What does this suggestion change/add/remove?
This suggestion adds Scranton Reality Anchors to the MC&D job.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, how is your suggestion different?
the rules since the last suggestion have changed and the status of mc&d job as non combative also has changed
Possible Positives of the Suggestion (At least 2):
This suggestion is easy to implement, has minimal downsides, and gives MC&D more meaningful tasks to engage with.
This suggestion adds Scranton Reality Anchors to the MC&D job.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, how is your suggestion different?
the rules since the last suggestion have changed and the status of mc&d job as non combative also has changed
Possible Positives of the Suggestion (At least 2):
- Reduces the number of Hume bubbles on the surface.
- Provides MC&D with more activities on the surface beyond food stack grinding.
- Adds an extra benefit to an $80 job.
- Enhances surface roleplay by minimizing civilian confusion about reality distortions.
- Encourages MC&D to utilize Scranton Reality Anchors.
- MC&D might use it against CI when they deploy their rifts.
This suggestion is easy to implement, has minimal downsides, and gives MC&D more meaningful tasks to engage with.
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