Rule Suggestion Removes MC&D's ability to 'raid' or break in.

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Removes MC&D's ability to 'raid' or break into the site. Realistically this would also apply to the UN and CI bases. Approval from the faction's respective RP leaders can still allow MC&D into the base as deemed fit ICly. This would not restrict MC&D's ability once allowed in the site to steal from, or scam the Foundation.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ More RP conducive behavior on the role
+ Less issues of who shot first during combat
+ Less non-combative salesmen raiding the site by themselves or in groups of 2 to 3
+ Far less instances of MC&D dying during a 'raid' and immediately re-raiding the site

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- MC&D might have to actually RP
- Less reason to play MC&D since selling stuff isn't enough

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
MC&D raids / break ins are ass roleplay and add nothing to the server aside from another faction to raid the Foundation. They aren't combative, so usually they bait people into shooting at them first, kill them, then proceed to kill every Foundation after that in 'self-defense'. It's poor quality RP at best, and fail RP at worst. It adds more issues to the server that need to be clarified or taken to a staff sit, meaning less overall RP for everyone and a waste of staff resources.

Either new rules and clarifications specifically for MC&D should be instated to further allow them to raid appropriately and within reason, or it needs to be clarified that they cannot raid at all(preferable). Theres no place in the lore, on or off server, where MC&D raid the Foundation(or break in) with the aim of stealing SCPs, and if I did miss a story or situation in the lore, they more than likely didn't do it in 1 to 3 man groups.

As I've stated, its poor quality RP and should be reduced or removed substantially. MC&D is a non-combative, support-RP role, not a mainline faction that's responsible for keeping tension with MTFs and Security high.

If you disagree, please give a reason why you disagree instead of just doing -Support. I cannot justify myself, or clarify anything on this suggestion without appropriate feedback.
Jan 21, 2023
Well MC&D Aren't allowed to raid, they can "Break in" and aren't even allowed to shoot unless in self-defense, The thing you suggested is already something that happens with Contracts, I don't really understand the reason to suggest this there is already enough roleplay for MC&D and they bring enough roleplay, if they break in with a gun out they get shot, if they break in get caught they can try to roleplay it out, there is so many ways to get your roleplay as a MC&D with breaking in, and there is also the ones who actually contact GOI's to sell inside of their base,

I don't know what MC&D you seen that just break in and raid because that's just against server rules, if someone is going in to "Bait" kills it can be handled if you have proof.

Let people do what roleplay they want bro... lock in..
Well MC&D Aren't allowed to raid, they can "Break in" and aren't even allowed to shoot unless in self-defense, The thing you suggested is already something that happens with Contracts, I don't really understand the reason to suggest this there is already enough roleplay for MC&D and they bring enough roleplay, if they break in with a gun out they get shot, if they break in get caught they can try to roleplay it out, there is so many ways to get your roleplay as a MC&D with breaking in, and there is also the ones who actually contact GOI's to sell inside of their base,

I don't know what MC&D you seen that just break in and raid because that's just against server rules, if someone is going in to "Bait" kills it can be handled if you have proof.

Let people do what roleplay they want bro... lock in..
MC&D can do nothing wrong rules-wise by breaking into the Foundation and threatening people with a gun, and when they get shot at they can then shoot anyone within Foundation.

Yes, MC&D conduct raids / break ins, and no, nothing is done about them, nor do they 'bring roleplay' in any shape or form. If anything its ruleplay rather than roleplay, leading to more time spent in a staff sit with both parties out of RP scenarios then in them.

There is no RP to be had with a random firefight between an MTF and a non-combative salesman. Its stupid, makes no sense in or out of character, and really shouldn't be a thing.
MC&D can do nothing wrong rules-wise by breaking into the Foundation and threatening people with a gun, and when they get shot at they can then shoot anyone within Foundation.

Yes, MC&D conduct raids / break ins, and no, nothing is done about them, nor do they 'bring roleplay' in any shape or form. If anything its ruleplay rather than roleplay, leading to more time spent in a staff sit with both parties out of RP scenarios then in them.

There is no RP to be had with a random firefight between an MTF and a non-combative salesman. Its stupid, makes no sense in or out of character, and really shouldn't be a thing.
remove parawatch too i guess
Apr 5, 2024
MC&D can do nothing wrong rules-wise by breaking into the Foundation and threatening people with a gun, and when they get shot at they can then shoot anyone within Foundation.

Yes, MC&D conduct raids / break ins, and no, nothing is done about them, nor do they 'bring roleplay' in any shape or form. If anything its ruleplay rather than roleplay, leading to more time spent in a staff sit with both parties out of RP scenarios then in them.

