Rule Suggestion Removes MC&D's ability to 'raid' or break in.

Rule suggestions will be reviewed by Superadmins, this may take longer than standard content suggestions.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Removes MC&D's ability to 'raid' or break into the site. Realistically this would also apply to the UN and CI bases. Approval from the faction's respective RP leaders can still allow MC&D into the base as deemed fit ICly. This would not restrict MC&D's ability once allowed in the site to steal from, or scam the Foundation.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ More RP conducive behavior on the role
+ Less issues of who shot first during combat
+ Less non-combative salesmen raiding the site by themselves or in groups of 2 to 3
+ Far less instances of MC&D dying during a 'raid' and immediately re-raiding the site

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- MC&D might have to actually RP
- Less reason to play MC&D since selling stuff isn't enough

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
MC&D raids / break ins are ass roleplay and add nothing to the server aside from another faction to raid the Foundation. They aren't combative, so usually they bait people into shooting at them first, kill them, then proceed to kill every Foundation after that in 'self-defense'. It's poor quality RP at best, and fail RP at worst. It adds more issues to the server that need to be clarified or taken to a staff sit, meaning less overall RP for everyone and a waste of staff resources.

Either new rules and clarifications specifically for MC&D should be instated to further allow them to raid appropriately and within reason, or it needs to be clarified that they cannot raid at all(preferable). Theres no place in the lore, on or off server, where MC&D raid the Foundation(or break in) with the aim of stealing SCPs, and if I did miss a story or situation in the lore, they more than likely didn't do it in 1 to 3 man groups.

As I've stated, its poor quality RP and should be reduced or removed substantially. MC&D is a non-combative, support-RP role, not a mainline faction that's responsible for keeping tension with MTFs and Security high.

If you disagree, please give a reason why you disagree instead of just doing -Support. I cannot justify myself, or clarify anything on this suggestion without appropriate feedback.
Least obvious forums alt account
I said this once and you entirely ignored me so I'll inform you again, MC&D in their lore, and OUR servers lore are greedy, they want anomalies and only show neutral ground once they realize the anomaly is too dangerous to keep without dying before a buyer would receive it, most MC&D do just that, I once caught an MCND grav gunning SCP-079 to take him to surface, removing their ability to raid is removing a core feature in their character, genuinely do not understand why you're refusing to believe removing invasions entirely revoke RP with it, MC&D's want to steal anomalies for the pure purpose of getting money by selling them to the highest bidder, no questions asked

Overall I can see where your coming from, but it takes 3 seconds to read through the lore of MC&D and see the reasons for raiding
There is exactly 1 story referencing MC&D raiding a train for SCP objects. Lore wise, they are scummy salesmen that buy from certain anomalous orgs. and then resell it at a massive mark up. They are a powerhouse, sure, but if they raid the Foundation, ruin ties, etc. then they loose a massive customer from the anomalous world. Furthermore, Ive said this before, the version of MC&D we see(unarmored, lightly armed salesman) is NOT a combative force of MC&D nor should they be treated as such.

If you can find and link me a story that specifically goes over a section of unarmored MC&D salesmen raiding an actual SCP site I'd love to read it.
almost the same way that GOC would ruin ties with Foundation if they continually made dumb decisions, why would they want to do that!
Almost like GOC are built from the ground up to support combative action with raids and assessment raids, unlike MC&D. I literally had to deal with MC&D raiding today, since anyone in the Foundation having a gun out and pointed at them is a hostile action, they can just shoot people when they break into the site.

Kind of ass to allow MC&D to raid but not gun dealers. I mean lets be honest, gun deals can also be greedy right? And they sell guns too!! Just like MC&D, so we should definitely allow them to raid the same as MC&D!!
Apr 5, 2024
Almost like GOC are built from the ground up to support combative action with raids and assessment raids, unlike MC&D. I literally had to deal with MC&D raiding today, since anyone in the Foundation having a gun out and pointed at them is a hostile action, they can just shoot people when they break into the site.

Kind of ass to allow MC&D to raid but not gun dealers. I mean lets be honest, gun deals can also be greedy right? And they sell guns too!! Just like MC&D, so we should definitely allow them to raid the same as MC&D!!
There is a big difference between gun deals vs mcnds. Would you tresspass into a military base to sell weapons? No. If you want to sell guns as an mcnd usually you would ask for a permit.

Johnathan Doe

Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Jan 31, 2023
Suggestion Denied

Thank you for taking the time to provide a suggestion that you believe could be beneficial for the server. After reviewing this suggestion with the SSL Team we have decided against implementation of your suggestion. Several reasons can be made that counter the argument for need of this and one of those is already being a rule for the server.
3.05(b) Surface Jobs While Trespassing - Parawatch, Rangers, Civilians and MC&D are not permitted to 'raid', or enter the Foundation to cause destruction and kill Foundation staff.

In order to justify these individuals entering the Foundation, they must have articulable knowledge of the site and a realistic reason to want to enter. None of these jobs are permitted to assist other groups with raids or enter the Foundation to kill.

• Surface trespassers after death have an NLR period in the entire Facility of 15 minutes.

We believe the current rules surrounding MC&D is reasonable and suitable at this current time

~ Johnathan Doe
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