The comedic parts of G-Job.. (rant)

I just wanted to say I think it's genuinely hilarious that there is such a difference of holding for example, a CL5 position while no-lifeing the server, vs a CL5 position while actually having a full-time job and whatnot. As myself personally as the GOC GEN, while also holding other CL4's like consultant, my activity compared to some people is drastically different. Before I held a genuine job, I was honestly no-lifeing the server to a point where I was struggling to get on everyday and try to create RP. As well as what some people somehow expect a GOC CO to create amazing RP with little to no gameplay loop. From my entire time in GOC, the "Gameplay Loop", that I have seen, is just, discord rp or ingame rp about relations of some random GOC / DEA operative cross firing a MTF CO / GOC CO etc etc, as well with CI at times, ADBing SCP's in AR's, MR's and capturing them on surface, including surface SCPs.. Trying to create some RP with civilians, (ive seen maybe like 3-5 good rp storylines with civs in my entire CN time).. Researching SCPs, sampling SCPs, and Termination tests and whatnot, and when for example Foundation relations with GOC are in the dirt, it just about kills our ENTIRE "gameplay loop", as getting a simple 457 test approved as an example, we have to jump through multiple hoops, (getting SA approval for example, having limited people go in, being worried of being kidnapped while inside F).

This is also a big reason why a lot of the time, GOC will have great relations with CI, as they are not as diplomatic (as in they don't have an entire SA group for relations), they get hold to SCPs frequently which allows us to test on them and whatnot without having to get approval from someone extremely high-up. Sure it probably isn't "realistic" and "lore accurate" to GOC, but we have to do the best we can with what we're given. Myself personally, I tend to side (currently) a lot more with CI then F, as ive just had better experiences with CI rather then F. I'm expected by SL and SSL to create RP for my faction as a CL5 holder, which I try my best to do with what I have to take care of personally everyday and whatnot, and a lot of the time I can't create great RP because of those holes GOC has to jump through, just to get one small RP scene finished.

thats all i can rant about for now lol, ok bye im going to go ADB 073 and kill everyone in a 60 mile radius now
GOC is truly just doomed to a brutal spot. I've always called it bureaucracy RP... forced to talk to men in suits to do RP that will point you to more men in suits who will tell you no.

The only way I can try to make sense of the existence of GOC on this server (given they have no guaranteed entertainment every hour) is that they are an event faction that holds CI accountable for their atrocities when applicable and keeps pinewood stable. I'm not sure the devs intended for them to be constantly prevalent because they are unsustainable entertainment-wise ([SA>GOC] "No." RP goes crazy!) and dont have enough political or military power to actually be a considerable threat to the foundation to keep them in check (foundation will always be stronger than GOC in numbers + have homefield advantage since any meaningful attack by GOC would be in a raid on Foundation + dying in RP doesn't matter because you respawn so assassinations and such are snubbed + ADBing SCPs doesnt matter because they respawn)

It is ashame that surface content, whether it be pinewood, CI, GOC, MC&D, surface SCPs, anything, has dried up. Can't really blame anyone for that though. It's a foundation server. Hey, that reminds me!
[GOC>F] Hey! can we send some research teams in to tes...
[R] No. *hangs up, throughs phone at wall, pours gasoline on phone, blows up with suicide bomb
GOC is truly just doomed to a brutal spot. I've always called it bureaucracy RP... forced to talk to men in suits to do RP that will point you to more men in suits who will tell you no.

The only way I can try to make sense of the existence of GOC on this server (given they have no guaranteed entertainment every hour) is that they are an event faction that holds CI accountable for their atrocities when applicable and keeps pinewood stable. I'm not sure the devs intended for them to be constantly prevalent because they are unsustainable entertainment-wise ([SA>GOC] "No." RP goes crazy!) and dont have enough political or military power to actually be a considerable threat to the foundation to keep them in check (foundation will always be stronger than GOC in numbers + have homefield advantage since any meaningful attack by GOC would be in a raid on Foundation + dying in RP doesn't matter because you respawn so assassinations and such are snubbed + ADBing SCPs doesnt matter because they respawn)

It is ashame that surface content, whether it be pinewood, CI, GOC, MC&D, surface SCPs, anything, has dried up. Can't really blame anyone for that though. It's a foundation server. Hey, that reminds me!
[GOC>F] Hey! can we send some research teams in to tes...
[R] No. *hangs up, throughs phone at wall, pours gasoline on phone, blows up with suicide bomb
quite literally, i genuinely fucking hate relation rp, sit in a room, outnumbered 2:1, and then after an hour find out that you'll have to scratch all of foundations itches just to get neutral relations 😭
Sep 10, 2023
From my times as a LT in the GOC