There is no RP to be had with a random firefight between an MTF and a non-combative salesman. Its stupid, makes no sense in or out of character, and really shouldn't be a thing.
These salesman are actively putting themselfs in combat scenarios also spawning with guns and more armor than any foundation job, additionally they also have utilities to combat scps since they have cuffs and beams to combat them. Why not let them infill if they can properly defend themselfs?
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Its more firefight RP instead of actual read the lore and talk about it RP.
Obviously if they go about this in a "Guns blazing" way it's a bad thing,

MC&D, the version we see on the server, and non-combatives, they dont break in to steal shit to sell, they already have shit to sell, why would they want to ruin their ties with the Foundation to steal stuff when they could just, I dunno, not do that?
why else would they raid for SCP’s? To put them on a shelf? And just because they already have shit to sell doesn’t mean they can’t get more.

As for ties with Foundation, well business is business big man.
I’m half joking, but Foundation have raided MC&D warehouses before, it’s not that outlandish for MC&D to do the same.

If you want to raid to steal anomalies, information, and samples, play CI or GOC, theres no reason for yet another job on the server that requires breaking into the Foundation to play.
If you want to practise Thaumatology or Sample SCP’s, play RSD! There’s no reason for yet another job on the server that requires testing on SCP’s. (yes I am referring to GOC)

If anything its ruleplay rather than roleplay, leading to more time spent in a staff sit with both parties out of RP scenarios then in them.
I feel like adding a direct rule preventing them from raiding would be more do Ruleplay.

And to top it all of,
UK barely have this issue.
Double Dog -Support
Dec 25, 2023
The solution is to give them more alternative methods of RP, not giving them infinite raid capabilities like CI or GOC.

I agree, however in my opinion your solution would be a net negative to the RP (and general gameplay) of the MC&D role. You didn't really offer and counter RP bonuses, in which I may have agreed with you overall, you only suggested to remove some of the RP of the role.

I think removing the fact that they can mass raid could be good, but it would need many suggestions to give the MC&D role more RP to counter-act their loss.
Remove the surface entirely. Shift the focus of Site-65 to a pure Foundation vs SCP gamemode. We have the resources, and the appeal of the server is the Foundation and SCPs. Even if the title includes CI, groups like GOC and CI will always be predictable factions that exist solely to be a thorn in the side of the Foundation, nothing more. On top of that, players can be part of multiple factions using different characters on the same account, further undermining their impact.
Remove the surface entirely. Shift the focus of Site-65 to a pure Foundation vs SCP gamemode. We have the resources, and the appeal of the server is the Foundation and SCPs. Even if the title includes CI, groups like GOC and CI will always be predictable factions that exist solely to be a thorn in the side of the Foundation, nothing more. On top of that, players can be part of multiple factions using different characters on the same account, further undermining their impact.
u have bad take
- goc genreal cookie
remove parawatch too i guess
Parawatch actually have to roleplay and arent allowed to raid unlike MC&D. You must use twitter the way you misinterpret what Im saying, "I love waffles" "so you hate pancakes??".
These salesman are actively putting themselfs in combat scenarios also spawning with guns and more armor than any foundation job, additionally they also have utilities to combat scps since they have cuffs and beams to combat them. Why not let them infill if they can properly defend themselfs?
Because they are non combative, shouldnt spawn with extra armor, and get a gun for self defense(yes, executive research is ALSO non combative). Letting MC&D infil the site is stupid, adds nothing in or out of character, and exclusively detracts from RP. MC&D get the containment equipment for surface SCPs, since they spawn on SURFACE.
I agree, however in my opinion your solution would be a net negative to the RP (and general gameplay) of the MC&D role. You didn't really offer and counter RP bonuses, in which I may have agreed with you overall, you only suggested to remove some of the RP of the role.

I think removing the fact that they can mass raid could be good, but it would need many suggestions to give the MC&D role more RP to counter-act their loss.
Combat is not RP and Im tired of pretending it is. MC&D breaking into the site, not saying a word, and gunning people down is not RP nor does it add anything to the server. Like I said, if you want to raid there are not 1 but 2 entire factions dedicated to raiding the Foundation to different capacities.

The only side of MC&D's raids that are fun are on the MC&D side. Couple that with no cooldown means not only does F have to deal with Parawatch, CI, occasionally UN, and Civilians breaking in, but another random dude breaking in that can kill whoever, steal whatever, and can get disguises.
braindead suggestion -support 👍
Try to make an actual argument and maybe people will talk to you more
Remove the surface entirely. Shift the focus of Site-65 to a pure Foundation vs SCP gamemode. We have the resources, and the appeal of the server is the Foundation and SCPs. Even if the title includes CI, groups like GOC and CI will always be predictable factions that exist solely to be a thorn in the side of the Foundation, nothing more. On top of that, players can be part of multiple factions using different characters on the same account, further undermining their impact.
I think surface as is adds little to the overall server, but it adds enough to be explored further. I think overall a lot of combat jobs should be cut back in favor of non-combative roles, like the Foundations engineering department being expanded. Civilians are an interesting concept, but theres nothing to do on surface, with printers being a waste of money, and no other real interaction aside from GOC / CI RP (since F cant leave base due to constant fighting with CI).

