Character Bio(s) (Helios-C & Bygone-B)

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Well-known Member
Jul 12, 2024
Item Number : 035-B ‘Helios Dawkins’
Object Class : Euclid

Special Containment Procedures :
Unless requested by Site Command; 035-B ideally should always have a host as per to fulfill an order from the Ethics Committee. Hosts for SCP 035-B should always be a D Class personnel and selection of a host that is not should get approval from the Ethics Committee. A replacement of host for SCP 035-B should happen every 2 years or when the host’s body has suffered too great damage to continue being usable.

Should the host ‘die’ SCP 035-B-1 is to be given a dosage of Class A in order to save the anomalies' mental health as per order from Site Command.

SCP 035-B-1 should overall be treated as a normal foundation personnel and their clearance to be respected as others. Referring to SCP 035-B-1 as a SCP, Object, Item, Anomaly, or other similar dehumanizing terms is forbidden by the Ethics Committee and failure to uphold this simple task can lead to the persons being reprimanded.

If required and ordered by Site Command 035-B should be placed into a 1 meter cubed box that should block line of sight completely with a lock gated to level 3 personnel.

Item Description :
035-B is a porcelain white mask with 3 holes; 2 large holes for eyes and 1 small hole for a mouth. The holes themselves appear to be more indents than actual holes and have merely been painted black. When left in a box by itself it appears to hold no
anomalous traits. When someone views the item the person will suddenly get an urge to put on the mask. Once equipped the person will become possessed by 035-B and become a 035-B-1 instance

From what we have gathered it appears that 035-B used to be an employee of the Foundation named ‘Helios Dawkins’. 035-B shares the same memories, personality, and tendencies as that of the late Helios Dawkins. The item even prefers to be referred to as ‘Helios Dawkins’.

It is still unknown as to why ‘Helios Dawkins’ became 035-B as even the item does not know.

>Pride's Six Armies
Passcode detected… … …
Welcome O5-6,
The American.
Opening Message Draft…
From: O5-6
To: O5-4,O5-3,O5-2,and O5-1

Title: “Faces Of Revenants”

Greetings to those who sit upon Site 65, I shall spare you all the pleasantries and get down to what I request of your 4 but first I will have to fill you in onto the project. The project was named ‘Revenants’ and its goal was to see if we could extend the lifetime of our soldiers while keeping them loyal to us. As you might guess, a great many sacrifices all of which were of course required. I sought to recreate the process of that which created the anomaly known as SCP-035 and fruits were beared.

I had called the new anomaly “SCP-035-B”. A white mask that had the power to possess any living or dead humanoid and what was better that it was under our full control compared to that jackass known as SCP-035. Keyword is ‘was’; While I had control over the anomaly for some time this appeared to be only due to his past life’s state as one of my A-1 and it would appear at some point during my routine testing something broke in his psyche without me noticing. This allowed the anomaly to contact some GOI and organize his escape from my clutches.

While yes this is bad you can probably guess this wasn't the reason why I messaged you a lot. I mean if I had to message you all every time my attempts to better humanity caused someone to go crazy your inbox would be flooded by the end of the month- but yes while bad this isn't nothing new to us O5; The issue is that my doings have drawn the ire of the Ethics Committee. O1 has been breathing down my neck as of late making my other projects a lot harder to compete with satisfaction. Thankfully I do not believe they have uncovered what happened to SCP-035-B soo I have been able to replace the anomaly for what I am calling SCP-035-C to cover for -B disappearance. Annoyingly and something I probably should’ve predicted, the so-called “Ethics Committee” insisted on allowing the anomaly to keep working for the foundation on the absurd claim that he was still human and still was a foundation member. This is why I am messaging you; Take SCP-035-C for I know that the Ethics Committee is less than stellar over there. Take him as one of your assistants for all I care- just take him and at least try to keep an eye on him. Now I know nothing comes for free and I will exchange for your handling of -C with some information I have gained during my experiments during ‘Revenants’ so that you may continue my work as I handle some most deserving assassinations upon some select Ethics members…

Peace through power.
End of message

Unknown Source Detected.
Erasing All Information Stored
>Why should we fear?
////Welcome BCOM,
>Open Personnel Log “DP”
Very well then I shall write this down. The little bride asks and thy shall receive.
My name is ‘Bygone’,
Formerly known as SCP-035-B , Brigade Commander of the troops within Cell 56, and Senior Director of RAM. What I was before the anomalous became me does not matter and was forgotten to all. I was created by the O5 in order to save on costs of replacing troops such as the greed of the O5. Upon my creation they focused me to live a double life: One of complete servitude to his whims and the other pain and uncaring torture of what they called tests. They achieved this by dosing me with Class A after every single bone breaking test they forced upon me so that I would return to my naive self. This cycle I had thought endless till I received the formula to Class X. Who allowed me to gain this information is still mostly unknown to me and I highly suspect it to be one of my fellow CI. Why I got it does not matter all too much and what mattered is what happened after I gave myself a dosage of the chemical. All of the deaths that I had suffered- the agony- the brutality of it all. It nearly made me mad but once I got to my senses I swore to turn my back to my creators and burn off what they had built. I had connected a source within a nearby cell which helped me escape that blasted site. After which is mostly left for history. I slowly climbed the ranks till where I am now. I hope this was enough commander-

////////End of Log////////

OKAY time for more OOC stuff now! and mainly why this is a completely fine within the SCP universe

First things first: This is two characters if you could not guess.
'Bygone' SCP 035-B (CI)
and Helios Dawkins SCP 035-C (Foundation)
The first part is mostly what everyone knows (CL 3~4+)
The second part is what the O5 knows about Helios (CL 5+)
And the last part is what CI knows of Bygone and no Bygone does not know of Helios and vice versa.

Now I would imagine you would have a few small issues with this and hopefully I can take care of them
"The Foundation would never take a Anomaly as a worker!"
Dr Bright has basically the same gimmick as the pair of masks while also being completely fine!
"This anomaly doesn't make sense for 035's lore!!!"
To be fair there is nothing in his documentation about his creation or if it can be recreated. Though if anyone could have the resources or time to figure it out it would be the O5.
"The O5 can't make anomalies!"
While I do not know about our O5 but in the SCP universe have created a number of anomalies (Most of them ending terribly-) with first two coming to mind being The Children from SCP 001 and in Dr Bright's very file(doesn't go very much into detail about that one sadly)
"The current O5 does not want this lore."
This is the hardest to combat and I cant say for complete sure that they would accept this. I have talked with a few of them and they seemed to not completely hate it. Though the lore addictions if they accept 'Bygone' will be mostly minor if they do not play to hard into it. (It being mostly just a reason for Bygone to hate the O5 as CI(big shocker) fore it wasn't any of the current O5 who made him nor do they really know him.) As for Helios? The whole lore for Helios I have created to mostly explain why he's a OSA (assuming that I get accepted for that) should mean the lore for him should be fine.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Jan 16, 2024

Lore Approved

Hello @SomeCustodian ,

Your Lore Request has been approved

Any changes to your Character Bio will have to go through the process of being accepted again.

Kind regards, Bananolas​
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