What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This addition would allow for Medical CL4, I.e. Directors and Consultants, to credit more than just Medical Personnel. Medical is often escorted or joined by many different departments, D-Class, or MTFs when performing testing, conducting sampling, mentoring D-Class medical assistants under the new work permit program, or just performing different duties. Some MTF sub-regiments also provide escort for us in situations that require more security when Combat Medics are unavailable (such as a code 1), such as NU-7's Iron Shield; they have saved us from capture an innumerable number of times.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I am unsure, I can't find anything
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Providing a greater incentive for cooperation with more departments and roles
- A more rewarding experience for RP within the medical department
- Less disappointment for those that do something within med bay and leave with nothing to show for it
- Quite often, we will pay people money out of pocket for services provided by other Departments because we feel bad not being able to credit those who are there for us
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- As in any role that can credit many departments, crediting can be abused for XP farming. (Hopefully that can be mitigated as we would not accept anyone into medical CL4 we could not trust)
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe that this should be accepted based on the positives it could provide. Based upon how it could improve RP and individual relations with other departments, and how it could cut down on the issue of us feeling bad that we can't provide any reward to these players that perform well for medical, other than paying money out of our own pockets
As always, thank you for your consideration!
This addition would allow for Medical CL4, I.e. Directors and Consultants, to credit more than just Medical Personnel. Medical is often escorted or joined by many different departments, D-Class, or MTFs when performing testing, conducting sampling, mentoring D-Class medical assistants under the new work permit program, or just performing different duties. Some MTF sub-regiments also provide escort for us in situations that require more security when Combat Medics are unavailable (such as a code 1), such as NU-7's Iron Shield; they have saved us from capture an innumerable number of times.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I am unsure, I can't find anything
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Providing a greater incentive for cooperation with more departments and roles
- A more rewarding experience for RP within the medical department
- Less disappointment for those that do something within med bay and leave with nothing to show for it
- Quite often, we will pay people money out of pocket for services provided by other Departments because we feel bad not being able to credit those who are there for us
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- As in any role that can credit many departments, crediting can be abused for XP farming. (Hopefully that can be mitigated as we would not accept anyone into medical CL4 we could not trust)
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe that this should be accepted based on the positives it could provide. Based upon how it could improve RP and individual relations with other departments, and how it could cut down on the issue of us feeling bad that we can't provide any reward to these players that perform well for medical, other than paying money out of our own pockets
As always, thank you for your consideration!