SCP-RP (USA) - GM Application - Looey 'Feral'

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Game Master
Game Master
May 13, 2024
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA)

Your Username: Looey 'Feral'

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:580913488

Discord Username: dopaminesupplier

Age: 15! (still)

What's your current playtime: 9D and 13h! If I need more let me know and I'll reapply with more hours!

Do you have a mic: Yup!

Your characters name: Foundation Character: Looey 'Feral'
Civilian Character: Finrod 'Snowman' Balzarina

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is the second one, I took a break from GM after around a month for mental reasons, heres my old one!

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: I have received an ERP/FailRP warn for talking as SCP-323 on surface, the ERP was from saying "suck it" after killing someone, I appealed this warn after a while and have since had it removed, so at the moment I'm a clean slate!

How many hours can you be on everyday: On weekdays I'd say around 4-5 hours, on weekends like 6-8 hours, depends on how free I am for that day y'know?

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: I used to be a TGM here in CN! I was better known as Dopamine, but I've now adopted the same Looey overtime, of course my discord and forums names are both still dopamine but in game I prefer Looey now, I also used to work for Icefuse DarkRP as one of their Moderators and Event Team members, and then I figured out some corrupt shit was happening behind the scenes and swiftly left the team to not affiliate with them anymore.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I've been a Trial Gamemaster before and enjoyed it a whole lot, but sadly had to take a break for my mental welfare, and now that I'm feeling a lot better about myself, I feel like I'd be fit to come back and be my joyful self again, I am reapplying with new events as I was informed since I was still in my trial period, big no no to putting a demotion appeal, so yeah!

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: Honestly from what I can say myself, I make friends everywhere I go, I try my best to bond with people to create fun little experiences between me and the person, whether its adding immersion to their RP to make it more fun on both ends, or just generally enjoy my time I spend with another person, and what makes me special over others, honestly it ain't much, compared to everyone else I'm just a little man with a happy personality, so I GUESS I could say I'm just more generally more involved in the community n stuff, not too sure though what would make me such a big candidate compared to everyone else

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server): General Surface: Across the Surface lies a group of hooded figures, and by how they act, they're hostile to every single faction, UNGOC, CI, Foundation, even the Mayor. This group of hooded figures move swiftly, like they're constantly on chemicals. Alongside that these figures can devour bullets like nothing, who ARE these people and where have they come from? For a very rare occurrence, Surface may have to temporarily bond with one another to track down and corner these hooded figures into either revealing their identities, or die trying to escape. The figures don't talk, they don't even react to what you have to say, almost like they can't, whoever, or whatever these things are, its surely something that isn't supposed to be treaded lightly.
EZ-LCZ: Entrance Zone and LCZ are filled with random holes in the roof or even the walls..Just out of reach but close enough to prevent whatever falls out from breaking their limbs, wherever these holes lead to, or whatever they spit out, it most likely isn't good, keep your guard up, anything could be in there, could be an SCP, cloning of 1162 around the site, or even holes dug by an external source, no matter what happens, stand your ground, keep your position intact, don't let ANYTHING get out. Speck of dust? blast it to hell and back, a person, shoot and ask questions later, keep your guard higher than your own values.
HCZ: The Type Green's appear to have manifested a small doorway between their chambers, meaning they can now pass inbetween in to eachothers CC's. Of course on the surface this doesn't seem like much other than two people who can relate to one another meeting up to talk, however in the eyes of the average E-11, if they can perform a feat up to this scale, bending and shifting their own chambers to reunite, what could this possibly mean they could be capable of in the future? Could they connect to chambers below theirs like 096 or 966, or maybe even allow an exit to leave their chamber whenever they'd like, no matter what the outcome, thinking reasonably, if the type greens realize what they can do now that they'd performed this feat...The impact would be devastating.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server): For an event that changes the map, I'm honestly not too sure on what I could do other than referencing my old event for this, as I'm not exactly the best at doing entirely map events, more small and down to earth rather than upscaled and high ended, and as for referencing my old one, I'll rewrite it, however I'll add a lot of changes to it to include balancing, a list of results, and the duration of the event.

