What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: Frank ‘Frank’
Your SteamID: https://steamid.io/lookup/STEAM_0:1:793400418
Ban Reason: Severe Toxicity
Date of ban: 2-08-25
Who banned you: James Scandal
Ban length: 1 week
What will you do to stop this from happening again: Well prior to this incident I was going to buy one of the VIP packs but now I realize I seriously need to shape up if I ever want to enjoy its benefits. I will now continue to seriously RP even during time in which there are no codes called or the server is filling up. I’m truly sorry about what I did I didn’t mean to offend anyone with my actions I thought being among friends was safe but now I properly do understand I am constantly being watched and need to act proper when within the server. I would be very grateful to the staff team within the server if my ban was removed or lowered and I would be more than happy to also follow through with my commitment to buy a vip pack so there’s something within the server to tie me down and make me realize that I need to act right or I’ll lose real money.
Why should you be unbanned: As for some things involving why I should be unbanned. I’m not some loser who trolls on the server I actively participate in things, do special trainings for medical, isd, dea, scu, and always strive to be better at RP. I’m sure a few people on the server would know about me and attest to the fun I bring to the RP while also maintaining the professional required due to my roles special privileges. I previously have only had 2 warnings in my time playing the server which were mic spam and killing a fellow dclass when I first joined the server. Something serious like this won’t happen again I can promise it and even the little things won’t occur now that I know my actions are constantly monitored by the staff team. I will be in full RP mode when I’m on the server and only act like friends through other chats and apps. I seriously believe by me being unbanned and buying a vip pack I will seriously change as to maintain my good standing in the server and also my hard earned pack.
Your in-game name: Frank ‘Frank’
Your SteamID: https://steamid.io/lookup/STEAM_0:1:793400418
Ban Reason: Severe Toxicity
Date of ban: 2-08-25
Who banned you: James Scandal
Ban length: 1 week
What will you do to stop this from happening again: Well prior to this incident I was going to buy one of the VIP packs but now I realize I seriously need to shape up if I ever want to enjoy its benefits. I will now continue to seriously RP even during time in which there are no codes called or the server is filling up. I’m truly sorry about what I did I didn’t mean to offend anyone with my actions I thought being among friends was safe but now I properly do understand I am constantly being watched and need to act proper when within the server. I would be very grateful to the staff team within the server if my ban was removed or lowered and I would be more than happy to also follow through with my commitment to buy a vip pack so there’s something within the server to tie me down and make me realize that I need to act right or I’ll lose real money.
Why should you be unbanned: As for some things involving why I should be unbanned. I’m not some loser who trolls on the server I actively participate in things, do special trainings for medical, isd, dea, scu, and always strive to be better at RP. I’m sure a few people on the server would know about me and attest to the fun I bring to the RP while also maintaining the professional required due to my roles special privileges. I previously have only had 2 warnings in my time playing the server which were mic spam and killing a fellow dclass when I first joined the server. Something serious like this won’t happen again I can promise it and even the little things won’t occur now that I know my actions are constantly monitored by the staff team. I will be in full RP mode when I’m on the server and only act like friends through other chats and apps. I seriously believe by me being unbanned and buying a vip pack I will seriously change as to maintain my good standing in the server and also my hard earned pack.
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