Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:48665287
Discord name: reinoo
For how long have you played on CG SCP: A year and a half.
Age: 24
In what country are you located?: Denmark
Time zone: CET
Character name(s): Alex Collins
Civilian name: Irwin Judge
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Combat Medic (Holding), NU-7 Operative (Held)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- None
Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?
- Having been a part of the Medical Department ever since I first joined I feel I've reached a point where I am ready to take on the challenges of being a Consultant. I would like to lead and be an example for the rest of our department.
On top of that, I have often been approached by trainees asking me to take their medical licensing test during times where there are no Consultants on site, and often I either never see these trainees again or they will have moved to another department instead, and I think it's a shame for them to fall through the cracks in this way.
To round this section off, I've felt for a long time that the quality of the roleplay I find as a Combat Medic doesn't quite match the quality I'd like to see, and I believe joining the Consultants will allow me to engage in roleplay that is more to my standard.
What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
- I believe I am suitable because I understand the procedures and because of my desire to enhance the experience with our Department, for those within and outside of our Medical team. Additionally, although it alone wouldn't make me suitable, I believe the fact that I am usually available on site during times where no Consultants tend to be there adds to my value as a potential Consultant.
Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
- Electroconvulsive therapy (E.C.T)
For this example a D-Class has just been brought to Medbay after a test on SCP-513. Upon being informed of their recent test, the Doctor should bring the D-Class down to the E.C.T machine, possibly asking about their symptoms to verify that the D-Class has indeed rung the bell. After arriving at the E.C.T machine, the Doctor should ask for consent. If the D-Class doesn't consent, you must not go through with the procedure and hand them back to their guard (although members of M.T.F, I.S.D and D.E.A can consent on the patient's behalf, though this is more often used in cases of a disguised intruder or 914 usage). If the D-Class gives their consent, the Doctor must instruct them to lay down in the E.C.T machine, and not go towards the light. When the D-Class lays down, the procedure may start. Upon ending, the Doctor should ask the D-Class how he is feeling just to verify nothing went wrong or that the D-Class doesn't require further medical assistance. If they say no, the Doctor may go ahead and instruct the guard to bring the D-Class back to D-Block.
What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
- On top of the responsibilities that naturally come with being a part of the medical department, Medical Consultants are responsible for upholding the quality of medical care within Site-65 by using their expertise within the medical field to guide and oversee their fellow doctors. The Consultants also host Combat Medic tryouts as well as Medical licensing tests.
Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Alex Collins was a Combat Medic within the CAF when he was recruited. He had always believed in fighting for his country, but now? By keeping foundation staff healthy and assisting with on the spot medical care, he was convinced he was fighting for humanity, by doing his part in keeping those that research and contain the SCP's healthy and able to do their jobs. With this new belief, Alex felt invincible, both in his duties in curing patients in Medbay, but also in the heat of battle where he would take great risks to himself in order to make sure those injured in raids and containment breaches were treated. One day the Chaos Insurgency raided the foundation, and in the chaos Alex rushed to an injured Gensec guard in order to treat him, but was injured on the way. About a full day later Alex woke up in a bed in Medbay and after being told what happened Alex was frustrated with himself. After a few days of rest in Medbay, Alex came to terms with the fact that he wasn't as invincible as he thought, and as he grew to enjoy the quiet of the Medbay, he thought that maybe he would serve the foundation better by spreading his knowledge and experience as a Consultant, rather than letting it go to waste by dying as a Combat Medic.
Discord name: reinoo
For how long have you played on CG SCP: A year and a half.
Age: 24
In what country are you located?: Denmark
Time zone: CET
Character name(s): Alex Collins
Civilian name: Irwin Judge
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Combat Medic (Holding), NU-7 Operative (Held)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- None
Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?
- Having been a part of the Medical Department ever since I first joined I feel I've reached a point where I am ready to take on the challenges of being a Consultant. I would like to lead and be an example for the rest of our department.
On top of that, I have often been approached by trainees asking me to take their medical licensing test during times where there are no Consultants on site, and often I either never see these trainees again or they will have moved to another department instead, and I think it's a shame for them to fall through the cracks in this way.
To round this section off, I've felt for a long time that the quality of the roleplay I find as a Combat Medic doesn't quite match the quality I'd like to see, and I believe joining the Consultants will allow me to engage in roleplay that is more to my standard.
What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
- I believe I am suitable because I understand the procedures and because of my desire to enhance the experience with our Department, for those within and outside of our Medical team. Additionally, although it alone wouldn't make me suitable, I believe the fact that I am usually available on site during times where no Consultants tend to be there adds to my value as a potential Consultant.
Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
- Electroconvulsive therapy (E.C.T)
For this example a D-Class has just been brought to Medbay after a test on SCP-513. Upon being informed of their recent test, the Doctor should bring the D-Class down to the E.C.T machine, possibly asking about their symptoms to verify that the D-Class has indeed rung the bell. After arriving at the E.C.T machine, the Doctor should ask for consent. If the D-Class doesn't consent, you must not go through with the procedure and hand them back to their guard (although members of M.T.F, I.S.D and D.E.A can consent on the patient's behalf, though this is more often used in cases of a disguised intruder or 914 usage). If the D-Class gives their consent, the Doctor must instruct them to lay down in the E.C.T machine, and not go towards the light. When the D-Class lays down, the procedure may start. Upon ending, the Doctor should ask the D-Class how he is feeling just to verify nothing went wrong or that the D-Class doesn't require further medical assistance. If they say no, the Doctor may go ahead and instruct the guard to bring the D-Class back to D-Block.
What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
- On top of the responsibilities that naturally come with being a part of the medical department, Medical Consultants are responsible for upholding the quality of medical care within Site-65 by using their expertise within the medical field to guide and oversee their fellow doctors. The Consultants also host Combat Medic tryouts as well as Medical licensing tests.
Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Alex Collins was a Combat Medic within the CAF when he was recruited. He had always believed in fighting for his country, but now? By keeping foundation staff healthy and assisting with on the spot medical care, he was convinced he was fighting for humanity, by doing his part in keeping those that research and contain the SCP's healthy and able to do their jobs. With this new belief, Alex felt invincible, both in his duties in curing patients in Medbay, but also in the heat of battle where he would take great risks to himself in order to make sure those injured in raids and containment breaches were treated. One day the Chaos Insurgency raided the foundation, and in the chaos Alex rushed to an injured Gensec guard in order to treat him, but was injured on the way. About a full day later Alex woke up in a bed in Medbay and after being told what happened Alex was frustrated with himself. After a few days of rest in Medbay, Alex came to terms with the fact that he wasn't as invincible as he thought, and as he grew to enjoy the quiet of the Medbay, he thought that maybe he would serve the foundation better by spreading his knowledge and experience as a Consultant, rather than letting it go to waste by dying as a Combat Medic.