A man who appears like the average IT Technician belonging to the Foundation, would appear on surface almost randomly out of thin air, walking to every individual faction on Surface, The Chaos Insurgency, Rangers/Mayor, UNGOC and MCND, asking every single faction on surface if they'd like to visit or take a little detour towards the Foundation, or Canadian Military as he'd tell it to the Rangers and Citizens of Pinewood, he may be evil but not THAT evil, if they approve of this, a hole will appear in both the garage of CI, the garage of UNGOC, the Mayors Office, and inside the MCND's little room within their cabin, if they decide to risk it all and drop into the mysterious hole, given to them by a mysterious engineer, it will transport them to a random location in the foundation, of course these will be limited from EZ-Primary HCZ, meaning people cannot just spawn in SCP's CC's, infobreach, die, repeat, When a person exits from one of these holes, they are unable to reenter the hole, meaning they are now stuck in that zone. This event would cause a lot of holes to appear across foundation, if someone were to step in them, they get taken to somewhere random too, allowing CI to have some funny raids if they would like. Of course this event would follow raid cooldowns, like if every CI jumped into a hole, and died, that counts towards their MR Counter, and if 2 DC enter it, and die, that counts towards their DC Raid Cooldown, the same rules apply for Rangers, MCND, and any Parawatch who stumble across a hole.
For all the possible locations the hole in each base could take you, its a range of
EZ: EZ Checkpoint, EZ Floor 3 Lobby, EZ Maintenance Room, Surface Garage, and EZ Media Room
LCZ: Behind SCP-914's Output, LCZ Nonspec, LCZ Secondary Bulkhead, Outside LCZ SCP-173's CC, LCZ Inanimate, LCZ Primary Checkpoint, LCZ 22415 CC, And LCZ SCP-860.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff): E-11:A..unique anomaly has entered the facility from outside, the anomaly doesn’t have violent tendencies but has a unique ability to it, viewing this anomaly will cause it to cease to exist from your view, and all memories you have of said anomaly to disappear, seeing this anomalies personality and weird capabilities, this problem is not solvable by violence, with whatever this thing is, what it can do must be studied, without violence from both parties. However this anomaly does show keen interest in two things, the Foundations Chef’s, and their kitchen, maybe that correlates to something?
Nu-7: A new building has formed in pinewood, from the mayors concerns, this building was not planned to be built, nor was the mayor informed of its existence, for an unknown reason this building looks entirely normal on the inside, however something is off about it, and you know something is going on that isn’t normal, it may seem like a regular bar but there’s something..below the surface.
A-1: A group of “parawatch” have discovered the identities of the O5 personnel, putting documents around the site, each document with the full name and codname of an O5, A-1’s tasked with locating and destroying these documents before it’s spread furthur, alongside his A-1 must locate the “Parawatch” along the way, eliminating them before they can print more documents about information no one must know. (For any A-1 annoyed if this will lead to a mass infobreach, once the event ends if I’m allowed I’ll administer site wide class E, meaning everyone who knows about the info will forget, BUT this is to be done at the end when all the parawatch are dead and documents are destroyed)
O-1: Some strange chemical entered the site’s grounds, this chemical is oddly located within specifically the innards of Ethics Wing, the task of O-1 is to properly equip themselves and deal with this gas being spread, this gas isn’t harmful but makes a person under its influence see allies as enemies and enemies as allies, (ECW is to be locked down for the duration of this event to ensure it doesn’t cause really bad site damage lmao AND this info is supposed to stay in ECW, don’t want any techies with permas abusing it.)
CI: A Mysterious Source will inform CI that their "raid cooldown" has been halved for the next hour, allowing CI to absolutely devastate the Foundation with constant raid after raid, exactly how they're meant to function, Meaning their Main Raid timer will go from 45 Minutes, to 22.5 Minutes, and their Deep Cover will go from 30 minutes, to 15, meaning CI will be capable of getting in 2 MR's and 4 DC's in the span of that hour if everything goes according to plan
A weapons dealer will inform CI he will be avaliable for the next couple hours, any SCP's kidnapped or taken back to the site will be forged weapons to allow CI to properly weaponize them, the SCP will be restored of its health, given adjustments to itself like speed and damage, or if capable, a gun/better gun (912) to allow CI to properly weaponize an SCP and unleash it unto the Foundation.

UNGOC: UNGOC have received notice of a man who appears to have a Scranton Reality Anchor for a head, rather than an actual human head, this man completely nullifies all Type-Green/Blue/Red/whatever else GOC has, whether GOC finds it more worthy to terminate the risk instead of risking their own troops, or to try utilize as their own like they did with the anomaly that creates their armor, this person sadly does not know how to disable the SRA though, meaning it'll be constantly on during their confrontation, destroying the scranton whether it be from the Thaum/TG ability will be useless, unable to work, or shooting the SRA, will not work either. However he's still human after all.
Foundation Staff: SCP-079 has breached containment, but complied when being recontained, something doesn't feel right. Even after hes been recontained it still feels like hes out, but hes right there, his box SAYS hes contained, yet you have a thought in your mind that hes still out. Rather than doing what he normally does and lay low for a majority of his breach, SCP-079 performed a right off the bat action, infecting Medbay, Inanimate, 914, Nonspec, HCZ, and Core Sector with a cognitohazard, entirely invisible to the human eye, but the brain knows it there, but the eyes cannot process it, this cognitohazard places those infected into an almost panicked like state, thinking SCP-079 is breached, and hes talking to them specifically and only them, saying everyone else is a liar, not really who they say they are, not having it like they do, and then it gets worse. People infected start seeing things, like CI, GOC, even other SCP's breached from the site (of course with the exception of SCP-096 because holy shit), everything feels so real, the pain of the shots, the sounds, even the visuals, but you feel no pain, its true mental torture unleashed onto the site, and its all that damn computers fault.

Application Accepted

Hi @Dopamine ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.

After deliberation, we have decided to accept your application, congratulations!

Please wait in TS Interview Waiting Room at your earliest convenience, change your name to "GM waiting for interview" and get in contact with me (Recker) or @PolarBear (Grizzly) on discord.
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