We can either embrace Combat for our ARs and MRs, and to keep Pinewood stable
But this leaves our Research and Medical teams in a bad spot. There are only so many Surface KTE tests you can conduct before it gets stale (And GMs can't be bothered to help us half the time)

Or we embrace Peace, and have to not only constantly jump through hoops to keep Foundation happy, and ultimately ignore Pinewoods safety because SOP throw temper tantrums when they can't mindlessly slaughter on surface.
And this, of course, leaves all Combative operations in a bad spot, as the only "consistent" RP is Breach aid. And Foundation never ask for it.

Foundation RP
meanwhile CI RP
(CI-GOC) hey bro you want some free 008 samples and have research team to test it
(R) sure
CI and GOC relation at peak time
Literally this
Ci can be goofy and dumb, but they are so much more chill to RP with and test with.
The only tests I remember actively enjoying as a PTL lead were with Ci
GOC is truly just doomed to a brutal spot. I've always called it bureaucracy RP... forced to talk to men in suits to do RP that will point you to more men in suits who will tell you no.

The only way I can try to make sense of the existence of GOC on this server (given they have no guaranteed entertainment every hour) is that they are an event faction that holds CI accountable for their atrocities when applicable and keeps pinewood stable. I'm not sure the devs intended for them to be constantly prevalent because they are unsustainable entertainment-wise ([SA>GOC] "No." RP goes crazy!) and dont have enough political or military power to actually be a considerable threat to the foundation to keep them in check (foundation will always be stronger than GOC in numbers + have homefield advantage since any meaningful attack by GOC would be in a raid on Foundation + dying in RP doesn't matter because you respawn so assassinations and such are snubbed + ADBing SCPs doesnt matter because they respawn)

It is ashame that surface content, whether it be pinewood, CI, GOC, MC&D, surface SCPs, anything, has dried up. Can't really blame anyone for that though. It's a foundation server. Hey, that reminds me!
[GOC>F] Hey! can we send some research teams in to tes...
[R] No. *hangs up, throughs phone at wall, pours gasoline on phone, blows up with suicide bomb

Treaty: If Foundation deny entry to their site, they must give a valid reason, E.G. "We have a breach", "Not enough SOP on" not just "No" or "Not right now"

Sa+: I'm going to ignore that.

In Conclusion. I do genuinely enjoy the GOC at times and I love all mah fellow peeps.

But I honestly think it shouldn't have been added. Our gameplay loop Danm near requires us to be friendly with Foundation and Ci,
But good relations with F are punishing as Ci get petty on surface when we are actively friendly with F (No offence)
Then good relations with Ci make it so F don't give us the time of day and it just ends up as endless bureaucracy RP.

It just is not rewarding to have constant shit thrown on you as actually trying to be lore accurate GOC gets painful and ultimately accomplishes nothing (SCPs immediately respawn after ADBs, Assassinations are pointless, keeping Pinewood stable ultimately ends up with "But a Ci-A was shooting out of Pinewood so that justified us cross firing 10 civies!!!!!!!!")

It just ain't fun to end up as Foundations lapdogs or just Ci 2 electric buggalo.

Even tho I rejoined GOC, it's to try it from a different playstyle. And I genuinely cannot be bothered to go for a leadership or diplomatic position


Well-known Member
May 7, 2024
I have to agree with this. I am a resigned GOC Captain who enjoyed playing GOC frequently. The amount of times I have reached out to SA even when relations were fairly okay and was either plainly ignored for hours (I sat in the server for 7 hours one time waiting for SA to respond to my multiple attempts to reach out when there were at least 3 SA members online) just to have one test done that a member of Ptolomy wanted to conduct.

[GOC>F] Hello, is it alright for us to come over for a test that we wish to conduct?
(No response)

I did my best to try and create rp between Foundation and GOC as someone who oversaw Ptolomy arranging meetings with Directors of Research and meeting with consultants. But my endeavors of reaching out to SA several times had led to me having to wait hours after arranging a meeting time to meet with said members as everyone has a personal life that they must attend to.

When relations were even slightly worrisome it was stressful for GOC members to go inside of Foundation as we were often only allowed to have two members of Ptolomy, an escort, and the CO overseeing the test. Then we would end up surrounded by multiple guards, NU-7, etc. The consistency of having to watch our backs due to the fact there were so many members who outnumbered the amount of GOC in the facility was beyond ridiculous.

