What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion changes clearance levels from job specific to character specific. Meaning that a Chief of Security were to flag onto research would not be restricted to level 1 access if they were a Jr. researcher but would retain their clearance level. Basically characters would have the clearance level of their highest clearance job. That's not to say they would necessarily have the privileges. If they are a cadet, they have all the job specific restrictions of a cadet, i.e. where they can and cannot go etc, but retain the knowledge and privileges of CL4s so much that it does not go against their job or Chain of Command. It would still show position but just at the charaters clearance level.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I do not belive so
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
This suggestion is to enhance RP and immersion. Characters feel kinda weird currently as depending on the position they do, they have differing levels of clearance and knowledge. It doesn't make sense that a CL4+ flagging on to a lower position to help with an 008 breach is going to just lose that knowledge. Similarly, it doesn't make sense that the standards should suddenly be loosened based on the specific job. A character who has a cl4 should face the level of scrutiny i.e. tribunal and less leniency whether they are in as an example a Consultant position or a chef
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
There is the argument that this could give positions access to areas that they shouldn’t. And this would require a large rework of guidelines. And to that I say. Yes that is true, unquestionably so. But that gives room to further improve the RP in character and persue in punishments. The positions still have guidelines. And trespassing already isn't based on clearance but whether or not the position has authorization to be in that room or location.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think that based on the positives and negatives this addition and rework adds a solid addition to the scope and immersion of the RP and adds new scenarios and situations that will need to have in character guidelines but ultimately enhance the gameplay.
This suggestion changes clearance levels from job specific to character specific. Meaning that a Chief of Security were to flag onto research would not be restricted to level 1 access if they were a Jr. researcher but would retain their clearance level. Basically characters would have the clearance level of their highest clearance job. That's not to say they would necessarily have the privileges. If they are a cadet, they have all the job specific restrictions of a cadet, i.e. where they can and cannot go etc, but retain the knowledge and privileges of CL4s so much that it does not go against their job or Chain of Command. It would still show position but just at the charaters clearance level.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I do not belive so
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
This suggestion is to enhance RP and immersion. Characters feel kinda weird currently as depending on the position they do, they have differing levels of clearance and knowledge. It doesn't make sense that a CL4+ flagging on to a lower position to help with an 008 breach is going to just lose that knowledge. Similarly, it doesn't make sense that the standards should suddenly be loosened based on the specific job. A character who has a cl4 should face the level of scrutiny i.e. tribunal and less leniency whether they are in as an example a Consultant position or a chef
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
There is the argument that this could give positions access to areas that they shouldn’t. And this would require a large rework of guidelines. And to that I say. Yes that is true, unquestionably so. But that gives room to further improve the RP in character and persue in punishments. The positions still have guidelines. And trespassing already isn't based on clearance but whether or not the position has authorization to be in that room or location.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think that based on the positives and negatives this addition and rework adds a solid addition to the scope and immersion of the RP and adds new scenarios and situations that will need to have in character guidelines but ultimately enhance the gameplay.
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