Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:599325485
Discord name: not Blixer
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 years
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: America
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Mark"FullMoon", Jay "The Salesman", Mark Flames"
Civilian name: Jay "The Salesman"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF NU7: | -MTF NU7 Captain |
██Council: | - ████████ Assistant |
Chaos Insurgency: | -Gamma |
SCP: | -22415 |
SCP: | -096 |
Server Staff: | -Gamemaster |
Chaos Insurgency: | -CI-Gamma |
MTF NU7: | -MTF NU7 Major |
MTF E-11: | -MTF E-11 Sergeant |
Research Department: | -Executive Researcher |
Global Occult Coalition: | -UNGOC Lieutenant |
- Ethics Committee | -Ethics Committee Assistant X2 |
- Medical Department: | -Medical Consultant |
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-8 warnings, (All expired) 2 is for rdm self-defense mistakes, 3 frp, 1 mic spam for a song, 1 job abuse for switching on 939 while 7722 was nearby.
How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
1 month (total time about 3months)
What are your total levels?:
Why are you applying for Special Agent?
Because I have been a senior agent for a while and know all the responsibilities of a special agent as well as helped alongside special agents and love this job. I have a lot of experience with CL4 jobs and combative jobs as you can see above, I like to assist people when they require it as well as make the facility overall a better place and safer place. I love DEA and I like to cooperate with other departments and MTF to help get jobs done quickly and efficiently. I believe I have what it takes to excel in this role as I am good at helping people and managing personnel , as well as helping anyone who has questions, decent at combat as well.
What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
I am suitable for Special Agent because I have a lot of experience in combative, leadership, and serious jobs as well as helping anybody who has any questions. I wish to go higher in the ranks within the department to assist the department even more. I am dedicated, respectful, I know when to be serious, and I listen to orders. I would love to help this department more and I know that going up in the hierarchy is a way I can make the department strive even more than it currently is. I know how to handle all the codes as well as deal with them efficiently and I know how to handle relations with GOI's, I have lots of experience with leadership and that will make me excel in this department if given the opportunity as a Special Agent. I am apart of SOP leadership and would bring a lot to the table if I got Special Agent with my skills in literally every dpt.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?: 9-10
- Clarity: The document should be written in clear language that is easy to understand. It should avoid technical language that might be confusing to non-experts.
- Detail: The document should provide enough detail to allow other Foundation personnel to fully understand the properties and behaviors of the anomaly. This should include any physical, chemical, or biological properties,
- Objectivity: The document should stick to the facts and avoid making assumptions or making conclusions that cannot be supported by evidence.
- Consistency: The document should be consistent with other related documents within the department. This means meeting protocols and guidelines.
- Creativity: Although DEA documents should meet certain standards, they should also be creative and engaging. This can be achieved by being creative, including images, as well as capturing the attention of readers.
What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
-Monitoring DEA agents
- Hostage Negotiations
-Lead DEA and give out orders when necessary
-Assist DEA personnel during Code-1's
-Be a role model for Senior Agents
-Follow any orders given by the Site Administration and DEA Leadership
-Act appropriate and professional
-Handle relations with Groups of Interest such as GOC and CI
-Signing MC&D Permits at appropriate times
-Hosting Tryouts
-Conducting Raids
-Making sure DEA and Nu7 are coordinated
Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:
ACCESS GRANTED TO FILE: Mark "FullMoons" Biography
Mark was always interested in the combative side of things, he went in the Marines when he was only 19 years old, and he served for many years in the military guarding bases, completing missions, whether they be stealthy or go in with a bang. He has killed many people, some he regrets but he knows he had to do it, he has seen many of his comrades die in war and his family pass away in a war as well. He has worked with many people and completed mission after mission and even though it brings him pride in serving in the military, it just doesn't feel like the same when he first started out. He wanted to find a new job, one that gave him more pride and a sense of him being worth something, more than just fighting people. He got a mysterious email one day regarding a job in a facility as an agent of some sort. He knew that this was a sign, something that could bring him more pride and give him more experience as well as teach him new things. He accepted this offer and one day he went to sleep and he heard a noise near him but ignored it, he swore he felt a slight pinch but ignored it and fell asleep. This is where his journey began as he woke up in a facility called Site-65 but couldn't remember anything from before but did not question it as he knew this was a sign of something bigger and better than what he was working towards.
God Bless DEA

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