I think an overhaul of surface RP would be more suitable then just removing it outright, unlike MC&D's current raid rules.
this guy helped me buy a new ferrari and is the strongest man i know btw so i can definently agree with him here hes such a good guy believe in everything he says
Least obvious forums alt account praise
why else would they raid for SCP’s? To put them on a shelf? And just because they already have shit to sell doesn’t mean they can’t get more.

As for ties with Foundation, well business is business big man.
I’m half joking, but Foundation have raided MC&D warehouses before, it’s not that outlandish for MC&D to do the same.

If you want to practise Thaumatology or Sample SCP’s, play RSD! There’s no reason for yet another job on the server that requires testing on SCP’s. (yes I am referring to GOC)

I feel like adding a direct rule preventing them from raiding would be more do Ruleplay.

And to top it all of,
UK barely have this issue.
Double Dog -Support
Dont understand your first point, I specified they wouldn't because they are NON-COMBATIVE and already sell stuff, and I hate to break it to you but MC&D have an armed security branch that would be the most likely to conduct actual raids on Foundation sites. Ah yes, combat = research RP, clearly we should restrict both since holding mouse 1 at someone is equivalent to making a 6 to 10 page long document with a lot of RP elements and thought put into it with several tests done in-character coming to an in-character solution / conclusion. Wow, adding a rule that disallows MC&D from raiding(very easy to understand) as opposed to MC&D being able to break in, but not raid, as non combatives that can take people hostage, get disguises, steal SCPs, but they cant shoot anyone until theyve been shot at FIRST. UK not 'barely' having the issue does not mean they dont have the issue and it doesnt make the suggestion any less valid.
Parawatch actually have to roleplay and arent allowed to raid unlike MC&D. You must use twitter the way you misinterpret what Im saying, "I love waffles" "so you hate pancakes??".

Least obvious forums alt account praise
gonna be super honest with you, the suggestions you make are alright however this one is fucking garbage.... so this could either be:

1. Ragebait
2. The lowest of the low for today's suggestions, which should concern the Senior Staff and raise questions as to IF the suggestions forum should be closed for a few years to prevent slop like this from being posted.

I have yet to see a single positive word on here for a reply, even the forums dweller @Niox that you can see on every post denies this heavily so please just think that through.
gonna be super honest with you, the suggestions you make are alright however this one is fucking garbage.... so this could either be:

1. Ragebait
2. The lowest of the low for today's suggestions, which should concern the Senior Staff and raise questions as to IF the suggestions forum should be closed for a few years to prevent slop like this from being posted.

I have yet to see a single positive word on here for a reply, even the forums dweller @Niox that you can see on every post denies this heavily so please just think that through.
#1: Only things brought up is the 'loss of RP for MC&D', and I'd like to note that combat does not equal RP. Theres no reason MC&D should be acting as if they were CI. Period. They are a non-combative.
#2: Niox -Supports a LOT of shit
#3: People really do not understand that removing MC&Ds ability to raid / break into the site does NOT mean they cant steal anymore, it just disallows them from breaking into the site, stealing 682 or 106 samples or whatever, then killing themselves or going on a murder spree as if they were D-Class or CI. The way the rules are set up right now allows them to do so, since as soon as 1 bullet is fired even at them they can immediately kill anyone in the site at any point in time for the rest of that life. Same with CI on surface when they get shot at by F. They can kill whoever pretty much and get away with it.
Third -Support on this suggestion, can you provide substance or get a new obsession please
I have yet to see a single positive word on here for a reply, even the forums dweller @Niox that you can see on every post denies this heavily so please just think that through.
#2: Niox -Supports a LOT of shit
why am i being used as a point for an argument LOL


Game Master
Game Master
May 13, 2024
#1: Only things brought up is the 'loss of RP for MC&D', and I'd like to note that combat does not equal RP. Theres no reason MC&D should be acting as if they were CI. Period. They are a non-combative.
I said this once and you entirely ignored me so I'll inform you again, MC&D in their lore, and OUR servers lore are greedy, they want anomalies and only show neutral ground once they realize the anomaly is too dangerous to keep without dying before a buyer would receive it, most MC&D do just that, I once caught an MCND grav gunning SCP-079 to take him to surface, removing their ability to raid is removing a core feature in their character, genuinely do not understand why you're refusing to believe removing invasions entirely revoke RP with it, MC&D's want to steal anomalies for the pure purpose of getting money by selling them to the highest bidder, no questions asked

Overall I can see where your coming from, but it takes 3 seconds to read through the lore of MC&D and see the reasons for raiding
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