All in all GOC is often confined to their base to try and create rp within members of the faction, surface missions, the occasional "patrol" around surface for a search of any form of surface anomalies, and ADB and sampling. This gameplay loop can be boring unless for instance CI reached out and wanted to have a conversation or if they wanted to invite us over for sampling of an SCP.

Quite often I found myself enjoying having rp with CI over having rp with Foundation as CI actually made an endeavor to have rp with GOC and hold meetings over wanting to have an alliance in our research if SCP's or just in general rping with them was more enjoyable as they were often more courteous to GOC members in the likes of contact.

[CI>GOC] I would like to have a meeting with a CO over a proposition for research together. Is it possible to have a meeting?
[R] Of course we expect your arrival here shortly.

All in all the gameplay loop for RP in GOC is very absent as we don't have the rp abilities being ignored by SA for hours on end or simply being told no without reason. This creates a boring consistent loop for members within the GOC as on the only RP they are able to have is ADB of surface SCP's, Surface missions, and the occasional rp with members of CI. This is something that needs to be figured out in the long haul as GOC seemingly have little reason to want to be active.


Well-known Member
Aug 25, 2024
Oh man, where do I even begin? I’ve been around long enough to see some things go down, and let me tell you—it’s honestly baffling how some things just keep repeating themselves. The way Foundation has handled things with the GOC on the U.S. side is ridiculous. It’s public knowledge by now that GOC and the Foundation aren’t exactly on friendly terms, and that's because of things like the DEA and NU7 gunning down GOC personnel. But what’s even worse? The fact that Site Command does nothing to mend that relationship or make it better. It's like they actively want that tension. I mean, we’re talking about Site Command being packed with people who are more concerned about their own power trip than actually fostering any healthy relationships or considering the larger picture. It’s frustrating, to say the least. It’s like they don’t care about anyone except the Foundation itself.

As a former member of CI, I can tell you firsthand that we’ve had some great working relationships with the GOC. Hell, we’ve even had to help each other out more than a few times. If the Foundation were to start a war with the GOC on the surface? You better believe CI would have GOC’s back. No doubt in my mind. Not just because of the lore, but because of the real-life history between us. We've even countered Foundation’s attempts to infiltrate or raid GOC positions, because at least the GOC tries to work with us. If the Foundation and GOC had any kind of peace or cooperation, things could actually be productive. But no, Site Command prefers to drag everything into the dirt.

And honestly, don’t even get me started on the way the Foundation treats the GOC when it comes to things like SCP breaches. It’s like the Foundation doesn’t want anyone else to help or do anything unless it’s for their own benefit. The GOC could actually assist in handling breaches and make things smoother for everyone involved, but instead, they’re shut out because the Foundation can’t get over its petty grievances. It’s honestly embarrassing for them at this point.

Now, I’ve seen it firsthand. The server health issues, the constant complaints about activity, and yet nothing ever seems to get resolved. SL and NL could fix it—they could make things better—but that would require some serious changes, like putting people in positions of power who actually care about the server as a whole and not just their little slice of it. If the SL and NL leadership actually took the time to consider how to fix this mess, they’d realize something pretty obvious: if CI and GOC decided to just stop interacting with the Foundation and work together instead, the Foundation would whine nonstop about the server’s health. They’d cry about the activity, the community engagement, and all the other issues, and guess what? SL and NL would be the first ones to come running, begging us to play nice and do something with the Foundation again. But let’s be real, they’re not going to fix things unless they actually start making decisions that benefit everyone.

What needs to happen? Server Leadership and Site Admin needs to put people in power who are actual leaders. People who understand that building relationships, both in lore and with other players, is key to keeping a server healthy. It's not all about holding power or being in charge. It's about fostering cooperation and ensuring everyone is being considered, not just the ones at the top. Because right now, it feels like it’s all about making sure the Foundation looks good, and to hell with everyone else. CI and GOC included.

At the end of the day, I’ve seen too many broken relationships and too many missed opportunities. The Foundation needs to stop acting like it’s untouchable and realize that there’s a bigger picture. If they keep going down this road, they’ll only isolate themselves further. And when the entire server’s health starts falling apart because of it, don’t come crying to CI or GOC. We’ve tried to work with you, and at some point, it’s gonna stop being about JUST lore and start being about doing what’s best for the community as a whole.
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Do you have any ideas on how we could improve this as a former GOC player yourself

I have plenty of ideas, A lot of which I brought up when I was SL to SSL or other SSL. A lot of the time it wasn't reciprocated or was shut down.

