SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Frank ‘Frank’

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Active member
Feb 8, 2025
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Frank ‘Frank’

Your SteamID:

Ban Reason: Severe Toxicity

Date of ban: 2-08-25

Who banned you: James Scandal

Ban length: 1 week

What will you do to stop this from happening again: Well prior to this incident I was going to buy one of the VIP packs but now I realize I seriously need to shape up if I ever want to enjoy its benefits. I will now continue to seriously RP even during time in which there are no codes called or the server is filling up. I’m truly sorry about what I did I didn’t mean to offend anyone with my actions I thought being among friends was safe but now I properly do understand I am constantly being watched and need to act proper when within the server. I would be very grateful to the staff team within the server if my ban was removed or lowered and I would be more than happy to also follow through with my commitment to buy a vip pack so there’s something within the server to tie me down and make me realize that I need to act right or I’ll lose real money.

Why should you be unbanned: As for some things involving why I should be unbanned. I’m not some loser who trolls on the server I actively participate in things, do special trainings for medical, isd, dea, scu, and always strive to be better at RP. I’m sure a few people on the server would know about me and attest to the fun I bring to the RP while also maintaining the professional required due to my roles special privileges. I previously have only had 2 warnings in my time playing the server which were mic spam and killing a fellow dclass when I first joined the server. Something serious like this won’t happen again I can promise it and even the little things won’t occur now that I know my actions are constantly monitored by the staff team. I will be in full RP mode when I’m on the server and only act like friends through other chats and apps. I seriously believe by me being unbanned and buying a vip pack I will seriously change as to maintain my good standing in the server and also my hard earned pack.
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Well-known Member
May 1, 2024
Hey thanks for making the ban appeal,

The reason behind the ban was due to the fact I had gotten a report of people drawing certain imagery inside of D-Block.

Given the fact that we have a no tolerance policy regarding things like racism, I made the decision to ban you for severe toxicity. I understand that you may have not of done this if you were more aware of our policy, however this does come as a general knowledge thing on the internet within majority of communities.

Drawing images relating to or making things that are of the national socialist nature, especially the things I had caught you and a Cadet drawing in D-Block, are explicitly not allowed. Swastikas are included in this more than definitely.

I had even waited a few moments patiently before pulling you to see if you were actually drawing what I believed you were, and when I confirmed it, that is when I pulled you to have a talk and explain why you should not be making such "artwork" as you put it, anywhere on our server and issued the ban.


Active member
Feb 8, 2025
Hey thanks for making the ban appeal,

The reason behind the ban was due to the fact I had gotten a report of people drawing certain imagery inside of D-Block.

Given the fact that we have a no tolerance policy regarding things like racism, I made the decision to ban you for severe toxicity. I understand that you may have not of done this if you were more aware of our policy, however this does come as a general knowledge thing on the internet within majority of communities.

Drawing images relating to or making things that are of the national socialist nature, especially the things I had caught you and a Cadet drawing in D-Block, are explicitly not allowed. Swastikas are included in this more than definitely.

I had even waited a few moments patiently before pulling you to see if you were actually drawing what I believed you were, and when I confirmed it, that is when I pulled you to have a talk and explain why you should not be making such "artwork" as you put it, anywhere on our server and issued the ban.
I know man and I’m sorry but my intention was not to just draw that if you have the clip you can hear the conversation we are having. The entire time in dblock we would look up portaits of people and recreate them simply off of the first image on google. One of them was talking about banksy so I looked up graffiti murals of it and found one that was a triple collage of his murals. One of them on the right side of the image was an old man and to the left a girl on a paint bucket color over the bad symbol. I did this because I do know a lot about the artist and thought it would be cool if I did something art related that was anti-bad symbol since everyone else was just making these bad symbols.


Active member
Feb 8, 2025
Hey thanks for making the ban appeal,

The reason behind the ban was due to the fact I had gotten a report of people drawing certain imagery inside of D-Block.

Given the fact that we have a no tolerance policy regarding things like racism, I made the decision to ban you for severe toxicity. I understand that you may have not of done this if you were more aware of our policy, however this does come as a general knowledge thing on the internet within majority of communities.

Drawing images relating to or making things that are of the national socialist nature, especially the things I had caught you and a Cadet drawing in D-Block, are explicitly not allowed. Swastikas are included in this more than definitely.

I had even waited a few moments patiently before pulling you to see if you were actually drawing what I believed you were, and when I confirmed it, that is when I pulled you to have a talk and explain why you should not be making such "artwork" as you put it, anywhere on our server and issued the ban.
I can also see in your clip that many parts of what I drew are removed never knew it rendered differently for different people….


Active member
Feb 8, 2025
Hey thanks for making the ban appeal,

The reason behind the ban was due to the fact I had gotten a report of people drawing certain imagery inside of D-Block.

Given the fact that we have a no tolerance policy regarding things like racism, I made the decision to ban you for severe toxicity. I understand that you may have not of done this if you were more aware of our policy, however this does come as a general knowledge thing on the internet within majority of communities.

Drawing images relating to or making things that are of the national socialist nature, especially the things I had caught you and a Cadet drawing in D-Block, are explicitly not allowed. Swastikas are included in this more than definitely.

I had even waited a few moments patiently before pulling you to see if you were actually drawing what I believed you were, and when I confirmed it, that is when I pulled you to have a talk and explain why you should not be making such "artwork" as you put it, anywhere on our server and issued the ban.
I understand that it may look bad but I had 0 intent of making that image in that sort of concept. I know it’s not allowed but I never had that intent or thought process in making “that” specifically. That night we made a bunch of art including animals, murals, and portraits. I had been taking requests prior with people asking to draw portraits of famous people or athletes or animals. Later in the night someone spoke about banksy so me knowing quite a bit of his art I decided to create one of his murals that is anti-that symbol. I chose to do this since many others had made those symbols to be edgy and making the banksy one would be anti-symbol. You can hear within your possible clips that we had been speaking about banksy. I started by making his old man from the dog mural feeding the dog and then next to it I began drawing the anti-symbol mural. You pulled me before I could finish the mural which I understand it does look bad but I was still sitting there at the symbol since I was looking at my phone to see what I had to do next. I get I did make the symbol but my intent wasn’t guided by any toxicity or offensiveness. My mind works a little differently so in the moment I was like “just doing a banksy painting” not “oh this looks bad in the state it’s in” I don’t think that way sometimes, I just think of the end product not the current state of it.


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SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Aug 7, 2023
Canada, ey?
Appeal Denied


Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

After reviewing the clip and discussing the situation with the staff member involved, I have decided not only to deny your appeal but also to extend your ban to two weeks. What you wrote on the wall is unacceptable, and based on your conversation with the cadet present at the time, I do not believe your actions were unintentional. The artwork you claim to have been drawing makes zero sense for an SCP-RP server. Additionally, suggesting that purchasing VIP should influence this appeal does not strengthen your case.

You may wait out your ban.

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