when confronted about them.

List any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP: id have to gamble at 50+ from TS, 0 from discord and 0 in-game

List any alt accounts:

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted: like 5 warns on darkrp and I don't think anything else on any other CN server.

What will you do to stop this from happening again: Other than the things i did being massively childish in which i just generally wouldn't repeat in any situations, i wish to not be removed from the community once again nor to create anymore problems for it than i already did.

Why should you be unblacklisted: I know this may be hard to believe but overall im just alot more sensible after taking almost 2+ years offline, I wouldnt repeat the actions i showed when i was last a member of this community and i wouldnt harm the community in anyway. I dont have any plans on being apart of the community in the same way i was previously, i just wish to occasionally jump on with old friends and play in the community i grew up with once again. I honestly miss the network alot and everyone in it, i can only repeat my apology i made in the last appeal and say that i wont repeat any of the same mistakes again. I hope i can prove that i am not the same as i was if i am let back into the community. As ive mentioned previously and in my other appeal, ive grown up with civil networks being apart of it since around 2014, i still have friends here and miss the times i use to have on the server, i miss being apart of the community even if from afar, it was better than being completely removed. I was super admin for months of my life and i was entirely dedicated to this community, with MRP, SCP, DarkRP, CC and even all the way back to Civil Universe with Starwars RP, if i could be allowed to be apart of it once again I would appreciate that chance very much and ensure i dont break the chance i am given.
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Civil Gamers Expert
May 10, 2023
I can guarantee im not the same as i was, i dont have any intentions to cause harm to people in the community and wont cause anything negative if i am able to return
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