I'd be open to properly sitting down and throwing some out; But unfortunately most of the problems are rooted in Foundation having 60-70% of the gameplay loop whilst CI and GOC share the last 30%. Plus with SL / SSL Micromanaging relations; Atleast when I was last in GOC and Staff
Oh man, where do I even begin? I’ve been around long enough to see some things go down, and let me tell you—it’s honestly baffling how some things just keep repeating themselves. The way Foundation has handled things with the GOC on the U.S. side is ridiculous. It’s public knowledge by now that GOC and the Foundation aren’t exactly on friendly terms, and that's because of things like the DEA and NU7 gunning down GOC personnel. But what’s even worse? The fact that Site Command does nothing to mend that relationship or make it better. It's like they actively want that tension. I mean, we’re talking about Site Command being packed with people who are more concerned about their own power trip than actually fostering any healthy relationships or considering the larger picture. It’s frustrating, to say the least. It’s like they don’t care about anyone except the Foundation itself.

As a former member of CI, I can tell you firsthand that we’ve had some great working relationships with the GOC. Hell, we’ve even had to help each other out more than a few times. If the Foundation were to start a war with the GOC on the surface? You better believe CI would have GOC’s back. No doubt in my mind. Not just because of the lore, but because of the real-life history between us. We've even countered Foundation’s attempts to infiltrate or raid GOC positions, because at least the GOC tries to work with us. If the Foundation and GOC had any kind of peace or cooperation, things could actually be productive. But no, Site Command prefers to drag everything into the dirt.

And honestly, don’t even get me started on the way the Foundation treats the GOC when it comes to things like SCP breaches. It’s like the Foundation doesn’t want anyone else to help or do anything unless it’s for their own benefit. The GOC could actually assist in handling breaches and make things smoother for everyone involved, but instead, they’re shut out because the Foundation can’t get over its petty grievances. It’s honestly embarrassing for them at this point.

Now, I’ve seen it firsthand. The server health issues, the constant complaints about activity, and yet nothing ever seems to get resolved. SL and NL could fix it—they could make things better—but that would require some serious changes, like putting people in positions of power who actually care about the server as a whole and not just their little slice of it. If the SL and NL leadership actually took the time to consider how to fix this mess, they’d realize something pretty obvious: if CI and GOC decided to just stop interacting with the Foundation and work together instead, the Foundation would whine nonstop about the server’s health. They’d cry about the activity, the community engagement, and all the other issues, and guess what? SL and NL would be the first ones to come running, begging us to play nice and do something with the Foundation again. But let’s be real, they’re not going to fix things unless they actually start making decisions that benefit everyone.

What needs to happen? Server Leadership and Site Admin needs to put people in power who are actual leaders. People who understand that building relationships, both in lore and with other players, is key to keeping a server healthy. It's not all about holding power or being in charge. It's about fostering cooperation and ensuring everyone is being considered, not just the ones at the top. Because right now, it feels like it’s all about making sure the Foundation looks good, and to hell with everyone else. CI and GOC included.

At the end of the day, I’ve seen too many broken relationships and too many missed opportunities. The Foundation needs to stop acting like it’s untouchable and realize that there’s a bigger picture. If they keep going down this road, they’ll only isolate themselves further. And when the entire server’s health starts falling apart because of it, don’t come crying to CI or GOC. We’ve tried to work with you, and at some point, it’s gonna stop being about JUST lore and start being about doing what’s best for the community as a whole.

Do you have any ideas on how we could improve this as a former GOC player yourself
I feel like multiple ex and current GOC have given innumerable ideas over the past two years, continually asking for ideas is just frustrating at this point because we've been giving ideas. Of course at this point our update is once again put on the backburner because the dev left, so GOC is once again left to languish. The only updates we've received have been removing things from our base every so often.
I feel like multiple ex and current GOC have given innumerable ideas over the past two years, continually asking for ideas is just frustrating at this point because we've been giving ideas. Of course at this point our update is once again put on the backburner because the dev left, so GOC is once again left to languish. The only updates we've received have been removing things from our base every so often.

Sep 10, 2023
I feel like multiple ex and current GOC have given innumerable ideas over the past two years, continually asking for ideas is just frustrating at this point because we've been giving ideas. Of course at this point our update is once again put on the backburner because the dev left, so GOC is once again left to languish. The only updates we've received have been removing things from our base every so often.
I still remember it being a struggle to get a Goddanmed Auger for our AA.

And who can forget that time I had a bug report open for 12 BLOODY DAYS for the incredibly simple change of making all combatives in GOC spawn with helmet cams

I feel as though every past Gen has tried numerous times to change GOC and make it more fun. But SSL/CT never reciprocate